Brent Smith LifeStyle profile picture

Brent Smith LifeStyle

Dating Advice for Men

About Me

***Playboy Group Coaching***
Please join me on July 11-13 for one of the most outrageous party weekends of the summer!
I've put together a coaching experience that revolves around one of the biggest Playboy parties of the summer. This will be the ultimate sight, sound, and taste experience on a level of decadence that will blow your mind. Friday starts with a kick-off party, Saturday night party at the mansion and Sunday pool party. There will be hundreds of girls, celebrities, business tycoons, special performances, after parties and after, after parties...including ours! Please email me ASAP for details and to see if you qualify!
***Kandyland III at the Playboy Mansion July 12, 2008 @ 8PM***
It’s that time again…summer! That means Kandyland - An Evening of Decadent Dreams is back and sweeter than ever the third time around!
Kandyland is sure to be one of the most talked about, outrageous and hard rockin’ events of the year and Golden Tickets are selling out faster than ever this year. If you need a refresher on Kandyland check out the photos and video at
The Details
Ladies can apply to be selected for complimentary Golden Tickets courtesy of Karma by creating profiles at
Gentlemen can currently purchase Golden Tickets at for $1,000 each (prices will be going up quickly).
Use VIP Invitation Code: BS7018
For Hotel Reservations call the Roosevelt Hotel @ 800-950-7667 (mention Karma Foundation / Kandyland for preferred room rates). The weekend events at the Roosevelt are for guests staying at the Roosevelt.
Please contact me for table, multiple tickets, cabanas and coaching packages.
The tables will go fast and this even will sell out as usual, so be sure to get on it right away.
I look forward to seeing you at Kandyland...
***Coming Soon***
Pajama Party, Manhattan Beach, July 26th
Social Life Magazine party, Southampton, August 2nd
Midsummer's Night Dream party at the Playboy Mansion, August 9th
Social Life Magazine party, Southampton, August 30th
Kandy Kruise September, Los Angeles/Mexico 12-15
Bal des Etoiles, Paris, Nov 6-9
***Health & Energy***
Everyone wants to know how I can travel, party and coach non-stop. Here's one of my secrets:

My Interests

COMING SOON: Concierge Services, Complete Social Life Management, Private Club Residences, Philanthropic Guidance, Events, Fashion, Travel, Food & Wine, Art, Sports, Shopping, Home Furnishings, Film, Music and more!

Trying to describe my coaching experience with Brent and what I got from it is like trying to describe the color red to a person who has been blind since birth!
As a person, Brent is warm, friendly, and powerful. Naturally, I thought I knew what being powerful was supposed to look like, but I was blown away when I was actually around it. Brent is someone you really cannot describe because he radiates a positive infectious energy….and yes; everyone comes over to see what all the fuss is about. Yes, women started coming up to us. Yes, women bought us drinks…and so on and so on. Once it started, there was no stopping it. There is no substitute for seeing it in person because it shakes you to your core to actually see things you thought were impossible or required a lot of work, in fact, be proven possible over and over and over again….with very little external work. It is very clear to me now that all the real work takes place on the inside, before anything amazing can happen.
The most important aspect of my coaching experience is not what I learned, but what I have been able to do with what I learned. Thus far, the most important thing I have acquired from my coaching experience is a powerful mindset. Here is the best way I can describe what I have been able to do with that mindset:
Imagine before you went to bed one night you created the most incredible life possible in your head. Maybe wherever you went everyone just started giving you things and treating you like they NEED you to be there to make the party happen. Imagine the manager of the restaurant is watching how friendly you are to everyone else waiting for a table and comes up to you and says, “I don’t know who you are, but we need you in here. Let me get your party a table right away. You don’t have to wait forty five minutes.” Then the hottest waitress, who wasn’t even serving your table, brings you a free dessert and offers her own “dessert” for later. Imagine all those attractive women you could never talk to before started coming up to you to start conversations right in the middle of you making out with another hot girl. They actually line up to be next. They start calling and leaving you messages just to get physical…and then apologize on the third call that evening because “they don’t want to bother you, but there is something magical about you”. Imagine a world where you walk around with a force field that positive people are drawn into and negative people bounce off of.
Now, imagine if you had the power to wake up the next morning from this thought in your head and make it real. Too much of a stretch? None of my friends have been able to believe it either. Well, imagine there was a person who could teach and show you how to make this fantasy real and even better…ANY FANTASY YOU CAN IMAGINE. I can tell you from personal experience this person does exist and the second best thing I ever did for myself was spend a weekend with Brent. The absolute best thing I ever did for myself was to start putting everything I did learn from Brent into action. After my coaching session I remember driving home in denial. I did not want to believe I had this power Brent kept talking about. But, the evidence was everywhere and I finally woke up one morning and gave into it. There was no other choice. I gave in and all this magical stuff is starting to happen. Now I can’t lie, it really does not happen overnight. I mean that incident with the waitress who gave me the free dessert and was willing to walk out and lose her job just to have sex with me did not happen until ten days after my coaching session. In retrospect, those ten days of hesitation were for me anyway. Once it starts, IT NEVER ENDS!
Jason S., 33, Fresno, Ca

I spent a night out with Brent and some of his friends and it was absolutely the experience of a lifetime! I was very nervous at first but Brent was so easy going and friendly that it instantly took all the pressure off of me and within five minutes, at the first spot, I had a gorgeous young lady pressing herself up against me introducing herself and her two lovely friends.
All Brent wanted me to do was to watch, listen and learn. But after about an hour it looked so easy that I drifted off on my own and was already getting similar results. I have to admit that while I had one of my best times ever that night, and saw how easy it is to live such a fascinating lifestyle, I really don't like to party THAT much. But soon after meeting Brent, and this is the kicker, he gave me one little piece of advice that has changed my life forever and has brought me so much more joy and success in all aspects of my life! I'll keep that to myself for now, but believe me, a few hours with Brent gave me something that I'd been missing for a long time, and oh, by the way, dealing with women has become so second nature it is virtually an afterthought.
Thanx Brent!
RP, Northern California

Working with Brent was awesome. I was at a point where I had been studying a bunch of other stuff, struggling to understand it and had so many unanswered questions. Compared to some of the other material in this industry, I consider Brent to be like an evolutionary step ahead of everyone else. Training with him confirmed that this guy knows his stuff. I mean, he was creating attraction with a super hot bartender just by saying the most mundane stuff, not hitting on her at all; I could actually SEE her becoming attracted. She kept trying to find us later in the night, coming up to our table saying she's been looking all over for us. He was like, "See?" And the SAME thing kept happening throughout the night, with other hot girls.
What the heck is he doing that magnetically attracts women over to him? Good thing I came prepared with a bunch of questions to ask. I must've asked him 4000 questions. The guy was so generous, answering every question I had, he started to loose his voice at the end of the night! I came out with an entirely new perception of attraction, and of women. His material on power deserves a Nobel Prize in my opinion!
I think his approach and style is great. He comes across very warm and powerful at the same time, a pretty unique combination. I really can't thank him enough; it was totally worth the investment because every new day I feel better than the last. I've been practicing what he told me to do, and I feel more confident, more powerful, and women are responding. Women are noticing me more, I see them looking at me differently; they're more flirtatious. Today a mom was trying to hook me up with her daughter right in front of her, and I'm not doing anything! Well I suppose I am, but it just feels more effortless. I'm noticing that I don't have the confusion I had anymore, I'm catching myself saying things to girls I wouldn't normally say, I finally feel like I'm really starting to "get it." Now it's just a matter of integrating this into my life and keep practicing and growing.
Thank you Brent, you're a genius!!!
S. F. , Los Angeles

Yesterday, I completed my phone session package with Brent. What I didn't mention to him, is leading to that final call, all kinds of thoughts ran through my head about what we should be focusing on, because that was the final discussion...
Not true. Unlike "Hitch" who he's of course being compared to, Brent doesn't instruct you how to become something to attract and get women.
He helps you to help yourself with women, which then pervades other areas of your life, IF you develop the patience, discipline and belief in what he's saying.
As far as our last call, I was thinking about the end of something, instead of this being the beginning. Not to mention for those of you who've worked with Brent, you transition from being a client to being a friend, as he remains accessible .. or via text despite his crazy schedule.
I went back and forth for a while before pulling the trigger to work with Brent, because frankly, wasn't convinced would get anything out of it.
Put it this way:
In a couple of months, have gone from feeling paralysis when see a woman attracted to, to comfort around women in general...and I know what area of growth comes next, versus not knowing anything at all and still being in the same spot had I not invested the time and done nothing at all.
So, for all you cats out there who look at some woman you think you're not good enough for, or want to talk to and don't know what to do...if you're considering working with Brent...get on it!
SS, New York, NY

Working with Brent was probably one of the most eye opening experiences I've had. I knew that Brent would be the last teacher I'd ever see because this guy was at another level beyond anybody I'd ever seen. I'd never seen anybody make everything look so effortless. I saw things that really blew my mind, like 3 girls propositioning him and telling him what their hotel room numbers were. And it seemed like he did nothing to make it happen.
There were no clever lines, nothing witty, just normal conversation. Needless to say, Brent will shift how you think about and interact with women permanently, and I would say, that if you are just getting started or even somewhat advanced, then Brent would be the person to see. This was by far the simplest way I've ever seen of interacting with women.
SR, San Francisco

Hey Brent,
You wouldn't believe what showed up at my office on. Enough chocolate to choke a horse (seriously, 4-5 hearts filled w/candy, chocolate bars, kisses, hearts, covered pretzels, all top quality. A dozen red roses. An awesome mini DVD player and 4 different cards. She has sent me flowers, candy, fruit baskets (when i complained about all of the sweets), etc. I get at least one or two a week. I have sent her virtually nothing! And wait til I tell you what else she has planned! I swear your head will explode! Mine did!
You are amazing! Keep up the good work, you have truly found your calling.
SL, Los Angeles

The coaching experience with Brent was a major paradigm shift for me. Never in my life have I ever seen women respond so powerfully to a man. (Actually, anyone who’s ever watched TV has seen women respond more powerfully to many male celebrities, but what makes Brent far more remarkable than those male celebrities is that he wasn’t using the gimmick and crutch of fame). What I saw that night expanded my belief for what is possible!
What I especially liked about Brent’s method was how it leaves a man feeling powerful before, during, and after the initial interaction with a woman or group of women. Brent’s indifference enables him to retain his dignity. While other styles of teaching success with women involve a lot of work during interactions with women, Brent demonstrated what can best be described as “minimal effort, maximum gain.”
I found Brent to be a kind and respectful person. I had a fun time hanging out with him.
The many things that Brent taught me are empowering, not only in my interactions with women, but in other various aspects of life also. In addition, when compared to other success-with-women methods I have tried in the past, Brent’s is the least time consuming. I have more time now to have a fuller life and pursue the things that I am passionate about, instead of making time to go out for the sole reason of picking up women.
My goal is to have a similar level of success with women as Brent’s. As with any big goals, it is unreasonable to expect overnight success. I exercise patience and have faith that I will reach my desired level of success in this area of my life. However, this method I learned from Brent is a fun process... It’s fun to be social. It’s fun to interact with women while retaining all of my power. It’s a liberating feeling!
I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to have this coaching experience. I am certain it will save me many years of trail-and-error.
P.P., San Francisco

I had to travel all the way from the UK to meet Brent- and I wasn't disappointed! One noticeable thing about Brent is that he has a certain positive energy about him, a vibe that you can't put into words. You have to meet him to understand. It's something about the way he carries himself, it rubs off on you!
Seeing him interact with women, the way he spoke to them, the dialogue, it was just fantastic! He knows exactly what to say and how to say it. Simply watching him in action was incredible!Since our meeting I'm a more positive, confident person. I wasn't expecting a miracle after one meeting with Brent. This is not going to happen over night. But it's definitely a step in the right direction.Brent is a good guy, likeable, genuine. He is passionate about what he does and what he teaches. A night spent with Brent will be a night to remember!Good luckD.K., London
I had a great time this weekend. It was illuminating watching you do your thing, and you're also a fantastic coach - you have a lot to say (and to show) and you also checked in a lot to make sure I was getting what I needed, gave feedback on the fly, and included me in all the interactions. It's amazing to me that you can go out any night and know beforehand that you're going to meet and attract a ton of girls, and get invited to cool clubs and parties, and have girls dying to hook up with you. And you can take a student out and show it to him like it's nothing! Awesome!! You're already head and shoulders above your competition.J.C., Palo Alto, Ca.BR
Hanging out with Brent really gave me a sense of what is possible just by being social and casual. We started out alone, and ended up in a limo with six women-really. It was hilarious and inspiring at the same time. Brent is a warm, genuine, and authentic person who uses no routines or gimmicks, and is able to get better results then just about anyone I've ever seen. I only wish I had more than one night to pick the brain of a true master.
MP, Brooklyn, NY

Thanks for everything Brent,
You've steered me back in the right direction. I was relying too much on these crutches and routines, and doing all this hard boring work. And quite frankly I wasn't enjoying the process. But now I'm focusing more on having fun because after all I'm already successful with women, right?
Anyway things are beginning to just happen, women are beginning to land in my lap so to speak. When I was out there in the field with you, it became obvious to me what everyone else says, you make it look effortless. I believe its probably because you are obviously having fun, appreciating people instead of an outcome, and also you are just being lazy trying to do as little as possible. lol. I remember at a certain point we were surrounded by women, and then this woman just came to "take you for a walk." I couldn't believe it. We had just walked in and you were getting approached. I logically believed it but my mind was still saying "ok he knows her."
I've recently been using affirmations like you advise, and they are great. I've also started to be successful with women instead of becoming successful with women. I wrote down how a normal day is as I am already successful. I read this once a day and ask myself questions like how I would behave if it was already happening etc. It has had tremendous results with much less effort (thank god). I know this is a long email but wanted to tell you how much you've influenced my path and internally made me realize that reality is all B.S. and therefore you make of it what you want.
Thanx Brent, you are making a difference man! take care!!!
FY, Minnesota

How's it going? love your work. If it hadn't been for you I might have never got here, certainly not this soon. I'm 20 years old and I am indifferent, like the real deal indifference not faking but the real deal. For a long time I was faking indifference as a technique and that doesn't work, sometimes short term, but not long term.
I finally got to that point where I just completely gave up on women, completely. I gave it all up and just stopped. I decided to just quit all this crap, pick up lines, techniques, routines everything. And to completely stop, and learn to be happy with my life without women 100%. It was hard took me over a month, I started going through some with drawls. I'd see a hot girl and I'd really want to approach her and start a conversation but I stuck to it until I learned the lesson. Once I figured out the lesson, be happy without women, everything changed.
So now, I do absolutely nothing, no techniques, no manipulative behavior, no head games, no pick up lines, none of that crap, absolutely nothing and its awesome. I just talk to people. If I see hot women, sometimes I will approach them but I approach them because I like to talk and look at hot women. No longer am I approaching them because I want something from them. I don't care. This is really hard to describe in words, this mentality that I have now. I can't be rejected because I don't care, I'm not out to get something, I don't care if a woman likes me or wants to be with me, it doesn't matter. It's not on my mind.
And once I finally got it, all these women are after me now. By the way I only figured this out like a month ago, so it's probably going to get even wilder. Things changed fast, I've gone out with more girls this week than I did my entire spring semester, and another cool part, I didn't ask a single one out, I never made the first move except hold eye contact if that counts. No longer do I care what I say, or how I dress, or any of those normal insecurities that people have when dealing with women, it doesnt matter. I just go out and have conversations with people. And now all those boring questions men ask women like where are you from?, do you have any siblings? Women are asking me these questions. They are trying to pick me up and get in my pants. Women are working to get me now, instead of the other way around.
But the most important part of this whole thing and the best part is I don't care. This is the most valuable thing to me, if I woke up tomorrow and women no longer found me attractive I would not care. It would not affect me in any way. I would still be happy, I would still love being me and I would not give a crap. That is the best part. It's complete freedom!
Thanks, I get it now ;)

Hi Brent,
Safely back home now. Very enjoyable night and really an eye opener into your style. I have to confess I was a little concerned on the way in because of the 'barebones' information surrounding what you do.
Compared to some of the other approaches out there, it reminds me of the space race during the 60's, Nasa spends $1 million to develop a pen that works in zero g; what does the russian space agency do? use a pencil!
Thanks for a much needed birthday present to myself!
JM, Boston

"...If I saw it in a movie, I would think it was a joke."

I recently participated in the live coaching program with Brent and have never seen anything like it in my life! I have been involved with other programs, but Brents was out of this world!

Brent did not have any memorized lines or routines, yet he was able to generate the most intense attraction I have ever seen. He truly made it look effortless.

The second he walked into the room, before uttering a word, women were staring at him with open eyes and mouths and he was not even the best looking or best dressed guy in the place. Women approached him all the time, grabbing his ass, asking if they could hang out with him, kissing him on the lips, asking for his number while standing next to their boyfriends and other weird stuff like that. If I saw it in a movie, I would think it was a joke. Brent did not force anything, and did not approach every girl in the place. He never went out of his way to do anything. When he did approach, he made it count! When I returned to my normal life, I had a completely different attitude and belief system. Instead of forcing myself to go out, I now feel like I AM THE MAN and really want to do it.

John, 27, California

"Ever wonder what it's like getting the attention of a rockstar?"

Well I definitely felt like I got my fair taste of it hanging out with Brent. Brent's personality brings so much positive energy it becomes so contagious. I always believed that everything someone like Brent can do is possible, but actually seeing and being caught in the moment was just earth shattering for me!

I'm right there with Brent. He opens a group of maybe 3 or 4 girls. In no time he has the girls laughing and having such a good time. Everybody in the bar starts wondering what all the excitement is about. Soon girls start lining up behind our little group that Brent started. Inching closer and closer. There was even a couple of dudes trying sneak in. You feel like everyone at the bar is staring at you. I found it hilarious. All the women just want to know who the heck you are and you become so much more attractive to them when they see you not only with other women, but also having a blast (yeah Brent I stole one of your favorite words). You start a fire and it just continues to grow. Another big eye opener for me was when I was chatting with this tall woman, who was about 5'11 . I would say she was about a 7 in my opinion. She was really into the conversation with me and I'm thinking to myself i'm only about 5'4 and she's really enjoying my company. It was a little overwhelming for me. I ended up telling her I had to catch up with my buddies but being in that situation was just another incident that helped positively change my frame. The more I hung out with Brent, the more talkative, positive, and confident I became. He really rubs off on you. It really is true that people will just respond positively to you no matter what you look like if you're able to give off a confident and positive energy. Especially from women. People just want to have a good time and need someone to show them the way.

Ezer Leeds, 21, Florida

"I noticed women showing interest in ways I had never seen before."

Imagine a beautiful tall blonde in a mini-skirt and sexy heels staring at you; offering you sips from her drink, a hot brunette following you around a club, asking you questions; wanting to know all about you and a wild bachelorette party surrounding you, dancing with you; going crazy. Welcome to my coaching experience!

The experience literally changed my life. I had gotten as far as I could on my own and needed a mentor to help me breakthrough the issues I still had, so I turned to Brent. He showed me things I did not know were possible. He had me do things I never thought I could do. As my confidence grew over the course of the weekend, I noticed women showing interest in ways I had never seen before. They were pursuing me! Brent not only helped build my confidence, he gave me direction and purpose. And the best part of all? From here on out, my success will only get better. Thanks, Brent!

RC 27, Texas

"It becomes crystal clear once you see it happening in person."

Working with Brent has had a profound impact on my life. I spent several days in the field with this guy, in a prime environment; there is simply no substitute for working with someone who lives this life. A life many of us dream about and want to live ourselves. I saw it with my own eyes and it is real. It was a blast! It becomes crystal clear once you see it happening in person. Brent is a great and generous teacher. He will not do the work for you, but he will show you what has to happen. Working with him will save you years of trial and error and is the best way to get to the next level. You need to see it happening right in front of you and get honest feedback from an expert.

There is no downside to taking this approach and this is truly the cutting edge if there is such a thing.

Bob Flowers, 27, Alabama

"...Considering I have only had five phone consultations and one night out with him - the change has been incredible!

One thing I have heard from many of the most successful people is to find the best and learn from them. Without question, Brent is one of the best, if not the best. My life has completely changed from working with him. Working with Brent live and over the phone has been amazing. Beyond being able to speak with someone at his level, what really made the difference for me was Brents ability to convey his message in a way that motivated and inspired me. He took a genuine interest in my situation and really wanted to help me become successful. The skills I have learned have skyrocketed my success in every other area of my life. My inner self has changed to be the man I have always wanted to be, and now the world is reacting to me like I AM that man. It is amazing, considering I have only had five phone consultations and one night out with him- the change has been incredible!

IB, College Student, 18, Denver

'Brent is absolutely one of the best (I would say in the world) when it comes to dealing with women. His level of mastery is so phenomenal that I could barely keep up when taking notes (in my fast shorthand even).

His 'matter of fact' attitude and way of directly dealing with women, results in the ultimate win-win situation for both parties. He will inspire you to stretch yourself to see a higher level of reality that, you too, can live. There is so much to learn from this true master that I will continue consultations and application of his beliefs and techniques. I know this will take me to the levels I know I deserve but cannot reach due to a lifetime of B.S. social programming. Women want HONESTY and a 'Real Man'. Brent not only teaches this but IS this and will open your mind and reality to fantasy levels of living and being.

Any man who is honest with himself and willing to improve and make changes, can add tremendous value to his life by consulting with Brent. Any amount of money you spend on a consultation with him is worth EVERY penny.

You will be shocked at the high level of truth and reality that he speaks.'

-Orion Williams, 29, Denver

Just from one night with Brent I learned A LOT!

After seeing him in action everything became crystal clear for me. I used to think that meeting and attracting women was a complicated process, which always made me doubt my abilities, but after seeing Brent I now know how simple it really is. Brent didn't use any memorized lines or techniques. He just did things in a very powerful way, and it definitely made a big impact on me.

Hanging out with him was great. He answered all of my questions very thoroughly and made sure that I understood the concepts that he was teaching me. It was very clear to me that Brent is teaching this stuff because he knows that he can improve other people's lives and add a lot of value to them.

There really is no substitute for seeing it done in real life. Just this one night with Brent probably saved me YEARS of trial and error. It's great to know that I'm now starting off on the right foot!

Nick Meyer, 20, Minnesota

I remember most notably, when we were sitting at dinner in one of NY's greatest Steak and Seafood houses, I was startled to listen to the adept and extremely clever way that this Master re-framed things that I was formerly self-conscious about. I have a very mild birth defect, nothing big, but something I have ALWAYS been a little self conscious about. It had NEVER occurred to me that this could actually be an asset! I have actually considered surgery to correct it, but now I will instead use it to my advantage. Another example of not necessarily 're-framing' but of getting the most out of my assets is the following: I am a Doctor and I do not like to tell women that for fear of 'fake attraction' and Gold-Diggers.

Now mind you, I have been in practice for about 8 years, and yet, 30 seconds after I told Brent what I did, he had literally set up a whole unique set of ideas on how to use that to my advantage without fear of gold diggers or of coming off as if I am trying to 'win a woman's approval' by letting her know I am financially successful. And he did all of this in less than a few minutes, while I have been in practice for YEARS and had never thought of it that way!

I can promise you that a night out with Brent will re-acquaint you with the 'Why you can!' mentality as you find that talking to women is, as it was always meant to be, EASY!

If you are looking for some cheesy, campy openers and pickup lines you are better off going into a Bookstore and buying some book with a title like '1001 lines to pick up hot babes!', or log onto one of the million sites that try to tell you the 'things you need to say'. I think we all know how far that will get you!

However, if you are looking to learn how to use what you ALREADY HAVE to your greatest advantage, how to be yourself and have GREAT interactions with women (whether you end up dating them or not), how to FEEL comfortable talking to women WITHOUT fear, expectation or attachment to results, while actually getting FAR better results than you did when you desperately cared about the results, then do yourself a HUGE favor and give this guy a shout. Think of it as an investment in yourself.

Paul Graviano, 37, New York

Hi Brent,

I have arrived at a point in my life where I want to make radical changes and I have the willingness to do anything. I am impressed with the way you approach life and especially the subject of women. Many of the guys in this industry gave me lots of new ideas, however I do not want to waste time with trying and getting nowhere. You had the most straightforward approach to this whole topic;and this is what I want! You are the man!

The very best,

AK, Los Angeles

Brent, you were frickin unbelievable on DD ADT!! You speak right into what I know is possible with women in a newly created realm of possibility that I want as my new realm of REALITY!!!

You are the Man!! (the man we all deserve to know and for ourselves|)

Thank you for who you are and what you make available to all us men that have forgotten who we truly are!!



I don't want to chit-chat back and forth about why I suck with women. I want to meet you and watch you at work. Can we make this happen? Just tell me when and where.

I'm planning on going on vacation to South Beach, FL in February on my friend's Lear jet. If you want to go, I'll be happy to pick you up at the nearest airport.




Just wanted to say excellent job. Your commment about "coming from a different place" really resonated, as that same terminology has been in my mind for a while now--it was kind of eerie.

Really, though, I believe that that is what is ACTUALLY happening on a neurological level when someone shifts from being needy and attached to an outcome to just being content in and of themselves and focusing on giving to others.



Excellent material!

...but you knew that already...

As much as I'd like to say I found this program 20 years ago, let's just say I'm glad I found it now at 39, instead of having another 20 years pass me by.
It all makes sense now. Sex is good but having the power to attract women is what I really want. After all, sex is just a mindless fatburner like climbing the StairMaster... I want the ability to pick and choose.


Hey Brent,

I know what everyone else says. Differentiate yourself by telling a story or spitting out a routine because the last thing you want to do is bore her, I mean you have to keep her interested, right? Wrong! It's no longer your job to keep her interested. At least not in the way you're used to doing it. The old way is no longer relevant and it's time to evolve into a socially well adjusted person. I know that you're holding onto this life raft (the old way) as tight as possible, because it's responsible for the progress you've made. But, I implore you to stop doing this right now. There is another level of success that you don't even know exists, except for those of you who have been out with me. You've got to go to the next level now...stop wasting time.
The problem with the old way of doing things is that women have heard it all. They know when you're hitting on them. As soon as you open your mouth, they know what's coming and they immediately raise their defenses. Then, they're not listening to most of what you say after that. If you ever DO break through, it will take way too long and you'll have created too much work for yourself. You know how I feel about that...Very little work, very big return. When you talk about subjects that any two people would talk about you're actually flying under the radar. They don't see you coming and don't have a pre-conceived notion about you. Their defenses will be down and the two you can get to know each other.
Women are telling me that they wish men would stop talking so much and about themselves. They think it's arrogant and annoying. They want you to ask more questions. Honestly. I'm not kidding here.
Questions like:
What's up?
How are you?
What's happening over here?
Where are you from?
What's on the agenda tonight?
I know what you're thinking. C'mon Brent that's too easy. It's not easy, or everyone would be doing it. It IS simple though. It's like losing weight. Eat less, excercise more. Simple to understand but not easy to implement. What do we (as men) do when we figure out something is too simple? We resist. We don't want to admit that we overlooked something simple (we won't even ask for directions).
You're gathering information and the answers to the above questions will have dramatic effect on your evening. These answers are going to tell you all about these women quickly and where your opportunity is (if any).

Ever wonder why 99.9% of my interactions are successful? One of the reasons that I'm successful is that I truly believe that you get back what you give out.
When I'm out, I convey absolutely no negativity. If you give out negative, you'll get back negative. People think I'm someone to be reckoned with. They assume I'm powerful by the way I walk in and put on the show. Women are drawn to someone who acts as if everybody wants to know them. I don't assume that people are mean or in a bad mood. I assume they're out to have a good time and want to interact with everybody. Those of you who've been out with me know what I mean. I put out this vibe of "come talk to me." I'm out to be friendly and have a great time and have nothing at stake, accept that. So that's what I get in return.
When I'm out and about I believe:
Everybody is friendly and in a great mood
Everybody already likes me
Everybody wants to talk to me
And more importantly that:
Every woman is attracted to me
Every woman wants my number
Every woman will ask for it
Every woman will call me
Every woman wants to see me again, ETC.
I have an old friend who exhibited this behavior perfectly. His name was John Brown. This guy was absolutely convinced that every woman wanted him, all the time, and he wasn't a pretty boy.
He'd walk through a place and say:
"Every woman in here wants me"
He'd say this out loud to himself or to us.
As he continued walking he would often pause in front of a girl (or group of girls) and blurt out:
"The name's John Brown, in case you need to know later"
And then, without waiting for a response he kept moving.
He was already assuming that they would want to know him. It was incredible. Later in the night, women would often seek him out, and already knowing his name, would say:
'Hey John. What's up?'
'Where did you go?'
This was especially effective when he was standing with other women as they approached. It was further social proof.
He didn't know any girls when he walked in but one simple tactic changed all that. The more I thought about this, the more it made sense. I mean I'm not going to walk around saying 'Every girl in here wants me' out loud, but what a powerful mindset and place to come from. Inside your head you already assume that every girl wants you so you go about choosing the one YOU want.
When you say something positive to women and are being friendly (not hitting on them), their automatic human response is to be friendly back.
How can you practice this?
I suggest a small experiment:
Start out by being friendly to everyone you see, everywhere you go. The supermarket, dry cleaners, on the street, ETC. Just say it not expecting a response and I think you'll be surprised at what will happen. Just say, 'How are you?, What's up? or whatever. Do it until it becomes automatic. Then, no matter who you come in contact with you'll be ready and not nervous. Especially with these hotter women that you guys want to meet.



Can Studying Turn Geeks into Casanovas?

'Seduction' Gurus Promise to Teach the Hapless How to Win the Game of Love

Any Progress Is Good Progress

It would be so easy to dismiss such exercises as sexist, manipulative, or even pathetic.

But keep in mind that some of the men taking part in these seminars have never in their entire lives been able to interact socially with women.

One example is Robin, a computer engineer from Texas, who is intelligent and sensitive. Most mothers would consider him a good catch.

But he's painfully shy. So he hired his own dating coach named Brent Smith; much in the mold of Will Smith's character in the movie "Hitch."

His approach is less about script, and more about soul. He gives advice on things like how to dress and what movies to rent.

He said it's all about building Robin's "confidence." And it did work.

"Primetime's" cameras witnessed the shy computer geek tearing up the dance floor with a bevy of willing beauties.

My Blog

Kandyland III at the Playboy Mansion!

Kandyland III at the Playboy MansionJuly 12, 2008 @ 8PM It's that time again&summer! That means Kandyland - An Evening of Decadent Dreams is back and sweeter than ever the third time around! Kandylan...
Posted by Brent Smith LifeStyle on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 08:35:00 PST

The Greatest Hiding Place

Question:Hey Brent, I'm really unhappy in my life and am thinking about moving to a different city, getting a new job and starting over. I really want to leave this life behind. What do you think? M...
Posted by Brent Smith LifeStyle on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 09:44:00 PST

What About Serious Relationships?

I write a lot about meeting people socially and some of you may be wondering if I have anything to say about serious relationships, or if I even believe in them. I do, on both accounts. The reason I...
Posted by Brent Smith LifeStyle on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 01:47:00 PST

Happy New Year!

Have a great 2008!Brent
Posted by Brent Smith LifeStyle on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 10:18:00 PST

Are You Judging Me?

There is something in your mind that judges everybody and everything. You judge everything they do and don't do, everything they think and don't think and everything they feel and don't feel. Don't b...
Posted by Brent Smith LifeStyle on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 08:46:00 PST

Are You Impressed?

Are you always doing things and buying things so your friends will think you're cool? Do you keep hanging out with a hot girl even though there's lots of drama, or hit on a specific type of girl or...
Posted by Brent Smith LifeStyle on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 04:43:00 PST

Are You Tempted?

Are You Tempted?If you're feeling bad about being tempted to do something you're not supposed to do like reach out, get back into that bad relationship or simply overeat, you're not alone. The road to...
Posted by Brent Smith LifeStyle on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 12:38:00 PST

People Here Are Different

People Here Are DifferentI know that most of you believe this statement about where you live. You say it to me all the time. But that's not the problem. The problem is that you say it to yourself. ...
Posted by Brent Smith LifeStyle on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 09:48:00 PST

Sorting Out The Chaos

We're STILL trying to sort out the chaos that was a result of last nights event.The shopping cart is just a complete mess, since hundreds of guys were all trying to order at the same time. So it's goi...
Posted by Brent Smith LifeStyle on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 09:11:00 PST

Are We Good For Wednesday Night?

Hey ,Got 3 minutes and 27 seconds to spare right now?This is TIME SENSITIVE and you need to read every word if you have the time. Try to make it a priority.You'll see why in a minute...I have been tel...
Posted by Brent Smith LifeStyle on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 12:05:00 PST