Madisun- Queen of Left Field~* profile picture

Madisun- Queen of Left Field~*

I am here for Friends

About Me

CURRENT MOON moon phases
I'm going to climb a mountain. I'll be the first slacker with bad kidneys to ever make it to the top of Everest. No, really. Just wait and see...
I made the deans list my first semester back at college. Plus, changed my major for the 8th time. Call that a day.
I believe in time travel and am seriously seeking any time travelers who happen to be have the time to read myspace profiles in their spare time (anti-time?) between eras. If you're quantum leaping, I have some questions for you. I'll buy you a frosty and a hamburger if you just email me.
I'm writing four books. One is about overcoming depression. The other is about my life as an empath/psychic. The other is a book about hitchhiking and travels. The fourth is a dr. suess-y like kids book.
I think the half goat boy in The Chronicles of Narnia is cute. So are Willie Nelson, Steve Buscemi and Snoopy.
Did I mention my fascination with mountaineering?
I'm a psychic/empath/writer/folkguitarlyricist/spygirlforhire.I am studying to be a chaplain.
I eat Thanksgiving dinner once a week.
I'm the crock pot queen, the queen of left field, and the queen of wit castle. If anyone wants to run against me, let me know.
I'm going to see Martina this year.
I have a lot to say again. There's more...I really like seagulls...or to be specific- the ring billed gulls who haunt PA parking lots and try to peck your face off for a scrap of bread. I admire their tenacity and ability to survive. I also liked "Jonathan Livingston Seagull."
I like: kangaroos who punch things, llamas who don't, cereal with multi colored marshmallows, fairies, guitars, glitter, snowcones, old trains, old trucks, old dogs, weather, books,books and more books, journals, traveling and roadtrips.I collect: postcards, hats and stories from strangers.Places: New River Gorge in WVA, golden gate bridge,the painted desert, new orleans, the redwoods, san francisco, western pennsylvania, savannah, italy, ireland, morocco, earth.
"There's a map on my wall. all of the places circled are the places that I've been. All of the places that aren't, are the places that I'm going..."3 Todd Snider...3 john prine... 3 new versions of old 80's light rock songs...and i 3 80's light never gets old to me...

My Interests

books, more books, writing, dogs, guitars, roadtrips, languages, traveling, music, poetry, art, movies, sewing, books, lucid dreaming, paranormal, weather, learning things, spirituality, books, love, mixed cds, postcards.

I'd like to meet:

top five?*. Professor Plum, in the library, with a candlestick.

*. the ghost of ee cummings so I can wrap him up in parenthesis and make him mine summerwinterspringfallmine.
*. taxi drivers and mountain climbers. hobos.
*. robert james waller.
*. a time traveler.


the man in the moon. but i don't wanna go there, so he's gonna have to come here.
****I owe a lot to a saint named St. Jude. THANK YOU****My advice to anyone: Believe in things. But don't believe in coincidences.

"How happy is the blameless vestals lot, the world forgetting, by the world forgot..."

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willie nelson, todd snider, norah jones, patty griffin, bright eyes, grateful dead, the black crowes, bob dylan, twilight singers, afghan whigs, janes addiction, damian rice, iron and wine, virgil shaw, radiohead, god lives underwater, hank williams, social distortion, patsy cline, belle and sebastian, emmylou harris, johnny cash, david garza, counting crows.i write my own songs. usually drunk men over 60 and 15 year old boys like my music. someone has to.


The Weather Man and Station Agent are my recent favorites. Swingers is the funniest movie ever written. Also, Smoke Signals, Troy, Buffalo 66, The outsiders, Little Manhatten, The Guardian, The Jacket, Closer, Walk the line, Snapped, All old john hughes movies like The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Some kind of Wonderful, etc. Wildflowers, Around the Fire, all Indiana Jones movies.


i like old 80's or 70's sitcoms. I LOVE Nic at Nite. I've gotten hours of senseless enjoyment out of Brady Bunch. I love Jan Brady. The Wonder Years, Little House on the Prarie (where in every single episode laura ingalls cries...), The Waltons (John boy is my soul mate...), etc Freaks and geeks was brilliant. Oh, and I listen to coast to coast am almost every night, but that's not a tv show.


"Hobo" by eddy joe cotton, "into the wild" by kraukeur. anything by toni morrison. poisonwood bible, girl with the pearl earring was a beautiful book. martin eden by jack london. Big sur by keroauc. Poetry books by: Bukowski, Jim Carroll, ee cummings, pablo neruda, ts eliot, plath, dorothy parker, anne sexton.


The girls in "Rabbit Proof Fence."
Anatoli Boukerev (Spelled wrong, i know. I can't spell my heros name.)
Nicolas Cages' fictional character in "The Weather Man."
Saint Therese St. Jude. Empowered WOMEN.

My Blog

Grapples! The apple that tastes like a grape.

I was in Giant Eagle tonight, and saw these: Grapples.  They are apples,  except they taste like grapes. Normally, I'm all about food novelty items...
Posted by Madisun- Queen of Left Field~* on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 12:33:00 PST

Summer List... My long, ongoing Summer Project.

In honor of the first week of Summer, I'm posting a list of 60 things to do between now and the first day of Fall.  There are a few girls doing a similar thing over on LJ.  They are pos...
Posted by Madisun- Queen of Left Field~* on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 07:01:00 PST


I have so much I want to write about, but have some readings and things to do first. I don't want to jinx myself by saying I'm feeling better, but I really think I'm doing better than I have...
Posted by Madisun- Queen of Left Field~* on Mon, 21 May 2007 03:03:00 PST


Photo by Madisun... and a question... what do you  wish for ?  ...
Posted by Madisun- Queen of Left Field~* on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 09:15:00 PST

armadillo muggers. xposted to lj.

Armadillo muggers. Xposted to LJ. There are so many things that have been happening that I believe could only happen in New Orleans. Some good, some bad- but all of them hilariously and weird.&nb...
Posted by Madisun- Queen of Left Field~* on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 06:21:00 PST


Anyone else taking part in National Novel Writing Month?  I've tried it for the past two years and came up short each year.   in 2004, I got 7,000 words out of an angsty dramady that I ...
Posted by Madisun- Queen of Left Field~* on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 06:16:00 PST

1 year later...

Everyone is commemerating the anniversary of Katrina in some way. I actually have nothing new to write, but I still wanted to acknowledge it, so here are three things... "Fema oughta issue everyb...
Posted by Madisun- Queen of Left Field~* on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 10:32:00 PST

8 miles outside of Natchez...

i've mostly been writing at livejournal.  my hobo book should be finished by october.  it's 300 degrees here.  all the time.   i work all night and i've started...
Posted by Madisun- Queen of Left Field~* on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 11:16:00 PST

Mardi Gras.

Drifter requested pictures, so I decided to post them here, along with an entry, so here it is. Mardi Gras was magical, beautiful, bittersweet, etc.  Big emphasis on "etc", because I can't quite ...
Posted by Madisun- Queen of Left Field~* on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 03:28:00 PST

Let's Sell Nebraska to Cuba.

I think we should sell Nebraska to Cuba to raise money to clean up and rebuild New Orleans.   It makes about as much sense as the port deal. That's all I have to say about that.  W...
Posted by Madisun- Queen of Left Field~* on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 11:31:00 PST