Hollywood, Consultant! profile picture

Hollywood, Consultant!

Hollywood calls me after the party is over!

About Me

Consultant to the stars (but, you'll never know which one's), author, and Intl. Suicide Prevention Expert.

"Good Morning America" and "20/20"

If you want a high return on your money, invest in people!

Matthew Dovel is also the author of a best selling book on life after death!
For those that are depressed, abusing alcohol, addicted to drugs and having suicidal thoughts? There is hope!
A disturbing new trend in Hollywood is raising the question, "What is a perfect woman and who says so?" Is Hollywood responsible for the rise in depression around the world and what can we do to feel better about ourselves?
Las Vegas, NV, March 7, 2006
The next time you hear of someone famous is visiting Las Vegas, Nevada, don't assume that they are there to gamble. Working on the down low, Matthew Dovel has been a consultant with many famous Hollywood individuals, from producers to top actors, for many years now. But, you will not hear Mr. Dovel name drop with those that he has consulted with, because Mr. Dovel is known as an international suicide prevention expert. He's rarely called as a guest for a party hosted by the rich and famous, but he's the first one they call when the party is over. He keeps the names of those he has consulted with extremely confidential and keeps no written records, as the stigma of suicide is very real in Hollywood.
So, what are some of the issues that are plaguing the rich and famous of Hollywood? They have the looks, fame and fortune, how can they be unhappy. And, if they are unhappy, how do the rest of us stand a chance?
One of the main issues plaguing actors today is the art of airbrushing. Airbrushing is done in all forms of advertising, and now on the silver screen causing actors to have to deal with fans gasping in shock when they see them as they really are! It used to be that only old age for actors would cause them to isolate themselves from fans, but now isolation has even been found with the younger actors. Sometimes actors can even develop phobias about meeting new people or just going outside. Ironically the general public also is suffering from the affects of airbrushing art. Women feel that they must live up to the standards set in beauty magazines and by movie stars! Men are setting their standards of women too high with expectations from the women that they have seen in advertisements. When in reality these role models do not even exist. The back lash from all of this false advertising is a steady rise in alcohol abuse, drug addiction and suicide rate.
Fans can make actors think that they are very special, for a time, and when the fame is gone it leaves a person, that was once worshiped by thousands, to deal with feelings of abandonment.
Fortune can also cause stress to those that do not know how to manage it. The more you have, the more you have to manage. People that become wealthy too quick generally become a slave to their money loosing something that most of us take for granted, piece of mind.
The warning signs of suicide are:
    Eating habits drastically change.
    Not eating with noticeable and drastic weight loss, or over eating, with noticeable and drastic weight gain.
    Individuals giving away personal possessions.
    Individuals are suddenly happy after a long depression.
    Individual says they want to die.
    Recent death or breakup of important relationship. Can include pets and job loss!
    Within two weeks of a recent diagnoses of terminal or permanent illness.
    An increase in drug and or alcohol use.
What to do if you think someone is depressed or maybe having suicidal thoughts.
    DO NOT LEAVE THEM ALONE, until after you can get them help.
    If person wants to attempt suicide take them to the emergency room if you can.
    Call 911 if you can't take them to the emergency room.
    Talk to them about how they are going to kill themselves. You cannot catch suicide and after hearing themselves talk about how they are going to do it, they most likely will change their minds.
    Do see that they seek some kind of counseling or other professional help as soon as possible.
    Stay involved in the treatment process of this temporary illness. The worst thing that you can do is stay away from a person that is feeling like they don't matter. Isolation will increase in a person that is thinking the world would be better off without them.
A plan that is recommended by Matthew Dovel for living happier and healthier.
    1. Food and a good diet. (It is important to eat healthy, for our bodies are like machines. You wouldn't put oil in your cars gas tank, so don't put food that is not healthy in your mouth!)
    2. Have a buddy. (Everyone needs to have a close friend that they can confide in and should talk with them regularly. The buddy will know right away if something is wrong.) 3. Goals and dreams. (Everyone should have a goal list that they can see everyday and be working on. There should be three types of goals: Short-term, median, and long-term. About ten to fifteen goals at any given time is good and when one goal is completed, add a new one. This will give your life direction and help to eliminate feelings of being lost.)
    4. Feelings have never killed anyone! (Whatever you are feeling, it will pass and only time will help you get through what you are experiencing right now. Journal your thoughts in time of crisis and the next time you feel this way, you will remember how you got through the last situation.) 5. Limit your computer and TV time! (Get outside whenever possible and smell the fresh air. We need to have cognitive interaction with others to keep the mind active.)
Suicide is a very serious issue not only with the rich and famous of Hollywood, but all over the world. Over sixty million people attempt suicide each year around the world, and over one million people succeed. Suicide crosses all boundaries of social status, race and creed literally affecting everyone! Chances are that most everyone in their lifetime will have a close friend or family member commit suicide. If you are lucky, you will know what to do before a tragedy occurs.
for more information go to www.MyLastBreath.com a portion of all sales are donated to ISP. * by agreeing to be a friend of Matthew Dovel (the Hollywood Consultant), you are supporting (lending your endorsement) to ISP's post-suicide family support and suicide prevention education!!! to make a donation. Suicide prevention is a very important, and needed, cause to support.

Over one million people a year commit suicide!

Visualizing one million people is hard to put your mind around so, look at this picture of the super bowl playoffs. Roughly one hundred thousand people were in attendance.

That’s right!
Ten times the amount of people in this picture commits suicide, each year!

Click on any picture to enlarge!

They were, and are going to be in the future, someone's friend, Daughter, Son, Mother, Father, Grandparent, and Grandchildren. Does it really matter? Should it matter to you? Maybe it would matter more if it was one of your friends, or family members?

What if you knew what to do, or say, to change their mind before hand?

"Hell Bent and Heaven Bound".... ..

Las Vegas author recounts Near-Death Experiences

My name is Matthew Dovel and I’m the president and founder of ISP.

I've been called a very interesting guy by many people. I've died already...twice!

At the age of twelve I drowned in a friends swimming pool, went into the white light, stood face to face with God himself, and was told that I still had work to do and was sent back.

I was not happy about being sent back here, as the white light was beyond pleasure, making me associate earth as being hell! I found relief in alcohol, and drugs, and by the time I was twenty-five I had a thousand dollar a week drug habit!

Not wanting to live the way I was any longer I attempted to return to the white light by attempting suicide. The date was May 30, 1987! I had another near-death experience, but this time I got to experience a trip to the real Hell, for three days! Upon my return I was literally scared straight! I have not touched a drop of alcohol, or a drug since, and have dedicated my life to helping the alcoholic, drug addict, and the suicidal.

I wrote my auto biography in 2003 about these experiences to the afterlife in a best selling life after death book called, " My Last Breath ".

I've been on "Good Morning America", "20/20" and numerous other media print, radio and TV shows (to many to mention here).

Yet, I find the time to talk with anyone that makes the effort to contact me. I have a unique outlook on life as I've seen what is next, and being given another chance...twice, I think everyone deserves a second chance, if they want one!

I would like to thank you for visiting our web site and for taking the time to learn more about our organization, International Suicide Prevention, Inc. a public nonprofit organization 501(c)(3).
I haven’t put a drug or had a drink of alcohol since May 31, 1987.

What most do not know about passing over to the other side, and returning, is that there are usually some side effects? I generally do not talk about them or, I’m vague whenever I do talk about them, as I get embarrassed if I’m considered different, “Special”. It has been many years since my deaths, and I know that these gifts are meant to help others; as a spiritual guide, a healer.

What are my side effects exactly, and how am I able to help?

Empathic: Empathy is the ability to "read” and understand people and be in-tune with or resonate with others, voluntarily or involuntarily of one's empathic capacity. Empathy often works alongside with telepathy, and this mutually enhances the strength of these abilities.

Telepathy: This is quite simply reading the minds of others. This is still under debate on whether the power even exists. It is more likely psychics are reading other's emotions rather than their actual thoughts.

Clairaudience: This is also a very interesting ability. It is that of hearing sounds not audible to other humans. Psychics say they can either hear people "talking" to them as if they are standing next to them or in their minds with different voices.

Clairvoyance: This is the ability to see what is not physically in front of you - but with your mind's eye. This is how some psychics see spirits. They are seen either as a physical body or as a picture.

Precognition: This is knowing about an event before it took place. Many people have dreams that they later find have come true. This is likely to happen to most of us - however, when it happens many times than it becomes more and more impressive.

Remote Viewing: This is the process of knowing what is happening in another location in the present time - such as who is there, what they are wearing and what they are saying.

Animals: All animals are drawn to me. Even the nasty animals that people say don’t like anyone will want my attention.

Watches, time pieces: After a couple of days any watch that I wear will quit! This is common with those that have had a near-death experience.

Children: Children are also attracted to me like I’m Santa Claus. I don’t ask for their attention, but they sure want mine!

Problems with drugs, alcohol, suicidal thoughts or, know of someone that does?

Private confidential, consultations available upon request!

Your privacy is as important to me as your life!

I will not ever share your name, or sell the details of our conversation!

Compulsory donations suggested.

To schedule an interview with Mr. Dovel, or to request a review copy of My Last Breath, ISBN: 1413701949, please contact; Matthew Dovel, 1736 E. Charleston Blvd., ..301, Las Vegas, NV 89104, (702) 270-4656 or (702) 743-4340, Web Site: MyLastBreath.com.
Email: [email protected].

Support suicide prevention and purchase, "My Last Breath," by Matthew Dovel at Barnes and Noble or Amazon.com.
"The Mayor of Las Vegas, Nevada"
Pictured below
(Matthew Dovel, The Hollywood Consultant and Oscar B. Goodman, The Mayor of Las Vegas)
Interview with Matthew Dovel,
NBC Channel 3 news Las Vegas, Nevada.
"World Suicide Prevention Day!"

My Interests

Talking about my passions: Suicide prevention, my wife, my kids, traveling, philanthropy, the outdoors and the future of this world.

My Son Cody:
He makes me laugh everyday.

My very hot wife and true love!

My Family!

I'd like to meet:


Anyone that has thought about suicide!
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem! For everyone else, true happiness comes from helping others!
Check out this nonprofit organization at: http://www.supportisp.org .
Please donate to post-suicide family support today!

Feel Good now and make a donation to ISP at www.supportisp.org ..


But, this song is for inspiration!

$200,000,000.00 CASH!

The Dancing Santa


The best movie ever is: Dumb and Dumber, Life or something like it, Bruce almighty, Nemo, Christmas Vacation, Strips, Toy story, Babe.


King of Queen's, the Monk, House, Friend's, ABC's 20/20....


The best book ever is mine, of course! My Last Breath, found at over fifty book outlets worldwide and at the books official web site:

MyLastBreath.com A portion of a sales are donated to ISP. Or, buy a copy .. at Amazon.com:
My Last Breath
Matthew D. Dovel

Best Price $19.75

I am constantly asked, by my close friends and family, why I would want to be a suicide prevention expert. I guess they ask this because, I'm always getting phone calls from people that I don't know that are either suicidal, depressed or, have just had a loved one kill themselves. In addition to that we are always struggling to make ends meet as I don't get paid for helping them. I couldn't really explain my reasoning until I read the following one day.
A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $100.00 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this $100 bill?" Hands started going up.
He said, "I am going to give this $100 to one of you but first, let me do this. He proceeded to crumple up the $100 dollar bill. He then asked, "Who still wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air. Well, he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. "Now, who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air.
My friends, we have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $100. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way.
We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened in the past or what will happen, you will never lose your value.
Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to those who DO LOVE you.
The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by WHO WE ARE. You are special- Don't EVER forget it. You are created by the Creator Himself. The greatest Designer of All things. And He gave His life for you. That's how much He thinks of you.
Count your blessings, not your problems.
And remember: amateurs built the ark . . .professionals built the Titanic.
If God brings you to it - He will bring you through it.
Since I've told my friends and family this story they have stopped asking why!
May there always be someone strong enough to help the weak.
Make a donation to suicide prevention.


My brother, Mark. What can I say? He's my big brother!

My brother and President Reagan.

My Blog


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Know "WHY" to prevent a suicide!Over 90 people commit suicide in the USA everyday. A message from ISP (International Suicide Prevention) FACTS ON SUICIDE More people die by ...
Posted by Hollywood, Consultant! on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 11:56:00 PST

Are your emotions controling your life?

CONTROLLING OUR EMOTIONS - Do you have a habitual emotion that is holding you back from experiencing happiness? Do you know that how we feel on the inside, at any given time regardless of what...
Posted by Hollywood, Consultant! on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 01:35:00 PST

Suicide scene cleaning - Special report.

July 21, 2008 Hello, This is Matthew Dovel, president of ISP. We are in need of immediate funding and if you take the time to watch the following video links, you will begin to understand the...
Posted by Hollywood, Consultant! on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 11:53:00 PST

Suicide scene cleaning - Special report.

July 21, 2008 Hello, This is Matthew Dovel, president of ISP. We are in need of immediate funding and if you take the time to watch the following video links, you will begin to understand the...
Posted by Hollywood, Consultant! on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 11:53:00 PST

What difference does it make?

The price of gasoline is out of control! The cost of food has sky rocketed! Global temperatures are getting warmer! There is no end in sight for the war in Iraq! The housing market has collapsed...
Posted by Hollywood, Consultant! on Mon, 26 May 2008 06:30:00 PST

Do you know how to save a life?

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Posted by Hollywood, Consultant! on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 03:14:00 PST

What is your real net worth?

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Magazine interview Las Vegas City Life - a weekly publication distributed throughout Las Vegas, Nevada May 8, 2008 http://lasvegascitylife.com Distri...
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CuttingAttention: Teenagers and adult cutting! Cutting is nothing new, even though it has come to the media’s attention just recently, cutting has been around since recorded time.  On...
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