Mike profile picture


Pork Chop Sandwiches

About Me

I work on a TV show called X-Play. In the off-time, I try to keep it real. Watch it on October 25th for our Halloween episode:

My Interests

Snowboarding, music, comedy, screenwriting, working out, terrible horror films like "Jack-o" and "Leprechaun 3," videogames, tennis, partying

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who wants to snowboard and doesn't flake out.


Beck, David Bowie, Modest Mouse, old Metallica, Blackalicious, Snow Patrol, Keane, Scissor Sisters, Outkast, Mos Def, Postal Service, Beastie Boys, the Minibosses, Leonard Cohen, Weezer, The 88, Electrelane, The Arcade Fire, Edan, The Killers, Air, Animal Collective, Ben Folds, Cheap Trick, The Decemberists, DJ Dangermouse, Death Cab for Cutie, Dungen, Gorillaz, Janis Joplin, Le Tigre, Led Zepplin, The Mars Volta, Missy Elliott, Neutral Milk Hotel, Pink Floyd, The Shins, T Rex, The Walkmen


Akira Kurosawa's Dreams, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Tokyo Godfathers, The Sweet Hereafter, Waiting for Guffman, My Neighbor Totoro, The Brood, Master and Commander, Zoolander, The Shining, In the Mood for Love, Happiness of the Katakuris, The Exorcist, Eyes Without a Face


I don't have TV anymore, but when I did I liked Deadwood, Sopranos, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Arrested Development, Wonder Showzen, Wild Boys


Me Talk Pretty One Day, Lucky Wander Boy, Dry, Nickel & Dimed, The Amazing Adventure of Kavalier and Klay, The Watchmen, Naked, Superstud, Bird by Bird


My parents. Oh, and my grandmother.