Mr. Ace profile picture

Mr. Ace

Make an impression. Make an improvement. Make an impact.

About Me

Just call me Ace, though Alvin is my real name.
I am a rocker at heart, though I don't seem to look like it. I also love listening to mellow and sentimental rock. And though I can't understand most of their lyrics, I like listening to some Japanese rock music.
I love watching anime shows. I even go as far as to creating my own original character based from my favorite anime to show my homage.
I love playing fighting games, most especially Tekken, Street Fighter and cross-overs (the reason why I even bothered to buy and play the untranslated cross-over game Namco X Capcom). By the way, isn't my love for Street Fighter obvious in the customization of my page?
I am, if not hardcore or die-hard, an avid wrestling fanatic. I even went as far as taking up judo and wrestling classes to satisfy my addiction. I'm also proud to (finally) have authentic Undertaker merchandise shirts (since original ones are very rare in the Philippines).
Background from Google search result

My Interests

video games, anime, pro-wrestling/sports-entertainment, drawing

I'd like to meet:

As for a girl, I want to meet a girl who is of course pretty, kind, understanding, has good sense of humor, openminded, caring, and most of all, a girl who will like me for what I am.

When it comes to celebrities, I'd love to meet:
The Undertaker (Damn! He made his presence felt in Manila last October! I can now rest in peace! LOL)
Bill Goldberg
Eddie Guerrero (R.I.P. We will miss you dearly)
John Cena (I saw him during the RAW Live Tour in Manila, but I never got to meet him face to face...)
Dave Batista (I've just met him last Friday! [9-8-06])
Element Eighty
Yukie Nakama
Breaking Benjamin
Capcom and Namco

Feel free to add me as your friend. Anyone who are not lazy enough to type in my e-mail address in the confirmation page will be approved, but still I have my choices... (=[email protected]

By the way, I use the same e-mail address for Yahoo! Messenger.


Rock, J-rock, ballad, J-ballad, some techno music


The Longest Yard (2005), The Condemned, Spider-Man 3


WWE Monday Night RAW, WWE Friday Night SmackDown, Late Show with David Letterman, Slam Dunk, Ginban Kaleidoscope, Naruto, Black Jack, Major, Suzuka, Fate/stay night


Teach Yourself HTML in 10 Minutes


The Undertaker, Kane, Batista, Hironobu Kageyama, JAM Project, Janne Da Arc

My Blog

Happy birthday to me!

You may be thinking that I'm too conceited, that I alone am greeting myself on my birthday. It's not the case, but it's more like I am the only one who bothered to do so. XDBut that's apparently where...
Posted by Mr. Ace on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 08:12:00 PST

About time!

It's about time I fixed my MySpace page. I've been busy with my Multiply and deviantART that I disregarded this page. Oh well, having multiple accounts really is a problem: hell, I even have Friendste...
Posted by Mr. Ace on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 04:54:00 PST

Newsflash! I got robbed!

Thank God I made it home alive. Seriously. (Wait, what does it have to do with the title?)To you guys out there, this may sound cheesy, pero kung meron kayong mga mahal sa buhay (malamang meron) o mga...
Posted by Mr. Ace on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 10:52:00 PST


It's not like I want to ask this questions to God because I  would sound like I am opposing Him, but being a wrestling fan, I want to know why suddenly Sensational Sherri and Chris Benoit and his...
Posted by Mr. Ace on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 03:43:00 PST

Remembering Julia Campbell

I'll be talking in a somewhat political sense here.When I once tuned in to CNN, I saw a news bulletin headlining the Philippines. I said to myself, "Wow, sikat na naman a BAD way..." The new...
Posted by Mr. Ace on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 04:54:00 PST


Why is it that everytime I log-in to MySpace, I receive New Friend Requests? Well, I know that's natural, as people online would want to add me and be thir friend. But instead of that, when I check th...
Posted by Mr. Ace on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 08:09:00 PST

Review: WrestleMania 23

This is a review of the granddady of 'em all, WrestleMania. There are just my personal insights, and you can have an opinion of your own. Agree with me or not, it just depends.Here are my biased and u...
Posted by Mr. Ace on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 11:28:00 PST

It's WrestleMania time!

Just hours to go, and it's WrestleMania! I can't wait for it to go!As if I will watch live, eh? Well, not exactly, but I still get to watch the pay-per-view live as it happens, and on widescreen!I cou...
Posted by Mr. Ace on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 03:03:00 PST

I've already realized this, but...

MySpace isn't fuckin' safe anymore! Just yesterday, I found out that someone phished my MySpace and put up a link to a spam site. This affected the links to my pictures, MySpace friends and journals, ...
Posted by Mr. Ace on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 03:20:00 PST

Simultaneous posting problem...

I have a question:How can you post your blogs from other hosting sites (e.g. LiveJournal, Multiply) to MySpace without using the copy-paste technique?For my previous journal entries, please look at Th...
Posted by Mr. Ace on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 08:05:00 PST