My wife and my children, wrestling, Animals, Stand up comedy, food, video games, Veterans affairs, police supporter.
Stone Cold Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, Chris Kanyon, Vince McMahon, The Undertaker, and the list of wrestlers that I would love to meet can go on for hours and hours and days and days. I would also love to meet The best duo in Radio today Opie and Anthony.I would also love to meet stand up comedians Jim Norton, Rich Vos, Patrice O'neil and many many other comedians again the list could go on for hours and hours and days and days. I would also like to meet people who think they are better than every one else, just so I can tell them exactlty how far up their ass they can shove their head
alternative, punk, ROCK!!!! BUCKCHERRY...Green Day, Dropkick Murphy's, Simple Plan, Bowling for Soup, Foo Fighters
anything funny or mafia related
wrestling and comedy shows, since having kids all kinds of cartoons, Ghost Hunters, Animal Planet
Harry Potter, wrestling related books, autobiographies, Kristian Pope