Name » Front Line Custom Drums
Location » Des Moines, Iowa
About Us:
Front Line Drum Company is a new custom drum company based out of Des Moines, Iowa. We are a company committed to bringing a quality drumming product to our customers for a price that wont destroy your bank account. You can rest assure that a Front Line set will be equipped with all the industries leading parts and hardware. Front Line can customize anything from sizes to lugs to paint jobs so ask us if there is a dream set that we can help you bring to life. We are currently looking for drummers to endorse so if that is something of interest drop us a line and we can see if thats a possibility. Drummers note to be considered for endorsement Front Line requires a press kit of some sort. As you can see by our price list we do things a little different, there is only one price for each diameter, not 3 or 4 depending on what finish you want. We start stock with a paint or stain job on our drums included in the price.... not the other way around. Also we have many standard upgrades included exe: off-set lugs and Trick throw off, we don't make you pay extra for those added touches you want! Hit us up and spread the word "FRONT LINE" is here to stay.
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Front Line Army Of Drummers:
Luke Ramey
"Cobra" Josh
Matt Schilthuis
Matthew Richardson
Garrett of Sweet Surrender
Kendrick Davis
Jon of sosaveme
Trevor of Private Drive
Trevor "Tucks" Tucker
Andrew DeStefano from Calling Of Syrens
Jeriah Cobb from When they were found
Adam Kilgore
Brandon Johnson
D.J. Smith /independent rock/pop/R&B/Gospel
Check out some of Front Lines Friends
The Sweet SurrenderThe Sweet Surrender