asyd profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I hate impersonal, one liner comments, like: "thats a hot pic" or "super cute". so dont be a blockhead and leave them. I believe in a higher power, although i do not believe in organized religion. spirituality is indevidual, religion is the opiate of the masses.I think its ignorent to suggest that we are all alone in the universe. If it is possible for us to exist in our tiny little solar system, it seems totally unrealistic that in the vastness of space we are the only intelligent life forms to be had. Especially judging by the "intelligence" of our species. I beleive very strongly in environmentalism. It seems to be the only thing that is truely worth caring about anymore. It pains me to see how little anyone notices what we are doing to our OWN planet, after all WE are the ones who have to inhabit this little spinning ball of dirt, so you would think it might hit home to some folks. But society has become so opinionless, brain washed, and ignorant that the only things that seems to matter anymore is McDonalds, money, pop culture and its anorexic beauty ideals which are fed to us by the media. Just take a look at Rush Limbaugh- That arrogant dirt bag is all the proof you need. Any shmuck who has the audacity call the people trying to preserve our enviroment (aka, everything in the world we need in order to servive, yet take for granted)money mooching environmentalist wackos, as he sits on his million dollar golf coarse in the back yard of his mansion, is just asking for a kick in the ass!I also Beleive that George Bush is the antichrist and should have been assassinated years ago.

You are Magic Mushrooms!

You don't mind taking a little mind trip - even if it leaves you with a ripped up stomach.
You're keen on sitting back and checking out the visuals. Or talking with your cat.
And you're up for the orgasmic powers of shrooms, as soon as your lover stops looking like an alien.

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

Life in itself. It is such a beautiful gift that so few seem to appreciate and so many take for granted. There are so many possibilitys intertwined within that one little word, it boggles my mind. Vienly i would love to know everything there is to know about it- as one great chick once stated, with whom i agree. And i suppose in addition i will state my infatuation of randome utenstils, dishware, apliences, and furniture-such as: bowls, spoons, old toasters, nifty round,vintage chairs, and curly couches. I also enjoy many things of the Bohemian nature, yoga, dancing, music, laughing, loving , and Eating- in no particular order.

I'd like to meet:

well no one really- but im open to new findings. . . . . Like this Stud muffin! .And anyone who has a cat that can do this...

Myspace Codes:

Love Life by Asphyxiate
First name
Favorite fruit
Number of computers in your house
Number of lovers you will have in your entire life 39
Number of "true loves" 3
Your future You will turn homosexual

Quiz created with MemeGen ! and this guy too. ;-}


Baselines that go bump in the night. *Deep prgressive breaks and house, all sorts of house really (but who doesnt like house), *speep garage (im not one for two step tho), trance(make it classic- pre anthem), *trip hop, acid jazz, sum underground non-egotistical hip-hop, *breakbeats- especially old and/or funky progessive breaks, electro, jungle is fun, psycadelic and so on. *Ska!(one of my favorites). punk, electro clash,


A Clockwork Orange, Requeum For a Dream, Love The Hard Way, Party Monster, Willy Wonka, Alice in Wonderland, Return to Oz, S.O.S., Rocky Horror Picture Show, Beyond Borders, Eurotrip, City of Angels, Peewee's Big Adventure, Dazed and Confused, Blood Sucking Freaks, Interview With a Vampire, Evil Dead, Army of Darkness, Blow, Dark Crystal, Green Mile, *What Dreams May Come, Patch Adams, etc.


Alf, Gumby, Felix the Cat, Fraggle Rock( pretty much all the good shows that you can never see any more!) and of coarse... Family Guy, Futurama, Robot Chicken-YES!!, and other shit that i dont get to watch cuz i dont have cable!-anything but court tv!!


im trying desprately to finish House of Leaves.


Gumby & pokey

My Blog

Veggies really are green

this is crazy, after all the shit i talk on veganism and not eating meat or animal products, this makes me second guess the methods to they're madness. i never thought to concider environmentalism as ...
Posted by asyd on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 06:50:00 PST

sex! sex ! sex !

sex, sex, sex, thats all people ever care about these days!! does anyone ever just want friendship anymore? Or is it too over rated?? Now, women can be, and mostly are sex objects, but don't we let ou...
Posted by asyd on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

the city sucks...

Damn it! theres never anything to do in this god forsaken city we call Vegas!! Nothing but hookers and gambeling! Whats to do for a younge punk-assed kid like me? Hmmm someone please tell me! under ag...
Posted by asyd on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Not enough to eat vegies!

I dont know how many people have seen that PETA movie about the cruel treatment to food animals, but it is heart breaking! I know that they are only going to get eaten anyway, But its heart renching ...
Posted by asyd on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST