Books, Art, Architecture, Design, Typefaces, Photography, Details, Vectors, Wireframes, Maps, Kerning, Posters, Stationery, Movies, Music, and Bitmaps
A Triangle, A Square, and A Circle.
Very Little.
Josef Müller-Brockmann, Max Bill, Wim Crouwel, Karel Martens, Emil Ruder, Saul Bass, Geoff McFetridge, tDR, Gerhard Richter, Mike Mills, Jost Hochuli, Sister Corita, Otto Treumann, Bruno Monguzzi, Bauhaus, Wolfgang Weingart, Paul Rand, Reid Miles, Cy Twombly, Eames, Ken Miki, Richard Paul Lohse, Jan Tschichold, Tomato, Barry McGee, Basquiat...