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So we gave them hearty cheers, me boys, which was greeted with a smile, Singing here's to the boys t

About Me


"...The uninitiated perceive only darkness in night..." - Aleister Crowley
"...And was not Man created from the blood of Kingu, commander of the hordes of the Ancient Ones? Does not Man possess in his spirit the seed of rebellion against the Elder Gods? And the blood of Man is the blood of vengeance. And the blood of Man is the Spirit of vengeance. And the power of Man is the power of the Ancient Ones. And this is the Covenant. Of the Forgotten Generations of Man." - Abdul Al Hazared
"We are not walking with the ghost of the dead, we are alive with the spirit of our passion." - Baaba Maal
"Peace is a lie; there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me." - Code of the Sith
"What are the fruits of Chrisianity? Bigotry, superstition and persecution." James Madison US fourth President
"Hateful as it may be percieved, "Litany" can be different things for different people. Choose your own enemy and conquer your hatred. Love is the Law, Love under Will." - Peter Wiwczarek
"Only we, we spirits who become free, have the presuppositions for understanding something that nineteen centuries have misunderstood: that integrity which, having become instinct and passion, wages war against the "holy lie" even more than against any other lie" - Friedrich Nietzsche
"Be master OF mind rather than mastered BY mind" -- Zen Saying
"In battle, if you you make your opponent flinch, you have already won." - Miyamoto Musashi
"The Ultimate Warrior leaves no openings - Except in his mind."
"It is easy to kill someone with a slash of a sword. It is hard to be impossible for others to cut down" - Yagyu Munenori
"One finds life through conquering the fear of death within one's mind. Empty the mind of all forms of attachment, make a go-for-broke charge and conquer the opponent with one decisive slash." - Togo Shigekata.
"War is not about who is right, it is about who is left."
"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win." - Sun Tzu
"When the World is at Peace, a gentleman keeps his Sword by his side." - Wu Tsu
"When they speak to us of cannibals, we smile proudly, as we proclaim our superiority to these savages. Who are the real savages? Those who struggle in order to eat those whom they vanquish, or those who struggle merely to kill?" - Guy de Maupassant
"To the sportsman the death of the game is not what interests him; that is not his purpose. What interests him is everything that he had to do to achieve that death - that is, the hunt. Therefore what was before only a means to an end is now an end in itself. Death is essential because without it there is no authentic hunting: the killing of the animal is the natural end of the hunt and that goal of hunting itself, not of the hunter. The hunter seeks this death because it is no less than the sign of reality for the whole hunting process. To sum up, one does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted. If one were to present the sportsman with the death of the animal as a gift he would refuse it. What he is after is having to win it, to conquer the surly brute through his own effort and skill" - Jose Ortega Y Gasset
"When it comes time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home." - Chief Aupumut
"One of the most difficult things everyone has to learn is that for your entire life you must keep fighting and adjusting if you hope to survive. No matter who you are or what your position is you must keep fighting for whatever it is you desire to achieve." - George Allen
"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer" - George S. Patton Jr
"It is far more noble to relentlessly fight to the conclusion of defeat than surrender and live in the shame of an unchallenged loss." - Jim Slinsky
"Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"It is the angry spirit of mankind, the desperate courage we wield through the choking pall of our own terror, that makes us such desired prey that the most fierce hunters are willing to pay the ultimate price to challenge us in the open, exposed, face to face, blood to blood" - Predator
"Some see the monsters as pure beings, untainted by cultural mores; others see them as nature's vengeance against mankind's usurpation of the wild; still others see them a demonic presence sent to test Men's faith" - Aliens
"Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." - Malcolm X
"The hunter must hunt. The moment he stops, he becomes the hunted." - Anton Szandor LaVey
"Here, I abandoned peace and desecrated law. Fortune, It is you i follow. Farwell to treaties. From now on, War is our judge" - Julias Caeaser
"Every Being, Every Organism Must Conqure Or Serve. This Is An Ultimadem" - Ragnar Redbeard
"I have harnessed the shadows that stride from world to world to sow death and madness..."
"We shall see that at which dogs howl in the dark, and that at which cats prick up their ears after midnight." - "From Beyond"
"That is not dead which can eternal lie / And with strange aeons even death may die."
"We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far." - "Call Of The Cthulhu"
"The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are, and the Old Ones shall be. Not in the spaces we know, but between them, They walk serene and primal, undimensioned and to us unseen."
"As a foulness shall ye know Them. Their hand is at your throats, yet ye see Them not; and Their habitation is even one with your guarded threshold." - Necronomicon
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." - All by HP Lovecraft
"Every religion in the world that has destroyed people is based on love." - Anton Szandor LaVey
"There is a beast in man that needs to be excersised, not exorcised.” - Anton Szandor LaVey
"Do what you want as long as it's paying off for you. But once it's become a liability, then something is wrong and you better find out what it is.” - Anton Szandor LaVey
"If anything, we are enslaved more as human beings now than at any time, probably, in man's history. But it is so sugarcoated, it's so slick, it's so polished.” - Anton Szandor LaVey
"When all religious faith in lies has waned, it is because man has become closer to himself and farther from "God"; closer to the "Devil." If this is what the devil represents, and a man lives his life in the devil's fane, with the sinews of Satan moving in his flesh, then he either escapes from the cacklings and carpings of the righteous, or stands proudly in his secret places of the earth and manipulates the folly-ridden masses through his own Satanic might, until that day when he may come forth in splendor proclaiming "I AM A SATANIST! BOW DOWN, FOR I AM THE HIGHEST EMBODIMENT OF HUMAN LIFE!" Some evidence of a new satanic age, seven deadly sins of the Christian Church are: greed, pride, envy, anger, gluttony, lust, and sloth. Satanism advocates indulging in each of these "sins" as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification." Anton Szandor LaVey
I am a musician, a Satanist, a artist, a student of the occult, a writer, a individual, and a believer in chaos. My name is Ian, i was the guitarist and lead vocalist and creator of Abatu, the creator of my new project called SEAL OF SATURN in which i play guitar. I dabble in a few forms of music, mostly death metal but also Celtic folk, jazz and classical, and recently alot of math metal, sludge, doom, atmospheric, jam, prog and avant garde.
I also do art through many mediums for bands and such. I started doing graphic arts about 4 or 5 years ago by doing logos for local bands and flyers. I do illustrations, graphic/commercial arts, and others. Im currently going to PTEC for Commercial Arts, im enjoying every minute of it, somethings there present a challenge and its awesome. After my two years are up there im debating on where to finish up at.
Hmm a bit about me? Im very analytical, very cerebral, i rack my brain with alot of things, ive been told i over think things too much, and it may be true. I take everything in and try and find a philosophical, scientific, or abstract meaning from it. Im a very caring person for the people who matter too me. Im into the arts, music is the main one, i can express so much with it. Music drives me in every way, i can relate it to anything in life, and i can find meaning in every note, to me music is the root of all art, and the unknown is my muse. Im very motivated with everything i do, ive played with many of my inspirations on stage, ive had my work published a number of times. Im very motivated as you can tell, nothing gets in my way, if i recognize a hindrance i remove it. I dont let anyone stop me, and ive yet to meet the person worthy of being called my enemy. When i do, that will be a good day. I like chaos in my life, random is good to me, its the spice of life, lets me know this isnt a dream, that we really exist. Routines and reoccurring situations are not an option for me nor enjoyable (but hasent really come into play with some of my relationships). Im a big goofball, i love to make people laugh, i love to have a good time especially with people who are close to me, im always looking to do something new and exciting. Theres a bit about the personal side of me. I like meeting new people. Theres a bit about me.
Ive been playing guitar for about 7 years now, im a classically trained bassist as well and have been playing for about 6 years. I write reviews, and do interviews for Tampa bay's only underground metal magazine Rivot Rag. I also create logos and such for bands, labels, and other media sources or anyone who may call upon my work. Ive played well over 50 shows in the 3 years that Abatu was together, ive shared the stage with many talented acts, and many signed and accomplished acts such as Matriarch, Toxic Holocaust, After Death, Sathanas, Contorted, Anal Blast, Toxic Holocaust, Aghora, Gardy Loo, Nail Shitter, AND MANY MORE.
As i mentioned i am a Graphic/Commercial artist and Illustrator. It started when i started working for the metal magazine Rivot Rag and Ninnghizhidda Records. I then started Discord Productions (which was Fenrir Promotions and Yog-Sothoth Promotions). Ive done work for alot of bands, Generichrist, Ares, Seventh Throne, Rivot Rag magazine, the French Black Metal Legends (Les Legions Noire) Mutiilation, Metals Darkside Videos (Jasmin ST.Clair), my own bands and many others. I run Nyogtha Designs, which is ran through this site aswell.
As i stated, i am a Satanist. If you want to ask me what it is, feel free. But im not going to blurt it out. Thats for your own finding.
I read alot, i mean ALOT, majority is HP Lovecraft's work, Anton LaVey, and Aleister Crowley and Peter Carroll. I always love to learn, i try to at least read up on two or three new topics a day. I am into many forms of the occult mostly Satanic, Thelemic, and Hermetic, but also a bit of eastern, black magic interests me, demonology, goetia, mysticism of all kinds as well as bit of meditation. I also enjoy the sciences, study of the mind, thoughts, psychology, neurology, Quantum Mechanics/Physics, Astronomy, Black Holes, Space, the planets, other worlds. I love history, civilizations, war, religious, medical, art, surgical cant remember all of them. I like some fiction as well, like my all time favorite, HP Lovecraft (take your pick, do you consider him fiction?) the only fiction i like is horror and science fiction books. Serial killers are a favorite topic of mine as well. Im very into ancient civilizations Ancient Sumeria, and Egypt are some of the biggest interests i have, including the ancients. Always been very interesting to me.
Im very into war History, medieval, pagan civilizations, WW2, Civil War, Japanese, Roman, Celtic etc.I study many different civilizations and languages. Ive been studying Germanic, Gaelic, and Welsh for a few years now and i started studying the language of the dead civilization of the Sumerian's, the language of the Ancient ones. Im very into Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Feudal Japan, Samurai, Ninja, Sumo, Martial arts (though i do not practice any, they greatly interest me), Egypt, India, the Cthulhu mythos, Pre-Christianized Vikings, and the civilization of my homeland of the Celts. I am Welsh, Irish, and German.
Im a collector of many things, 19th century and beyond mostly. Antique books, weaponry, occult objects, musical instruments, art, clothing.
An lastly. Please if your peddling your dogma, your apologetic rhetoric, your outdated lord, your love and peace speeches, liberal asinine bullshit, conservative oppression, your "misanthropic" i hate life stupidity, grim, kvlt anti happiness bullshit please go on by me. I have no time in my life for pathetic beings such as your selves, and i wish to have none of you in it. I might add, i don't associate my self with lying, back stabbing, two faced filth, i can recognize a psychic vampire from a mile away,I don't tolerate idiots or life sucking waste.
Magazine i work for.
Im a very open person and i like to meet new like minded people so if you want to talk to me, my aim SN is Placid Chaos 506. Tell me who you are and give me alink before you start trying to make a conversation with me. I have way too many fucking people on my friends list and half of you dont even talk to me so im not going through every page looking for yours.
What philosophical archetype are you?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Ubermensch

You are Friedrich Nietzsche’s ideal overman. Challenging conventional morality and beliefs you overcome the nihilism of a world without god by utilising the will-to-power to create your own values. An artist by nature you express yourself in a distinctly Dionysian (creative) way.



The Prince


Philosopher King


Sadean Libertine


The Underground Man


Absurd Hero


Ellsworth Toohey


The Fountainhead


The Last Man

3%Your results:
You are Juggernaut Juggernaut 83% Apocalypse 81% Magneto 72% Dark Phoenix 69% Venom 69% Dr. Doom 69% Green Goblin 59% Mr. Freeze 57% Mystique 55% The Joker 54% Kingpin 53% Catwoman 53% Two-Face 51% Lex Luthor 46% Poison Ivy 46% Riddler 36% Your strength and determination are difficult to stop.
Click here to take the Super Villain Personality Test

My Interests

Music, Guitars, going to shows with my friends, play/write music, and listen to music. Rare and or out of print books, civil war memorabilia (clothing, weapons, furniture, maps, medical etc...), vinyl, tapes, and cds from my favorite bands.Im a big war buff. Civil war, WW 1 & 2 (Third Reich and Russia) , Barbarian, Napoleonic, Feudal Japan, Sumo, Roman and Greek wars, Celts, and Visagoths ect. Social Darwinism, Baseball, human nature and psyche, and geneology, surgical, psychology, serial killers, warlords, Celtic philosophy and mythology. Heathen and Pagan ways and traditions, Pre-Christianized Vikings, Psychology and Sociobiology, LaVeyan Satanism, Deathmetal, Jazz, Classical, Avant Garde, sludge, atmospheric, doom, celtic, prog, and math metal. Horror and Gore Movies, Instruments, the Occult, mystic religions, the art works of Alex Grey, Salvador Dali, Gustav Dore, Leonardo Da Vinci and many more artists. Calavary and Air Force tactics and stories. Ancient Sumeria, Babylon, Egypt, Japan, The Samurai, Ninja, martial arts, Space, Mesopatamia, the Cthulhu Mythos. Im an open book so i always love to learn. Sketching, drawing, reading, love it all, as long as its interesting.

Which Imfamous criminal are you?
You are Vlad the Impaler. The man behind the legend of Dracula. You hanged your victims, stretched them on the rack, burned them at the stake, boiled them alive, but mostly impaled them. Most of your killings were politically targeted but sometimes you killed just because you were bored. Your "reign of terror" lasted from 1456 to 1462. Estimated numbers of victims vary between 30,000 and more than 100,000.Evil Evil man. Fie on you!
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What Horror Icon are You?

Jason Vorhees You are Jason Vorhees. You're the Crystal Lake killer. You live a very simple life, you respect your elders, enjoy collecting and voyeurism and are content to act on your overwhelming conscience and disillusionment. Don't be afraid to think for yourself. Beware of codependence. You're stubborn, but your drive and stamina always pay off. Survival is what you're known for. You have tremendous ingenuity, enjoy nature and solitude, you are lucky to be exactly where you need to be when you need to be there and despite a certain shyness--and a speech impediment that borders on inarticulate--you are the beginning and end to every party.

Fun Quiz

I'd like to meet:

SHITTY BLACK METAL BANDS! DONT ADD ME! Unless i have it listed i listen too you, i dont want to hear your redundant "kvlt" repetitive boring bullshit! That goes for those fuck heads that think its cool too sound like Cannibal Corpse and Obituary, those bands already exist! Get your own sound!

Like minded, strong willed people with the same interests as myself, as well as my Satanic Brethren, extreme metal fans and musicians, and supporters of the Tampa bay death metal scene as well as artists, occultists, eccentrics, odd, free thinkers, heretics, War and History buffs. True Warriors, ancient Samurai, Sumo, Shinobi, WW II and one soldiers, those warriors who have a thing called Honor, Civil War Soldiers, celts, i would of loved to of met my Great Great Great Uncle Gen. George B. McClellan and my mothers Grandfather who was a veteran of WWI who was an artilleryman stationed in France.
Most of the people ive wanted meet i have met.

RIP Jared Anderson
"Rise Crimson Skies, Open Me The Underworld..."

Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places.


Favorite Bands: Morbid Angel (OF ALL TIME!), Cannibal Corpse, Behemoth, Cynic, Hate Eternal, Meshuggah, Cephalic Carnage, Suicide Silence, Obituary, Nile, Tool, Rosetta, King Crimson. The Breathing Process, Winds of Plague, Parkway Drive, The Red Death, Carnifex, The Partisan Turbine.

New Favorite bands: The Red Shore, Knights Of The Abyss, Bring Me The Horizon, Waking The Cadaver, Today Is The Day, Born of Osiris, Protest The Hero, Light This City, Sikth, Therion, Arsis, Pit bulls In The Nursery, Divine Heresy, Quo Vadis, Gojira.

Death Metal/Gore/(Real)Grind:Belphegor, Nocturnus, Origin, Carcass, Dying Fetus, Beneath The Massacre, Luciferion, Mors Principium Est, Arsis, Cephalectomy, Immolation, Diabolic, Decapitated, Vomit Remnants, Mostrosity, Decrepit Birth, Aborted, Skinless, Must....Not...Kill, Bodies In The Gears Of The Apperatus, The Berzerker, Sadistik Exekution, Dethroned, Lucifer, Acheron, Vesania, Bloodfreak, Ritual Carnage, Misery Index, Bolt Thrower, Incantation, Mortician, Cerebral Effusion, Funeral Rape, Nasty Savage, Bitchsplitter, Lordgore, Goratory, Putrified, Massmurder, Contorted, Gore Asylum, Angelcorpse, Intense Hammer Rage, Acid Bath, God Dethroned, Gorijira, Aeon, Yattering, Pandemia, Pestilence, Spawn Of Possession, Gorguts, Lost Soul, Lamantu, Dissenter, Fleshless, Ghoul, Bloody Anal Yeast Infection, Cryptopsy, Death, Rossomahaar, Internecine, Disgorge, October Tide, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Severe Torture, Jesus Anal Penetration, Pungent Stench, Goratory, Christicide, Avulsed, Unearthly Affinity, Repulsion, Cumchrist, Brutality, Melechesh, Impaled, Illogicist, Dim Mak, Sadus, Incinerate (US), Last Day Of Humanity, Mantas(US), Defacing, Rotten Sound, Black Dahlia Murder, Inearthed, Asmodeus, Wolfen Society, Myrkskog, Malevolent Creation, Domination Through Impurity, Immersed In Blood, Saproffago, Necrodeath, Grimfist, Macbre, Nunslaughter, Ripping Corpse, Ancient Necropsy, Prophecy, Cancer, Cianide, Beheaded, Grave, Assuck, Aeutrnus Dominion, Necrophagist, Gorguts, Hellwitch, Impaler(UK), Vehemence, Pungent Stench, BloodBath, Glass Casket, Goat Whore, Nefas, Dies Irae, Crematourium (US), Disgorg, Fleshgore, Exploding Zombies, Origin, Forest Of Impaled, Brodequin, Goratory, Abaddon Incarnate, Cryptic Slaughter, Wormed, Mesrinen, Traumatism, Nyctophobic, Six Feet Under, Zyklon, Disincarnate, Morbid Savouring, Waco Jesus, Vital Remains, Incantation, Unholy Grave, Extreme Noise Terror, Disgorge(US), Disgorge(MEX), Abscess, Pestilence, Possessed, Carnivor, Coroner, Penile Suffocation, Cock & Ball Torture, Putrified, Frightmare, Nihil Obstat, Homicide, Vile, Deeds Of Flesh, Cephalic Carnage, Circle Of Dead Children, Exhumed, Entombed, Krisiun, Anal Blast, Meat Shits, Gruesome Relish Stuff, Scrotum Grinder, Combat Wound Veteran, Pessimist, Coffin Texts, Corpse Vomit, Stillborn, Slaughter(Can), Cumgun, Exmortus, Anvil Of Doom, Burnt By The Sun, The Heretic, Anima Damnata, Human Mincer, Severed Savior, The Amenta, Necronomicon, End Unseen, Throneum, Dismember, Demoniod, Death SS, Disincarnate, Hateworks, Regurgitate, Through The Eyes Of The Dead, Cancer, Raping Babies, EZT, Wasteform, Verminous, Throcult, Kronos, Frightmare, Ancient Rites, Archon, Despised Icon, Disfear, Gorelord, Destroyer 666, Absu, Internecine, Gojira, Dismember, Insision, Blood Duster, Anal Cunt, Pig Destroyer, Nasum, Neurosis

Drone/Sludge/Atmospheric/Experimental: Isis, Rosetta, Pelican, Mouth Of The Architect, Minus The Bear, Dysrythmia, Electro Quarterstaff, Behold...The Arctopus, Camel, Gentle Giant, Sunn O))), Earth, Kenoma, Balboa, Rune, Theres Arms Are Snakes, Scale The Summit, The Fall Of Troy.

Thrash/Speed/NWOBHM/Local/Other: Tool, Destruction, Dir En Grey, Sodom, Gwar, Testament, Slayer, Anthrax, Terrorizer, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Sadus, Suicidal Tendencies, The Scorpions, Def Leppard, Forbidden, Demolition Hammer, Blackstar, Nuclear Assault, Sabbat, Ironcross, Ektomorf, (Old) Sepultura, W.A.S.P, Protector, Machine Head, Exhorder, Tankard, Aura Noir, Alice In Chains, Incubus, Corrosion Of Conformity, Black Label Society, Witchfinder General, Slaughter Lord, Stormtroopers Of Death, Lizzy Borden, Mastadon, River Chicken, Indorphine, Bad Acid Trip, Galgamar, Kalus

Black/Celtic/Pagan/Symphonic: Waylander, Eluveitie, Aes Dana, Cruachan, Celtic Dance, Mirrorthrone, Tenebrae In Perpetuum, Mystic Circle, Sear Bliss, Old Wainds, Marduk, Dark Funeral, Darkthrone, Inquistion, Selbstmord, Wigrid, Deathspell Omega, Shub-Niggurath, Amon Amarth, Aborym, Hecate Enthroned, Burzum, Grenjar, In Aeternum, Arckanum, Graveland, Equilibrium, Ninnghizhidda, Falkenbach, Enslaved, Arkona, Satyricon, Drudkh, Nehemah, Amebix, Aisling, Maniac Butcher, Reign Of Erebus, Heimdall, Vindsval, Watain, Noctiferia, Nyktalgia, Abigor, Gehenna, Morbid, Gontyna Kry, Graveworm, Clandestine Blaze, Summoning, Crystalium, Ancient, Immortal, Emperor, Rotting Christ, Absurd, Uruk-Hai, Ibex Throne, Cryptic Wintermoon, Abruptum, Impiety,Impaled Nazarene, Mayhem, Mork Skog, Nydvind, Abazagorath, Krieg, Sarcofago, Holocausto, Midwinter Storm, Black Funeral, Archgoat, Keep Of Kalessin, Susperia, Profanatica, Ancient Ceremony, Strumfuhrer, Fimbul Winter, Hilrilorn, Sigh, Taake, Ildajrn, Mutiilation, Imperial Crystalline Entombment, Winterpath, Craft, Abhorer, Wulfhere, Venom, Walpurgisnacht, Arcturus, Dunkelgrafen, Thorr's Hammer, Thor's Hammer, Dark Sanctuary, Bestial Summoning, Winterstorm, Kristallnacht, Rossomahaar, Yggdrasil, Vidsyn, Dissection, Oathean, Barathrum, Windir, Nargaroth, Teratism, Kult Ov Azazel, Nokturne, 1349, Myrk, Amsvartnir, Gospel Of The Horns, Nokturnal Mortum, Ad Hominem, Satanic Warmaster, Thyrfing, Cirith Gorgor, Abgott, Moonblood, Satanic Warfare, Finntroll, Zyklon - B

Punk/Hardcore: Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphys, Anal Cunt, Anti-flag, Toxic Narcotic, Leftover Crack, Hazen Street, Reagen Youth, Choking Victim, H20, Gorilla Biscuit, Bane, Dead Kennedys, A Global Threat, Wolfbrigade, Wolf Pack, Hatebreed, Byzantine, 36 Crazyfists, Bad Religion, Pro-Pain, Unearth, Between The Buried And Me, Summers End, Agnostic Front, Depressor, Detestation, Blood For Blood, Cro-Mags, Sick Of It All, Behind Enemy Lines.

Power/Prog/Swedish Death: Dream Theater, Iced Earth, At The Gates, Crimson Glory, Gordian Knot, Aeon Spoke, Aghora, Sean Malone, Naglfar, Illogicist, Anathema, Borknagar, Suspiria, Kalmah, Norther, Edge Of Sanity, Rhapsody, Spiral Architect, Fredrik Trodendal's Special Defects, Bal - Sagoth, Angra, Alarum.

Doom/Industrial/Classical: NON, Boyd Rice, Le' Rue Delashey, Katatonia, Electric Hellfire Club, Lustmord, My Dying Bride, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Iannis Xenakis, Psyclon Nine, Birthday Massacre, Anathema, Daylight Dies, Dog Fashion Disco, Genitorturers, Tristania, Novembers Doom, Bestia Centauri, Limbonic Art, Paradise Lost, Inanna.

Classic/Hard Rock: Rush, Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath, Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Outlaws, Molly Hatchet, Black Foot, 38. Special, Tom Petty, Sting, Phil Collins, Genesis, Neil Young, Allman Brothers, King Crimson, The James Gang, George Thorogood and the Destroyers, Cheap Trick, Doobie Brothers, Santana, Eric Clapton, The Who, Ted Nuggent, Motley Crue, Boston, Led Zepplin, Rolling Stones.

Jazz/Shred/Jam: Tony MacAlpine, Al Dimeola, Paco De Lucia, Kiko Loureiro, Chick Corea, John Scofield, John Mcglaughlin, Stanley Clarke, Stanley Jordan, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Wes Montgomery, Miles Davis, Time Lapse Consortium, Sun Ra, Dejango Reinhardt, Steve Vai, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Karl Sanders, Dave Matthews Band, John Petrucci, Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Paul Gilbert, Ravi Shankar, Paul Price.

and alot more...


In no particular order aside from the first 6
Gettysburg, Gods And Generals, Friday the 13th Series, Freddy Vs. Jason, Band Of Brothers, The Punisher Dagon, The Omen Series, Nightmare On Elm Street Series, Hell Raiser Series, Silence Of The Lambs, Hannibal, Halloween Series, Samurai Banners, Seven Samurai, The Promise, The Last Samurai, (Original & New)Texas Chainsaw Massacre Series, Ed Gein, Beyond The Wall Of Sleep, Thirteen Ghosts, Andre The Butcher, Zodiac, Saving Private Ryan, Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, Shogun Assassin, Predator Series, Alien Vs. Predator, Aliens Vs. Predator Requiem, Paton, Ammityvile Horror, Pumpkinhead, Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, One Body Too Many, White Zombie, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde (Silent film), Cube series, Driller Killer, I Am Legend, Troy, A History Of Violence, Ichi The Killer, In Mouth Of Madness, The Quick And The Dead, Cloverfield, X-Men Series, Ghost Rider, Daredevil, Batman Begins, Spiderman Series, Man-Thing, Fantastic Four Series, Alien Series, Cube Series, Enemy At The Gates, Midway, Hatchet, Candyman, Braveheart, Stargate, The Big Red One, Nosferatu (the silent early 1900's one), No Country For Old Men, Spawn, Caddy Shack, IZO, Harts War, Iron Monkey, The Shadow Riders, Kung Fu Hustle, Scanners, Apocalypse Now, Clerks 1 and 2, American Psycho, Rosemary's Baby, Die Hard series, Attila, Waking Life, The Odyssey, 61, Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure, The Warriors, The Pit & The Pendulum, Fall of The House of Usher, Gone In 60 Seconds, American Werewolf In London, Wyatt Earp, High Plans Drifter, Phantom Of The Opera (Original Lon Cheney version), Beast Of Yucca Flats, Beavis And Butthead Do America, Clockwork Orange, Airheads, Little Nicky, Waterboy, Billy Madison, Werewolf In The Girls Dormitory, Frankenstein Meets The Space Monster, 30 Days of Night, Super Troopers, The Shining, The Patriot, SLC Punk, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Office Space, The Exorcist, Big Lebowski, Reservoir Dogs, Fightclub, Conair, The New Guy, All The Rocky Movies, Evil Dead 1-2, Roadtrip, Army Of Darkness, The Man In The Iron Mask, The Six String Samurai, Monty Python And The Holy Grail, Life Of Brian, American History X, Waynes World 1 and 2, The Transporter, Dracula 2000, Dogma, From Hell, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, School Of Rock, Sleepy Hollow, Count Yorga, Spinal Tap, Missing In America, Blues Brothers 1 and 2000, Jackass The Movie 1 & 2, The CKY series, Clear And Present Danger, Surf Ninjas, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3, Birds, Time Bandits, The Desert Fox, Bowling For Columbine, Full Metal Jacket, Jurassic Park 1 - 3, Hamburger Hill, The Ninth Gate, Blazing Saddles, Glory, The Siege, The Necronomicon, Mortal Kombat 1 and Annihilation, Batman Begins, Street Fighter, Mafia!, Johnny Tremain, All Is Quiet On The Western Front, The Mighty, 300, and Detroit Rock City.I love alot of the early 20th century horror movies, the 70's/80's hack and slash horror movies, GOOD psychological ones and Japanese movies and war movies, Comic based movies (mostley).


Ghost Hunters, UFC, MLB, Myth Busters, History Channel, Frisky Dingo. Fullmetal Alchemist, Samurai Champloo, Bleach, Ninja Warrior, Science Channel, Ovation, Trinity Blood, Texhnolyze, and Dog The Bounty Hunter, Eureka Seven, Ghost In A Shell:Stand Alone Complex, CSI Las Vegas & Miami, Scrubs, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Naruto, Deathnote, Basilisk Kouga Ninja Scrolls, Blood+, Saikyo Revolution. I dont watch much tv aside from good Anime and history/arts programs.


Satanic Bible, Satanic Rituals, Necronomicon (Simon and Tyson), The Gateways of The Necronomicon, Call of Cthulhu, From Beyond, Liber Null & The Psychonaut, Liber Kaos, Were Are The Melancholy The Complete Books of Azrael, Celtic Myths & Legends, Celtic Gods & Goddesses, The Nocturnicon, Mythology, I Am A Strange Loop, Myths of The Norsemen (The Sagas), The Magus, At The Mountains Of Madness, Dagon, Herbert West:Re animator, Beyond The Wall Of Sleep, The Prince, On War, The Killer Angels, Zen & The Way Of The Sword, The Book Of Black Magic, Outlines Of Cosmic Philosophy, The Art Of War, Book Of The Law, Holy Books Of The Thelema, Book Of Thoth, Three Books Of Occult Philosophy, The Sumerians, Mythology, Celtic Gods And Goddesses, Celtic Legend and Lore, Paradise Lost, Might Is Right, Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy, Night, Gods Of Ancient Egypt, Patton's Letters, Headbanging History Of Heavy Metal. Any work of Edger Allen Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, Anton LaVey and Aleister Crowley. As well as comics, but none of that Superman all perfect bullshit.


I dont have heros, i have inspirations and influences.
Morbid Angel, Behemoth, Hate Eternal, Vader, Cannibal Corpse, Nile, Obituary, Deicide, Cynic, Atheist, Origin, Skinless, Hypocrisy, Nevermore, Cephalic Carnage, Tool, Meshuggah, Rush, Sikth, Arsis, Therion, Faith No More, King Crimson, The Misfits, Alice In Chains, Slayer, Trey Azagthoth, Nergal, Havok, Seth, Luc Lemay, Peter Wiwczraek, Mauser Stefanowicz, Erik Rutan, Pat O'Brien, Jason Gobel, Paul Masvidal, Kelly Shaefer, Rand Burkey, Jack Owen, Brian and Eric Hoffman, Zac Joe, Steve Goldberg, Chuck Schudliner, Peter Tägtgren, Frank Zappa, Robert Fripp, Trey Gunn, Guy Marchais, Terrance Hobbs, Paul Ryan, Jerry Cantrell, Mike Einziger, James Murphy, Trevor Peres, Kerry King, Jeff Hanneman, Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein, Tony MacAlpine, Allan Holdsworth, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Eddie Van Halen, John Petrucci, Kiko Loureiro, Al DiMeola, Steve Vai, Paco De Lucia, Martin Hagstrom, Fredrik Thordendal, Alex Lifeson, Jeff Loomis, Steve Smyth, Adam Jones, Jim Martin, David Vincent, George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher, Alex Webster, Novy, Orion, Jared Anderson, Jerry Only, Geddy Lee, Noah Carpenter, Sherwood Webber, Chris Barnes, Glenn Benton, Tony Teegarden, Lane Staley, Glenn Danzig, Mike Starr, Richard Brunell, Frank Mullen, John Tardy, Jon Vesano, Steve Tucker, Mike Flores, Allen West, Paul Ryan, John Gallagher, Maynard James Keenan, Mike Patton, Chick Corea, Kotaro Fuma, Hattori Hanzou, Shingen Takeda, Kenshin Uesugi, Keiji Meada, Kanetsugu Naoe, Yokimura Sanada, Mitsunari Ishida, Venom, Jason Voorhees, Dr. Hannibal Lecter, Freddy Crueger, Mick Myers, Leather Face, Juggernaut, Morrigon, War Machine, Silver Samurai, Spiderman, Rhino, Wolverine, Naruto Uzumaki, Kakashi Hataka, Zabuza Momochi, Gaara, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, Neji Hyuga, Mugen, Jin, Akuma, Sagat, E. Honda, Attila The Hun, Charles Darwin, Boyd Rice, The Celts, Ragnar Redbeard, Les Hernandez, Aleister Crowley, H.P. Lovecraft, Alex Grey, Salvador Dali, Gustav Dore, Carl Von Clauswitz, Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, Ramon Dekkers, Tank Abbott, Tim Sylvia, Buakaw, Jeff Monson, Asashoryu Akinori, Fedor Emelianenko, Chuck Liddell, Evan Tanner, Mark, Joe, Miles, Tony, Jack, Steve, Luke, Roberto, Chris, Mike Browning, Anton, Stef , Amanda, Anton LaVey, Sumeria, Goat Of Mendes, The Ancient Ones, The Samurai, The Sumo, Predator, Jason Voorhees, and The Irish Brigade, The 69th Newyork Infantry, The "Fighting 69th", as well as all those who have died in the American Armed forces and those fighting now and the Veterans as well as the Brave just souls who fought opposing our armies and last but not least my parents.
"Every organism, every Human Being, must conqure, or serve...this is an ultimatum" -Ragnar Redbeard-