squeak (mandalyn) profile picture

squeak (mandalyn)

the mission's in jeopardy. destroy the planet!

About Me

you may stalk me on livejournal: my username is squeak. i promise it is not particularly exciting.
am on tribe and friendster and, uh, orkut too. i have an inordinate amount of free time, it would seem.
donna and jher have naked pictures of me.
small dogs fear me. big dogs love me. children are either very wary of me or think of me as their personal jungle gym.
i am not a 'cat person', but i like cool cats.
i can touch my tongue to my nose.
certain tom waits songs make me cry. not much else makes me cry.
i am a fiend for good coffees, beers, wines and meats. i can probably eat more sushi than you can.
i think porn is funny.
i was living in the high nevada desert to work for the dpw, a burning man organization. then i was in damp nola with cr. then i was living in incheon, south korea. now am back in my chosen hometown, austin, tx.
i do silly things to my hair.
i can name the states in alphabetical order.
i may be imaginary.
i was once hijacked by khazakstahnis, held hostage for nearly 48 hours and released in exchange for 2 large pizzas and a copy of sims 2. really.

My Interests

6th street, alamo drafthouse, austin, beamish, beerland, burning man, club deville, coffee, dave attell, emo's, faire, faires, guinness, insomniac, ireland, jack van impe, jon stewart, fat tire with a slice of lemon, keeping austin weird, lovejoy's, dave foley, kith, opal divine's freehouse, raul's, rexella, sushi, swing dancing, sxsw, texas, the daily show, the ginger man, threadgills, thundercloud, travel, trudy's, tasty wines, beer, pork rinds and why people eat them, getting rich quick, renaissance faires, live music, porcupines, monkeys, funny hair, earaches, xtine's lovelife, bad_advice_lady, stalking, earlobes, other people's shoes, mad cows to name a few.

I'd like to meet:

someone who does not give me a rash, cost me money to spend time with, or have more warrents than i do. a sense of humor, sense of adventure, sense of taste (even if it is all in your mouth) and a passport are all excellent qualities too.


mogwai, tom waits, pink floyd, a silver mt zion, rasputina, x, pell mell, bob wills, johnny cash, patsy cline, babes in toyland, nirvana, l7, hole, old cure, sonny & cher, los lobos, los cadillacs fabulosos, cafe quijano, brian eno, laurie anderson, peter paul & mary, the george w bush singers, labradford, explosions in the sky, sleater-kinney


sean of the dead, kill bill part 1, y tu mama tambien, the professional, city of lost children, amores perros, office space, star trek: wrath of khan, donnie darko, fargo, hairspray, deliverance, evil dead series, chungking express, god of gamblers, indiana jones, one hour photo, any hershal gordon lewis


if i could watch all 12 hours of law & order that is on each and every day, i would. also hooked on oz and the sopranos, thank god for netflix...
the daily show is the best reason to have cable, however, and jon stewart loves me, oh yes he does, and someday he will leave his beautiful wife and child and come to me, begging to be mine. oh yes...


urban tribes, confederacy of dunces, geek love, snow crash, cryptonomicon, what james joyce i was able to get thru without throwing the book onto a busy highway, anything by david sedaris, heartbreaking work of staggering genius, numerous other books that i love but can't seem to call up at the moment, etc.


my granny, john belushi, hunter s thompson, eleanor roosevelt, molly ivins, mae west, shemp howard, james earl carter, jr., the collective members of pink floyd, muhammad ali, richard pryor, john waters, winston churchill, golda meir, lucille ball, carol burnett, emmeline pankhurst, jon stewart, patsy cline

My Blog

struck by white lightening

or actually, a big white mercedes.some woman on a cellphone slammed into me yesterday on guadalupe. she couldn't hang up long enough to sign the ems refusal form or talk to the cop. neat.i didn't see ...
Posted by squeak (mandalyn) on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 12:01:00 PST

birthday bashing

so as you may or may not know, am going to be in vegas december 8 - 11, and you should go too, to celebrate my birthday, and do things you won't have to talk about ever again after you leave vegas... ...
Posted by squeak (mandalyn) on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 03:21:00 PST

so here's the deal...

i've lost two of you in the last 3 weeks.  both were totally unexpected.  both are breaking my heart.  both of you have left me holding pieces of you i don't quite know what to do with....
Posted by squeak (mandalyn) on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:20:00 PST

why you might fall off my friends list...

it's not personal, so don't freak out, but jeez, enough with the 8 memes a day... you are turning the bulletin board into a vehicle for what amounts to spam.  why not put these in your blog inste...
Posted by squeak (mandalyn) on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 10:00:00 PST

er, hi, am home

someone pointed out my last blog post was right before i left for korea.  so here's an update: i am back in austin.  for more of the details in between, you should probably be reading my lj....
Posted by squeak (mandalyn) on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 11:47:00 PST

korea bound....

this is mostly for the couple of you that i don't have email addresses for... i took a job in inch'on, korea, teaching english. i leave mid-december. i will (hopefully) still have email access (i...
Posted by squeak (mandalyn) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

copious spare time...

lord knows i have it.  however, i think it is quite likely that i won't use this as much as i do my lj account... am still not completely sure what all this place is all about.   anyway...
Posted by squeak (mandalyn) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST