Leisure. Travel for business and pleasure. Cash flow systems. Bleak, suicidal black metal. Miami bass. Acquiring esoteric knowledge and useless accouterments. Running a business and not turning into a Republican. Universal health care. Learning how to be better organized.
Anybody that I've met before and can't remember their name or where I know them from. David Cross (again).
Ironknowledge's "Show Stopper" might be the best song ever made. The Melvins are the best band of all time. sunn0))) and boris at the walker was the best show I've experienced sitting down. Converge is the best band I've fallen on my head to. Dillinger Four is the best LOCAL band I've fallen on my head to. Vampire Hands provided the best reason to dance in recent memory. The Gaz beat is the best disco break ever. Schoolly D is the best soundtrack to late night wheat paste missions. Harvey Milk is the best soundtrack to fantasies of being a hermit stuck in the boundary waters through a Minnesota winter a century ago. And Fog is just the best ever PERIOD.
Things I'd like to see- Sweet Sweet Back's BadAssssss Song, the Onion Field. Movies I have the soundtrack for and wonder if they are any good, or at least a beautiful disaster- Vampire Lesbos, the Cross and the Switchblade, Casino Royal, "$", Across 110th street, Gator, Cornbread, Earl and Me, Up tight, The Final Comedown, Come Back Charleston Blue, Truck Turner, Tough Guys, Three The Hard Way, Cleopatra Jones, Cotton Comes To Harlem, Short Eyes, Electric Glide In Blue, Flash Gordon, Black Fist, Andromeda Strain, Altered States, etc, etc.
Myth Busters, Wondershowzen, survivor man (187em man vs. wild killah), the office. the History and Discovery channel. Waking up on the couch to the tinkle of steel drums and realizing that comedy central has switched over to a girls gone wild infomercial.
McSweenies puplications, Acme Novelty Library, old graphic design and production guides, the piles of comics and books I buy at Big Brain comics that I hope to one day read. Finally finished reading the "Death Ray" issue of Eight Ball. Up next is Kramers Ergot, Art Out of Time (about forgotten cartoons from decades ago), Everything That Rises (about convergences), and a Superman novel with a Chris Ware cover that I made it about a 3rd of the way into 4 months ago.
Tom Winship, my grand father.