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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Well whom am I, that's a complicated question. I am a loving and devoted mother to my children and husband. I am a business woman, I am ranked #1 out of 2 offices for the real estate company I work with. I am a driven person who likes to succeed in what ever I am doing. I am a no nonsense straight shooter. I am Honest, loving, caring, have high integrity, would do just about anything for my friends except for stealing killing ect... I have values and great work ethics. I enjoy life, the outdoors, love to dune bugging it, dirt bikes, softball, swimming, water skiing, Camping, biking, Nascar, baseball (go Tigers),Gardening, and my ultimated dream career would be a race car driver cause I love to go fast and going fast around curves thats a blast. I don't mind getting dirty, but I also know when to be a lady. I also play cards like uker, texas hold'em, golf, spades, hearts and more...I love to dance..... I love love love to dance. I am an extrovert in all senses of the word it doesn't bother me to talk to strangers or really to any one. It doesn't bother me where you come from who you are wheather your famous or not, wheather your the president of a major company or what ever. I have talk to Generals and many high ranking officals. I just love people and I accept you for who you are no more or no less. I guess because i want you to accept me the way I am. Though I am always trying to learn new and different ideas. Thanks of you who choose to be my friend. Under redevelopement at this time.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Hi, there are many people I like to meet, some of you on my myspace have been my friends for along time before I was on here. Some of you I have met you in person after I was on here. Which has just in rich my life even more. I really have enjoyed meeting you guys and I look forward to meeting more of you in person. I do travel quite a bit so someday we could just hook up for Dinner. Isn't that what myspace is all about meeting new people that may have never cross your path ever before. I believe people impack our lives for the good or the bad in just one meeting. So I hope I can meet you all at some point.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


I Love MUSIC! All kinds! I believe it's the heart and soul of who we are! To me I like all kinds, not one kind over the others. I want to say thank you to talented people out there that can express our feelings, desires and behavors through music!


I like all kinds of movies the action pack, romantic, drama,not to hip on the scary satanic movies, I do Love Comedies the most because I love to laugh!!! Laughter is the key to a long and heathly life! It's a great stress reducer too.


Love the show Brothers and Sister and of course Desperate House Wives, Private Practice, Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, Christine Who,Deal or no Deal...


Hard working mom's, People who volunteer there time and energy for others, My MOM and DAD. My husband and my oldest Whitney She works so hard for school to keep up her grades and has Job and works 40+ hours aweek and still plays sports and handles it all with grace. She is making her own car payment (I cosigned so she could build up her credit) and now is paying for her own insurance and is still in High school...... Get this she wants to... More of you out there could learn from this.....ah to be responable. I know I am a real estate agent and most people take their credit for granted......

My Blog

Pissed off at husband about My Birthday

First off it was my Birthday and I want to thank you for sending my b-day wishes my way. I want to thank my friends that went out with my to celebrate my day. Cause without all of you, my kids and,&nb...
Posted by Deb on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 05:59:00 PST

Pretending to be something your not? ok or not?

What do you think? How many of you have met someone from my space? Has what they put on here was it true? half true or just straight made up? So many times people make up who they are and what they do...
Posted by Deb on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 04:23:00 PST

Being a Military Wife.

                   Being a Military Wife...:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> &...
Posted by Deb on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 08:49:00 PST

Control Freak II

This is an addendum to my Control Freaks. Some People have asked if it is my husband, some said, I didn't have much feelings in it. This was done through e-mail to me not commenting my blog. Ok You wa...
Posted by Deb on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 10:57:00 PST

Control Freaks

MY BLOG: Control ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   Remember this is my opinion.   I believe control is in part that someone is insecure with themse...
Posted by Deb on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 08:36:00 PST

My Butt is Very tried

Ok I don't write very offen so if you don't like this to bad. Today is the second day back at the gym for me. Over a year  ago I hit 40. Yes I know I am old don't go there please. I swear I went ...
Posted by Deb on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 01:48:00 PST

I think the the universe has tilted

I swear this month of August is just crazy......I want to strangle people. I think people have really lost their minds or maybe it just me.I have this crazy person e-mailing me stuff because of a...
Posted by Deb on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 09:26:00 PST