miz astrid profile picture

miz astrid

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator
The basics:
I love house music - fell in love in '92, started DJing in '98, and hope to someday be able to recreate the beautiful music I hear in my head for other peoples listening pleasure. I used to dispatch aircraft for a living - now I'm back in school with plans of acquiring a masters in nursing. I have a marvelously happy marriage [read: NOT interested in romantic or sexual relationships with anyone other than my husband, so don't waste my time if that's what you're looking for.] I am an atheist, and am committed to using the faculties of my mind to understand the world around me.
The longer version:
Well, perhaps I should get the things that turn some people off out of the way first. These include being judgemental at times, pretty much complete obliviousness to all subtlety, disregard for peoples feelings concerning truth, some difficulty in understanding perspectives other than my own, and occasionally a very self-righteous attitude. I am also a complete and utter klutz, and while I am easily amused and enjoy laughing at myself I am quite devoid of wit.
For the most part though I would have to say that I rock. I pursue happiness, attempt to expand my horizons, and do what I can to mitigate my shortcomings. I try and accept people for who they are, and am fiercely loyal to those I care about. Staying excited about life, living in the now without completely neglecting plans for the future, appreciating the beauty in this world while recognizing its horrors--these are things I strive for.

My Interests

House music - DJing - dancing - dreaming - loving - learning - laughing - living - caring - reading - thinking - discussing - programming - furbabies - politics - capitalism - philosophy - nursing - body modification - mind expansion - flying - aviation - travel - adventure - atmospheric science - photography

I'd like to meet:

You'll score a significant amount of bonus points if you are an atheist or a househead. I appreciate people who enjoy discussion of ideas and I hold honesty, personal responsibility, and passion in high regard. Rationality, confidence, assertiveness, creativity, active mindedness, and individuality are all fabulous qualities I aspire to, as should you! I definitely have a soft spot for goofy, wacky, geeky, freaky, or otherwise outrageous folks that aren't afraid to be themselves.

super awesome humans







she drinks from gravity's rainbow




icarus landing


rebuilding commencing







dj ness


brandon k

duh freak




scott everett



jeanius at large



joey m.


mother earth sound system

robert graff

harold heath




see the rest


HOUSE [deep / tech / tribal/ funky / vocal] - 2-step [the good kind] - Pink Floyd - reggae - atmospheric DnB - trip-hop - ambient / experimental / glitchy stuff - *some* progressive / breaks / techno / jungle / epic/psytrance - too much other random stuff to list


The Princess Bride - Lord of the Rings trilogy - Twin Warriors - Jacob's Ladder - Heathers - Pump Up The Volume - Office Space - Caddyshack - Happy Gilmore - Friday - Drop Dead Gorgeous - Me Myself and Irene - Human Traffic - Memento - The Shawshank Redemption - The Matrix - Sin City - Princess Mononoke - Spirited Away - The Incredibles - Serenity


The Daily Show - The Colbert Report - Star Trek TNG - Firefly - The Office - My Name is Earl - Reno 911 - Moral Orel - Ren and Stimpy - Simpsons - South Park - ATHF - Grim Adventures - Family Guy - Dexter's Lab - Samurai Jack - Foster's Home - Home Movies - Sealab - Frisky Dingo - King of the Hill - Aeon Flux - Daria - Drawn Together - Squidbillies - Stroker and Hoop - [yes I'm a cartoon junkie] - Whose Line - 3rd Rock - Seinfeld - Scrubs - Extreme Homes - Junkyard Wars - What Not to Wear


Atlas Shrugged / We the Living / The Fountainhead / Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal / The Virtue of Selfishness [Rand] - Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty [Bovard] - Illuminatus! Trilogy [Wilson / Shea] - Brave New World [Huxley] - 1984 [Orwell] - Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass [Carroll] - Atheism: The Case Against God [Smith] - Jitterbug Perfume / Skinny Legs and All [Robbins] - Lord of the Rings [Tolkien] - The Moon is a Harsh Mistress / Stranger in a Strange Land [Heinlein] - A Deepness in the Sky [Vinge] - Aristoi [Williams] - On My Way To Paradise [Wolverton] - Ender's Game [Card] - Farewell Horizontal [Jeter]


my husband - my parents - my grandparents - Ayn Rand - Orville and Wilbur Wright - the many true scientists of this world pursuing truth and expanding our knowledge - those fighting for capitalism and individual rights