Big Joe profile picture

Big Joe

It's time to change my life!!!!

About Me

I co-host The Irish Whip with Big Joe and J.P. on every Wednesday night from 9:00 PM EST to 10:00 PM EST

My Interests

My wife and my children, wrestling, Animals, Stand up comedy, food, video games, Veterans affairs, police supporter.

I'd like to meet:

Stone Cold Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, Chris Kanyon, Vince McMahon, The Undertaker, and the list of wrestlers that I would love to meet can go on for hours and hours and days and days. I would also love to meet The best duo in Radio today Opie and Anthony.I would also love to meet stand up comedians Jim Norton, Rich Vos, Patrice O'neil and many many other comedians again the list could go on for hours and hours and days and days. I would also like to meet people who think they are better than every one else, just so I can tell them exactlty how far up their ass they can shove their head


alternative, punk, ROCK!!!! BUCKCHERRY...Green Day, Dropkick Murphy's, Simple Plan, Bowling for Soup, Foo Fighters


anything funny or mafia related


wrestling and comedy shows, since having kids all kinds of cartoons, Ghost Hunters, Animal Planet


Harry Potter, wrestling related books, autobiographies, Kristian Pope


Any man or women who served the United States of America in the military, Police Officers, Fire fighters, Emergency Medical technicians.

My Blog

The Irish Whip is dusting off!!!

This coming Wednesday September 17th at 9pm est The Irish Whip will be dusting off and shaking out the cobb webbs. J.P, Yeti and I, Big Joe will be returning to the world of Internet Radio.We have alo...
Posted by Big Joe on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 05:01:00 PST


Sunday April 13, 2008  TNA LOCKDOWN live on PPV from the Tsongas Arena in Lowell, MA. I wa seated in section K row 17 seat 1 my son was in seat 2. J.P. Teutel and Pat(from 666 fight wear) were si...
Posted by Big Joe on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 07:51:00 PST

Original Ideas

I have had the hobby of hosting an internet radio show for the past 2 years. J.P. and I have hosted The Irish whip since October of 2005. This passed january we added The Yeti to our team, he has alwa...
Posted by Big Joe on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 08:18:00 PST

My Depression-Brain Tumor

Let me start this one off by going back about 5 years ago. I was diagnosed with a Pituitary macro-adenoma. Basically that is a tumor (5cm) growing ff my pituitary gland.This is classed by The American...
Posted by Big Joe on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 05:43:00 PST

July 7th and 8th!!!!!

On the week end of July 7th and 8th J.P. and my self worked a wrestling show at the Tsongas arene in Lowell, MA.There were quite a few notables in attendance, such as Christian Cage, Jeff Jarrett, Sea...
Posted by Big Joe on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 07:41:00 PST

Technical difficulties

Last night The Original SINN was supposed to be the EVIL guest on The Irish Whip. Due to technical difficulties because of the serious rain storm in the north east we were unable to get him on the pho...
Posted by Big Joe on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 10:20:00 PST

An April fools joke!!!

I re-posted an April fools joke that I received from some one claiming to be Hard Core legend New Jack, Whether it is actually New Jack or not, I thought it was a pretty funny joke. He had me at first...
Posted by Big Joe on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 06:44:00 PST

A little backround on me

What's up people?  This is my first attempt at posting a blog. I never thought I would be doing this, but it turns out to be kind of fun. Now let me start by saying that first and foremost I am a...
Posted by Big Joe on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 05:45:00 PST