Adam Pressure / Snakebird profile picture

Adam Pressure / Snakebird


About Me

I have a personal creative studio called The Pressure .

Flickr me at

My first name, Adan, means "Man of Red Earth." My middle name, Ramon, is the Spanish form of "Raymond," which means "Defender." My last name, Garcia, is from the Basque word for "Bear." I was born in the Year of the Monkey, and my Zodiac Sign is a Ram. I make music under the name Snakebird, and perform in a group called Men of Leisure.

How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace layout editor .

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Joseph Campbell. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Marshall McLuhan.Flattop:


TV On The Radio, Bill Withers, Al Green, Zapp and Roger, Parliament Funkadelic, De La Soul, Doomtree, Edan, Nas, MF Doom, Big Quarters, Modest Mouse, Cameo, Earth, Wind & Fire, Pearl Jam (Don't front, Ten is ill), Aphrill, Bjork, Tom Waits, WAR, Hendrix, Big Bad Ali, DJ Pain One, Marvin Gaye, Why, Santana, Sade, Jim Croce, James Brown, Rakim, Blueprint, Atmos, Kevin Beacham, Sia, Martina Topley-Bird, Swiss Army, Miles Davis, Mark Farina, Prefuse 73, I Self Devine,


Lost and Secret City with Captain Mark (thanks for the 3-D tips, homey.)


One Hundred Years of Solitude, Guns Germs & Steel, The Power of Myth, White Noise, The Gutenberg Galaxy, The Medium is the Message, People's History of the U.S., Where the Wild Things Are, The Peanut Butter Battle, Steppenwolf, To Kill a Mockingbird, Einstein's Dreams, The Men Who Made Def Jam, Confessions of a Yakuza, Perfume, Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, Myths to Live By, Kavelier and Clay, Sandman Series, Catcher in the Rye, Portrait of Dorian Gray

My Blog


I remember the day I saw the ad for the Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Role-Playing Game Basic Set on the back of an Amazing Spider Man comic. I was in 5th grade, sometime in fall 1991 I think. I spent a ...
Posted by Adam Pressure / Snakebird on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 04:23:00 PST

DreamBlog 04.03

In my dream, my laptop was stolen. I was standing outside of MCAD, and I had just woken up. I looked down and there was my bag, open, ransacked. An old man, who looked somewhat like Mozart, was standi...
Posted by Adam Pressure / Snakebird on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 11:53:00 PST

DreamBlog 04.01

In my dream, I was standing in a glass corridor, inside something like a zoo or a museum. Outside the glass was wilderness, and I could see patches or fur and gleaming eyes moving in the brush. Around...
Posted by Adam Pressure / Snakebird on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 11:41:00 PST

DreamBlog 3.11

In my dream, Jenny and I wrote and coordinated a Christmas pageant at a local school auditorium. We enlisted the help of all of our friends and co-workers, including Jenny's homegirls and Slug, Siddiq...
Posted by Adam Pressure / Snakebird on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 10:58:00 PST

DreamBlog 3.3

In my dream, I was in the attic of the small apartment I lived in in first grade; a brown duplex on a corner, surrounded by a decaying, brick, chest-high wall. I sat on a futon at a party there with p...
Posted by Adam Pressure / Snakebird on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 01:16:00 PST

DreamBlog 3.1

In my dream, I started a job as a server in a busy, hip bed and breakfast in Uptown Minneapolis. My friend Abhijit hooked me up with the job, since in the dream he worked there as well. I remember sit...
Posted by Adam Pressure / Snakebird on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 09:58:00 PST

DreamBlog 2.26

In my dream, I was trudging through hip-deep freshly-fallen snow in a Dinkytown alley (I think the alley behind Shuang Chang on 4th street). As I was becoming increasingly frustrated walking through s...
Posted by Adam Pressure / Snakebird on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 09:53:00 PST

DreamBlog 2.21

In my dream, four of us (not sure who the others were) were going extremely fast down a freeway. Outside the windows, through the snow, I could see explosions, blood staining the street, and cars smas...
Posted by Adam Pressure / Snakebird on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 08:06:00 PST