Fantasy and Faery Art, Anime/Manga Art and Movies, Digital Painting, Watercoloring..any Traditional art...Reading ("Favorite types of books" Anything Urban Fantasy)Pixel art/Dollz, Ragnarok Online, The Sims2, Dollfies, Tonner Dolls,Volks Who's That Girl, Dollzone Dolls, Obitsu's, Doll repainting and customizing, Cats, Lovebirds
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Kinzaza, Sarah Fimm, Sarah McLachlan, Nickelback, Peter Murphy, Rasputina, Medieval Babes, Gold Frapp, Kate Bush, Tori Amos, Loreena McKennit, Ofra Haza, Joni Mitchell, Heart, Stevie Nicks,...
In A Company of Wolves, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Ginger Snaps, She Creature, LOTR Movies, Brothers Grimm, Elizabeth, Heavy Metal, The Mummy, The Messenger, Harry Potter, Hero, House Flying Daggers, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon,...
Daily Show, Colbert Report, South Park, History Channel, Charmed, Buffy, Battlestar Galactica, Dr. Who, Little Britain, Blacks Books,
Neverwhere, American Gods, Stardust, Dreams Underfoot, Ivory and the Horn, Trader, Being a Green Mother, The Last Unicorn, Harry Potter,