The Golden Snidget was the original Golden Snitch. It's small but amazingly agile in the air, and it's skilled at avoiding attackers.
Am I? No. I am not actually a small bird who flies very fast and is hunted almost into extinction by crazed Wizards who want to use me in a sport. Instead, I am a blonde girl and her hammered dulcimer. You can pretend they are the same, if you want to.
I am Snidget. I perform wizard rock from any viewpoint, because I can. Oftentimes I am subtle and dark, but here's hoping you appreciate my music. All credit for inspiration and such goes to Harry and the Potters, who started this whole Wizard Rock movement, and to the Harry Potter books, which I very much do not own and all names/events/items/etc are very much not my own either. They are property of JK Rowling and her publishers, so please do not sue me.
Wizard Rock is a very general category of music, thank goodness, so you'll just have to understand that I am Witch Not-Rock. I've got the spirit of Hogwarts in my vocal chords and really, that is all that matters.
To find out a bit more about Snidget, check my not-so-frequently-asked-questions blog here .
To get in touch about shows, interviews, collaborations, or just to chat, either message me on here or send an e-mail to [email protected] . I'll play shows pretty much anywhere, especially if you throw some gas money into the deal. I'm always up for an adventure!