Helen Vogt
Mail: [email protected]
Birthdate: 05/14/1987
Books: Lords of the Rings - Tolkien, Eleven Minutes - Paulo Cuelho, The House of Spirits - Isabel Allende
Movies: The Green Mile, The 6th Sense, Lord of the Rings, Shrek, and Fight Club
Bands: In Flames, Megadeth, Type O Negative, Tiamat, Queen, Yes
Colors: Black and Red
Benjamin Buss
Mail: [email protected]
Birthdate: 10/07/1977
Books: Derrick und Ich - Horst Trappert, Fahrenheight 451 - Ray Bradbury, Alf 1-6
Movies: Bang Boom Bang, Texas, Misguided Angel, Forrest Gump
Bands: Dead Can Dance and New Model Army
Colors: Black and Blue
Stefan Gemballa
Birthdate: 11/11/1975
Books: High Fidelty
Movies: Magnolia and The Exorcist
Bands: Nine Inch Nails, Faith No More, Soundgarden, and Paradise Lost
Colors: Blue
Frederic Lesny
Birthdate: 07/16/1979
Books: Brave New World and Enigma
Movies: Die Wunderbare, Welt Der Amelie, and The Ring
Bands: Katatonia, Mogwai, and Anathema