You name it, I'm probably interested. But the quick list would be driving, diving, writing, reading, talking, listening, exploring, traveling, cooking, eating...basically having a good time as a human with other humans.
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Really just fun-loving, soul-shining, kick-ass people. If you fit the bill add me. Also, people with revolutionary ideas and ideals who are not afraid to let their voice be heard over the ruckus and indifference that has become American society at large.
"The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware." H. Miller
Good Luck and Good Night
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Also, anyone who can name the book this picture is from
(or at least the poem or author)
(Hint, the only kind of war where everyone wins)
Also, please take a second to sign into my map and add a picture. I'd love to know who and where you are, thanks :-)
California Stars
It all pretty much boils down to these guys, and bands that play with this type of energy and passion for their own type of sound.
NETWORK!!!! A movie made 30 years ago that perfectly describes the situation today about television, news, and the mainstream media. It resonates louder and sounds truer today that it did when the movie was made. Check it
High Fidelity (see books,) Amelie, how can you possibly not love this girl?
The Big Lebowski, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Princess and the Warrior, Spun, Princess Bride (it's a given right?) Say Anything. I love good ..aries, The Corporation, Fog of War, The High Cost of Low Price, Dig, etc, etc...again no more patience and way too many great flicks,
also anything I've seen by Wes Anderson...genius that guy.
TV is fertilizer, but otherwise, The Daily Show and Insomniac are all I watch on a regular basis, oh and West Wing, oh and History Channel and all the other Dork TV stations. Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, No Reservations with Anthony Burdain, etc. Sorry, but if I see another reality show there might have to be a rampage. For the most part though, I think my TV would make a better planter.
Catcher in the Rye, Kinky Friedman, Atonement, Still Life with Woodpecker (most Tom Robbins,) Nick Hornby, Women, Tales of Ordinary Madness (most anything by Bukowski, ) Cash by Johnny Cash, Demien, Kafka (Thanks Max for not burning his stuff,) Hitchhikers Guide, too many good books so again the list will have to languish.
The usual suspects but, Grandma Neal is truly one of the most amazing women I ever had the chance to know.