music, music, sleeping, snowboarding, dreaming, gaming(consoles, PC, card, board), reading, reading, being a dj, finding new music, halo 2(but not 3, no 360 for me). MAH WII!
I want people to go KITEBOARDING with!I want a girl who can be honest with herself and others about what she wants. I want a girl who can actually SPEAK THE WORDS AND SAY WHAT SHE WANTS.
if that girl happens to want me to get the hell away from her, that's cool, as long as she SPEAKS UP. This is really important beacuse i have such a hard time listening sometimes.Please message me if you are honest. I would like to meet you.
camwhores please stay away
DJ's: Jonathan Lisle, John Digweed, Nick Warren, Luke chable, Mark Musslelman, Jacob Todd, Naveen G.Artists: momu, young american primitive, james holden, hybrid, Lorin Bassnectar, Tipper, Bil Bless(SOTEG) may notice the breakbeat trend.moby, james zabelia, looq records, 3beatBreaks, dj kalel, max polishuk, dj harley, helix squared, evan steele, vincent bierbach, charlie koval, megan koval, Fonzie, Dr. U, Dave Seied. Toooooo many other locals to name.
every bond flick no matter what, japanese anime= --Akira, --ninja scroll, --Macross Plus, --Macross Zero[have you seen this? It's obscene how pretty it is.], Magical Shopping Arcade Aenobashi[a mouthful, but you have to see it.], --Both of the Ghost In The Shell Movies[Innocence was top notch] --FLCL[You must see this at all costs if you hope to stop the robots from coming out of your brain.] movies i've really enjoyed: indiana jones', star wars' , rather recently, donnie darko, Final Cut[with robin williams, it's awesome], Cypher[canadian indie film with lucy liu], The Ninth Configuration [awesome old school thing i saw on tv one sunday. mental hospital for section 8(crazy) soldiers in a castle, awesome. I said "awesome" twice there beacuse it is 2x and more so.]I haven't seen anything I wanted to add to this list in awhile.
CSI. The original. NCIS.
Anything by William Gibson or Neal Stephenson.If you haven't read "neuromancer" by william gibson, I highly suggest turning off the internet until you do.Beacuse you haven't earned it.I will give any book a chance if a friend recommends it. Books Movies/TV, as what you'll create in your mind is so much better than what you could possibly see. (Most likely the upcoming "Diamond Age" movie that clooney's working on will be an excellent example of utter magic failing to properly transfer from one format to another)
Chuck Yeager. Lowtax. Pele. Moby.