BoEM profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

Founded in 2000, grew in 2001, got dumb due to tang overdose in late 2002, outed in 2003, mostly unemployed in 2004. History will prove us right!
Original trio a thing of mystery, secret members of current alignment still working as of 2004, did you share our air? On streets and sneaking into mazes, in Buena Park and Ontario, the mark has been made once again.
The Brotherhood Of Evil Monsters is a non-profit organization dedicated to attempting to teach lesser monsters how to not suck. It rarely works. Sometimes it does! We sometimes honor our "graduates" with friendship and respect. Members embody all that is good and bad about the Haunt. Self promotion and selflessness go hand in hand within our tired ranks! Only 2 can be considered currently active, have you hugged any lately?
It is an X-Men joke. We are nerds. Some of us taste dick.
BoEM Inc accepts friendship requests from all Haunt monsters but seeks out nobody. Don't be offended when we don't come calling! We are just lazy.
Joining BoEM as accepted member is impossible. Don't bother.
You may also consider this myspace MAG HQ. Thank you for chosing MAG (Monsters Against God). Est 2003. MAG membership open to one and all, if you wish, you are MAG! MAGwear is stylish and totally DIY. The uniform is as you choose.
JrWC Inc (The Junior Woodchucks of Halloween Haunt) fall under the heading of BoEM Indistries. You are allowed to be friends with them as you please, but remember that they the JrWC and treat them with scorn!
No chainsaws in the Vineyard!
This crap is maintained by MAG Elder P because he has nothing better to do.

My Interests

The Knott's Scary Farm BoEM are immortal despite outward signs of aging and death.
BoEM Code of Honor: work hard and make babies cry.
Collecting Plaques
Dating much younger people

I'd like to meet:

.1: Jack Falfas for a night of ass sex.
.2: Vanessa for a night of wild porno abandon.
.3: Ricky Ricardo for a night of dust humping.
.4: The Pope for intimate memories that'll last a lifetime.
.5: Kate Beckinsale for her appointment with a Cleveland Steamer.
.6: Raffi for blackmailable offenses against nature.
.7: Foamie and Trish for sex at gunpoint.
.8: Foamie and Tamera for anal sex at gunpoint.


Consensus: Noise and/or disco in their many mutated forms.


If it involves bludgeonings or stabbings or zombies, at least one of us will like it. Especially if it involves zombies or stars Jean Claude Van Damme. JrWC MICHAEL ROMO has a homosexual mancrush on Brad Pitt as seen in "Troy". Ask him about it! He's gone gay!


MXC, that Dodgeball shit on cable, WWE, Jimmy Kimmel Live (has featured many BoEM cameos).


G*ry D*v*s, P*t*r Kr**g*r, T*m*th* Kr**g*r, Br*nd*n N*l*s, *dr**n R*m*, J*nn*f*r R*s*, M*tth*w V*rn*r
Lore Of The Vampire

My Blog

In celebration of nothing.

Almost everyone got pictures chucked into their comments. Not everyone did because... well, I finally got tired. I tried, dammit.
Posted by BoEM on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST provides REAL ENTERTAINMENT finally.

Tits. Tits. And more tits. Sooey!...
Posted by BoEM on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST