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To the East, To the West, To the North and South...One Love

About Me

Well let's see, I like to have fun. I'll pretty much do anything for a laugh. I try not to judge people, you know live and let live. I can usually see both sides of the coin. I love to laugh and surround myself with people that make others feel good about themselves. I love fashion and all that superficial stuff but I understand it doesn't make you who you are. I strongly believe that if you believe it, it will happen (good or bad). I think we all have complete control of our lives and what our future holds. If your life isn't going the way you want, then change it. I try to stay as positive as possible, I think it spreads just as easily if not better than negativity. I love our country but don't agree with our government. Our government and society have taught us to value the unimportant things. But I do believe we are slowly waking up and becoming more conscious and I think things are in the process of changing for the good. I believe nothing is always good and nothing is always bad because change is always happening. I believe you should be allowed to change your mind. WOO HAA Yeeeoww! That's it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SantaCON '06...Fun night... check it out!
Get this video and more at MySpace.com~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My awesome goddaughters Alicia and Hailey....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~What Kind of Soul Are You?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Alright, people always ask about the commune I grew up in so I made this little slideshow to show you a little about it. Mind you, I wasn't born yet so my facts may be a little off but you'll get the jist of it. It all started with an idea of my dad's when he was like 16 or 17. He started in a tree house he built in Leyden, Mass around 1968. The following grew so they bought a house in Warwick, Mass around 1969. He decided they would change the world through music. So they started a rock ( they had a country faze too) band called "Spirit in Flesh." With my dad as the front man (of course. He was a Leo.) So they rock and rolled for awhile. All the while the commune grew bigger. They eventualy started buying up and operating all the businesses in this little town called Turners Falls. They had a fleet of cars, a private jet. They were completely self sufficent. They also owned a touring bus company that toured all the bigtime rockers in the 70's. Thousands of people (hippies) a year would flock to this little town to hang with "The Brotherhood of the Spirit."They also bought about 80 acres of land in Gill and built a bunch of houses where eventually everyone lived. They raised animals and had huge gardens for food. The Gill era is where I lived and grew up. Eventually, my dad got heavy into sex, drugs and rock n' roll. He started doing bad things and was kicked out of the commune which became the Renassiance Community. For me the most important thing is that he had a pure idea and made it happen. He experienced the ultimate highs in life and the ultimate lows. To me that's amazing. He died in February 2003 of cancer. He had 3 sons and 3 daughters. Oh ya at some point he changed his last name to Rapunzel after he hit is head or something. LOL!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOT Myspace Layouts

My Interests


Check out my photo page (I'm still learning)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.betterphoto.com/gallery/free/gallery.asp?mem=1322 84 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ Debbie Downer Does it again!! Nobody in the skit can hold it together!!
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I'd like to meet:

Cool, Fun, Creative People, and other Portlanders, Audrey Hepburn, George Carlin.....
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Michael Franti & Spearhead, Bob Marley, Nikka Costa, The Ovulators, P-Funk, Stevie Wonder, Zepplin, The Who, Beatles, Erykah Badu, Fabulous Saturdays, Otis Redding, Leela James, Wilco, Michael Jackson,Marvin Gaye, Danny Elfman, Etta James, Tricky, Gorillaz, anything funk, funk, funky......


| View Show | Create Your OwnCharlie and the Chocolate Factory'05, Crash, Neverending Story, Toy Soldiers, All Audrey Hepburn, What about Bob,There's Something about Mary, Stand By Me, Dangerous Beauty, Romey & Michelle, Moulin Rouge, Outside Providence, Labrynth, Anchorman, 40year old Virgin, Goonies, E.T., The Color Purple, Life is Beautiful, Spirited Away, The Dark Crystal, Pretty Woman, Winged Migration, March of the Penquins, Deep Blue, Memoirs of a Geisha, The Lost Boys, View from the Top, Born into Brothels, Finding Nemo.......


We don't pay for cable but I love to rent series' and watch them. Six Feet Under is the Best series! I love Arrested Devlopment, Sooooo funny!
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The Alchemist, Conversations with God, Harry Potter, Maya Angelou (saw her speak twice, Amazing!), Many lives Many masters, DaVinci Code, Running with Scissors, Dry, Memoirs of a Geisha, Animals in Translation, Emma, Roald Dahl books.....


My mom, my dad, Meems, soooo many other inspiring people, you know who they are...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~``

My Blog

A continous and clousure(I think) of Bandar and my life long debate

Ok let me start off by saying Bandar and I have been having a debate about religion and mostly the exsistance of the Devil for about 10 years! MANY MANY nights and days of disscussion arguments and la...
Posted by Rachael on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 02:18:00 PST

Everyone must see Natalie Portman rap, it's sooo funny!

Check out this link and play it, it's soo funny! copy and paste... http://www.devilducky.com/media/42822/...
Posted by Rachael on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 10:21:00 PST

Fashion Show!

 Hi, I've been sick all week but tonight was our fashion show at school, and I couldn't let my girl Summer down, so I got better quick. The theme was a "Formal Affair." Summer and I did each...
Posted by Rachael on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 10:12:00 PST