5ouL profile picture


~JuNglisT 5ouL Jah~

About Me

"S'up folkz!"people know me as 5ouL. I'm an old skool groover junglist! originally a cali kid from O.C. here in vegas for a minute now! representn the knowledge of where the hypest events go down. Vegas gets rep' first, thats where i resisded now kiddiez!I represent Las vegas's largest afterhours on the strip, as well as parties anywhere!!! if you got a party com'n up just send me a flier to my comments... if it's hot it'll will get put on my background... i'm pretty well netwerk'd....but other than that i'm a lyricist and a groover...you might have seen me getting down at a party or a club.... if not ....keep ya eyes peeled...

My Interests

experiencing life as a...

I'd like to meet:

party kidz and people open minded to have a goodtyme. anytime.if you wanna hit me up on aim... souLovesu... i normally keep it on otherwise....i'll see you on the flip/side!!!




hybrid j

The Kick off is..

FRIDAY AUG 3RD.. and every friday there after...
@ Ice House Ultra Lounge..
650 s. main st.
Las Vegas, NV

New Sound going in.. New Lights..

Upstairs/ Patio...

Wally/ Pish Posh(NYC) - Class of 98|| Tribe UK|| OG|| Pound recs|| Direct Drive
Prime Mover(VA/LV) - DMC|| Tribe UK|| Ghetto Life|| Pound || Konkrete Jungle
Feight(DC) - Headhunters inc./Detn8or
Two Fish(LV) - Shipwrecked/ Konkrete Jungle
Myth(LV) - HyperAudio
The Specialist(SEA) - Tactical Sound/Detn8or


Supastar DJ Keoki - NYC LEGEND|| Friday resident
more TBA..Jungle... drum N bass... trip hop.... hip-hop .... breaks.... house....... trance.... + a mic = my addiction ...but wait! .....gotta getting my groove on... keppin it crazy groover breaky capoera tut poplockin gyration of ramdom methodz


yeah i know this ain't no movie foo, i'm on sum real shit right here.....i'm a taurus...yeah i know.. i'm a stable sign....in other werdz ...i'm the definition of the chaos theory....i keep it calmy out of control...in other werds if you want to have the time of your life and live....come and kick it....come one come all


why sit and watch tv....when you can dance and listen to music!!!!!!!!!!!


stephen king and dean koontz....my manz an them, and anyting within the confines of science and politics...i'm feelin' it!


the biggest hero of my life is my dad ...look at view pics to see my daddy...now in heaven ....dad may you rest in peace!love your sonJAN 11,2006 til' infinity

My Blog

just get over it...love free again

we as humans, have many things to accomplish in life....whether it be social, economical, material or just plain survival...they all come down to one element....it's time for all your heads to get big...
Posted by 5ouL on Tue, 23 May 2006 08:52:00 PST

"FileS of MaDizM"

S Strange O Organic U Useful L Luxurious Name'>http://www.go-quiz.com/acronym/acronym.php">Name / Username:Name'>http://www.go-quiz.com/acronym/acronym.php">Name Acronym GeneratorFrom Go-Quiz.co...
Posted by 5ouL on Wed, 11 Jan 2006 06:47:00 PST