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I am here for Friends

About Me

Jennayyyys Awesome Layouts

I'm clare. I live in Selsey, which is in West Sussex. 'describing it' as gilbert would say 'its like dancing to no music'. The best thing about it is the beach. Im a fully qualified florist, although im having doubts about whether thats what i want to do for the rest of my life. I have just started a 1 year course in Media at chichester college, so who knows where im going to end up.

My Interests

I like:
music. the beach. eyeliner. hair straightners. gigs. parties. phone calls. laughing so much it hurts. my friends. coffee. dancing to the undertones like a crazed idiot. tea. peonies. the moomins. taking pictures. winter. peanut butter. luck. jeans. belts. beads and bangles. cats. sleeping. my room. the colour green. the smell after it rains. stars. posters. flyers. my i pod. female vocalists. russel brand. when old people smile back. NME. cd's. fanta. VW beetles.

I dislike:
bitches. frogs. dead things in the road. being poked. mushrooms. slugs and snails. footballers wives. pain. falling over. the black eyed peas. being un-organized. shoes that hurt your feet, but look good. being stressed. lack of sleep. feeling lost. being single. people that judge. alarms. cotton wool. sundays. hangovers. boredem. headaches. rain.

I'd like to meet:

Johnny depp. Beth Ditto. Tim Burton. Morrissey. Russell brand. Debbie harry. Noel Fielding. Jemina pearl. Bob geldof (I saw him once at chelsea flower show)...but anyone really...


A-Z of my music:
The academy is. adam and the ants. alkaline trio. antony and the johnsons. the arcade fire. arctic monkeys. ash. the automatic. babyshambles. the beatles. be your own PET. beck. blink 182. blondie. bloc party. blur. boy kill boy. the boy least likely to. brakes. bullet for my valentine. cansei de ser sexy. captain. the carpenters. chauffer driven aviator. clap your hands say yeah. the clash. clor. coheed and cambria. the cribs. crimson rise. crowded house. cut copy. the datsuns. damien rice. dan sartain. david bowie. death cab for cutie. dirty pretty things. duran duran. editors. elbow. elton john. the enemy. the eurythmics. fall out boy. feeder. foo fighters. forward russia. franz ferdinand. the fratellis. the futureheads. get cape, wear cape, fly. the go! team. the gossip. graham coxon. greenday. guillemots. hadouken!. he is legend. hope of the states. the horrors. hot chip. hot club de paris. howling bells. ian brown. idlewild. incubus. jack johnson. the jam. jimmy eat world. johnny cash. kaiser cheifs. kasabian. the killers. kings of leon. klaxons. the knife. the kooks. ladyfuzz. larrikin love. LCD soundsystem. the libertines. the like. little man tate. the long blondes. lost prophets. lupen crook. maximo park. metric. micheal jackson. morcheeba. morrissey. muse. my chemical romance. mystery jets. new order. nirvana. no doubt. OK go. the others. the paddingtons. panic! at the disco. pete doherty. peter gabriel. the pipettes. placebo. primal scream. prodigy. pulp. queens of the stone age. ray charles. R.E.M. the raconteurs. radiohead. the rakes. the ramones. razorlight. the rifles. robots in disgiuse. rolling stones. sallyforth. seal. the sex pistols. scary kids scaring kids. the smiths. soft cell. the spinto band. the stone roses. the strokes. system of a down. the subways. test icicles. the undertones. the verve. we are scientists. the white stripes. willy mason. wolfmother. yeah yeah yeahs. the young knives.


Any disney. whats eating gilbert grape. the nightmare before christmas. quadrophenia. almost famous. napoleon dynamite. the corpse bride. a series of unfortunate events. edward scissorhands. ever after. heavenly creatures. romeo & juliet. million dollar baby. shaun of the dead. the labrynth. the shawshank redemption. beaches. chocolat. sin city. jack and sarah. ice age. misery. the color purple. watership down. cruel intentions. sliding doors. the green mile. pirates of the carribean. delores claibourne. the butterfly effect. shindlers list. donnie darko. american beauty. dirty dancing. for the boys. greece. drop dead fred. sleepy hollow. the talented mr ripley. the first wives club. notting hill. about a boy. coyote ugly. zero day. crash. escape from alcatraz. the truth about cats and dogs. the goonies. the notebook. anchor man. frequency. walk the line.


shameless. russel brand. skins. never mind the buzzcocks. sugar rush. later with jools holland. max & paddys. hollyoaks. the office. the young ones. red dwarf. two pints of lager and a packet of crisps. gimme gimme gimme. absoloutely fabulous.


p.s i love you by cecilia ahern. the da vinci code by dan brown. the color purple by alice walker. chocolat by joanne harris. 'does my bum look big in this' the diary of an insecure woman by arabella weir. The malancholy death of oyster boy & other stories by Tim Burton.

My Blog

2 in 1.

Righty-ho. Hello. I havnt posted a blog in a long while, and considereing its been ages the most exiting things that have happened have all happened within the last week. Which sucks kinda, but s...
Posted by [x]~clare~[x] on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 11:02:00 PST

NME Tour Portsmouth Pyramids.....

Last night was the NME new music tour at the portsmouth pyramids. Naturally we arrived a little behind schedule, but we still stood in the cold for a good 10 miniutes!! The first band to play were The...
Posted by [x]~clare~[x] on Mon, 15 May 2006 12:58:00 PST