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Who would you nominate for the CHRISTIAN DRUMMERS HALL OF FAME?
Duncan Phillips (Newsboys)
Robert Sweet (Stryper)
Alex Acuna
Ted Kirkpatrick (Tourniquet)
Louie Weaver (Petra / Viktor)
Terry Russell (Holy Soldier)
Chris Wheat (7 Method)
David Husvik (Extol)
Mike Feighan (Whitecross)
Jerry McBroom (Bride)
Alvaro Lopez
Chester Thompson
Sheila E
LaDell Abrams
Calvin Rodgers
Chad Butler (Switchfoot)
Tim Barrett (Disciple)
David Carr (Third Day)
Eric Carter (Kids In The Way)
Lance Garvin (Soul Embraced / Living Sacrifice)
Steve Brewster
Lester Estelle (Pillar)
Noah Bernardo (P.O.D.)
Will Chapman (Steven Curtis Chapman)
Terry Baker (Kirk Franklin)
Brandon Estelle (Superchick)
Jeffrey McCormack
Other (Please specify on the next page)
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A drummer’s prayer: Dear Jesus, Mighty Lord and King of all, You are the creator of rhythm. In You there is no shadow or turning [James 1:17]. You are the same yesterday, today and always [Heb 13:8] Help me catch Your rhythm afresh today. Forgive me for striving and trying to steer Your beat. I choose Your way for my life. I choose to rest in Your timing again. Be the director of my heart and its rhythm now and always. Create in me a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me [Ps 51:10]. I draw near to You, lay down my plans, my hopes, and fears to listen to Your heartbeat again. [James 4:8]. Bless me with revelation and wisdom to develop my gifts in You [Pv 3:13]. Bless my hands and sense of rhythm with a prophetic anointing. Bless me with creativity to play with great skill and insight [sakal]. Release joy and passion into the language of my drumming. Be the Lord of my every beat, for the glory of Your name, that I might strike the drum, and mark out a right rhythm each time I play [Ps 81:2]. May my drumming serve You as part of my worship, And serve Your plans for the building of Your kingdom on earth. Amen From ‘A Heart to Drum’ by Terl Bryant
Bible (nuf said) Make your own Banner here!KeepING it KicKING for The KING.. language="JavaScript" src="http://www.biblegateway.com/usage/votd/votd2html.php?ve rsion=31&jscript=1" .. .. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- alternative for no javascript -- .. View Verse of the Day .. [img]http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b92/hyper7driver/?act ion=view¤t=sunriseblack.jpg[/img]
Jesus Christ because my name was on his mind when he layed down his life for me!! (NUF SAID)