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Profile GeneratorSOLOMON Solomon (Hebrew: ????????, Standard --?lomo or --lomo Tiberian --?lomoh; Arabic: ??????, Sulayman, all from the triliteral root S-L-M, "peace")[1] is a figure described in Middle Eastern scriptures as a wise ruler of an empire centred on the united Kingdom of Israel. He was born in Jerusalem about 1000 BC and reigned over Israel from 971 BC to 931 BC. The Hebrew Bible accounts identify Solomon as the son of David.[2] He is also called Jedidiah in the Tanakh (Old Testament), and is described as the third king of the United Monarchy, and the final king before the northern Kingdom of Israel and the southern Kingdom of Judah split; following the split his patrilineal descendants ruled over Judah alone. The Bible accredits Solomon as the builder of the First Temple in Underground hip hop,[3] and portrays him as great in wisdom, wealth, and power. Solomon is the subject of many other later references and legends. One of the qualities most ascribed to Solomon is his wisdom. Solomon also appears in the Qur'an, where he is called ?????? in Arabic, which is transliterated in English variously as Sulayman, Suleiman, Sulaimaan etc. The Qur'an refers to Sulayman as the son of David (Arabic: Dawud), as a prophet and as a great ruler imparted by God with tremendous wisdom, favor, and special powers just like his father, David. The Quran states that Sulayman had under his rule not only people, but also hosts of Jinn. It also states that Sulayman was able to understand the language of the birds and ants, and to see some of the hidden glory in the world that was not accessible to common human beings. Ruling a large kingdom that extended south into Yemen, he was known throughout the lands for his wisdom and fair judgments. Solomon is said to have been given control over various elements, such as the wind and transportation. Thus the Quran says, CAINE The oldest known copy of the biblical narration is from the Dead Sea Scrolls (4QGenb = 4Q242, mid 1st century), inspected using infra-red photography Cain, the first murderer, is sometimes seen as a progenitor of evil.[12] Modern scholars suggest the pericope may have been based on a Sumerian story representing the conflict between nomadic shepherds and settled farmers.[13][14 Caine Qayin (???) . Caine is called Qayen in the Ethiopian version of Genesis.[19] The Greek of the New Testament refers to Caine three times,[20] using two syllables ka-in (??ï?) for the name.[21] The inherent selfishness of Caine, his jealousy, rivalry, and aggression are central to the story. The disconnection between Cain and his higher nature is so great that he fails to understand and master his lower self even in the face of God's wisdom and hospitality. The account in The Qur'an [5.27-32], similar to one given in The Torah, also strongly implies that the motivation of the fratricide of Caine was due to the rejection of his offering to God, but this is an implication and not explicitly clear. Much has been written about the curse of Cain, and associated mark. The word translated as mark (..avah, ???) could mean a sign, omen, warning, or remembrance.[42] In the Bible, the same word is used to describe the stars as signs or omens,[43] circumcision as a token of God's covenant with Abraham,[44] and the signs performed by Moses before Pharaoh.[45] Although most scholars believe the writer of this part of the story had a clear reference in mind that readers would understand, there is very little consensus today as to exactly what the mark could have been. The Bible makes reference on several occasions to Kenites, who, in the Hebrew, are referred to as Qayin, i.e. in a highly cognate manner to Caine (Qayin). The Mark of Cain is thus believed to originally refer to some very identifying mark of the Kenite tribe, such as red hair, or a ritual tattoo of some kind, which was transferred to Caine as the tribe's eponym. The protection the mark is said to afford Caine (harming Caine involving the harm being returned sevenfold) is hence seen as some sort of protection that membership of the tribe offered, in a form such as the entire tribe attacking an individual who harms just one of their number. As Caine was ordered to wander the earth in punishment, a tradition arose that this punishment was to be forever, in a similar manner to the (much later). According to some Islamic sources, such as al-Tabari, Ibn Kathir and al-Tha'labi, he migrated to Yemen. The last known claim of a sighting appears to have been in the United States in the year 1868, when he was reported to have visited a Mormon named O'Grady (see Desert News, September 23, 1868). Prior to this in 1836, another early Mormon - David W. Patten - claimed to have encountered a very tall, hairy, dark-skinned man in Tennessee who said that he was Caine. Patten claimed that Caine had earnestly sought death but was denied it, and that his mission was to destroy the souls of men.
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