Pickles the Drummer profile picture

Pickles the Drummer


About Me

So...umm...well, let's start with the obvious. My name's Pickles and I'm the drummer for the biggest band in the world, Dethklok. You know, with Nathan, Skwisgaar, Toki, and Murderface. We aint friends. We actually hate each other. We hate our fans too, fucking douchebags. I was born in Tomahawk, Wisconsin. I'm very Irish... American. My parents are Molly and Calvert, and I got a brother Seth that they just brag and brag about. Big deal! He's an ex-con! I just can't fucking stand him or them, trying to get me to record a fucking album with my fucking parents. I'm currently Floridas Ambassador to China. I used to be in a band called Snakes n' Barrels, but then Thunderbottom shot herion into his balls again, so I went looking for something heavier. He said that time, it was an accident. I don't know what the point of this is, I mean, what is the internet. I don't even know what this whole myspace shit's about. Ofdensen just told me to make one because all you douchebag fans kept email us like 4 billion times a day asking if I had one. So now I do. Stop emailing us ya douchebags! Yeah, I'm sorry 'bout that, I got low blood sugar. The most metal thing I ever heard in my whole life is that you take lobsters, put them in boiling water, they turn red, shrivel up, and then they die! Drugs, yeah, I do 'em all. They aint got no effect on me, I grew up smoking government weed everyday for, you know, kiddie glaucoma, so, I'm pretty much immune to every single drug known to man. Oh, and I love rock and roll french fries. I got a last name, it's...hold on...Ofdensen's telling me not to say it. Ok, so fuck that than. That's really all I got to say to you douchebags.damn, i didn't know that people made things like this. i figured i'd try and see who i was. obviously, you douchebags know the answer already
Which Member of Dethklok are you?
Pickles The Drummer In a completely surreal world, you are actually the closest to making any sense (A drummer, who would have guessed?). Although you are even more of an alcoholic than Nathan, you are the most sociable of the group, and (I use the term quite loosely) are their voice of reason. This could be because you're a bit older than the other members, and have seen both sides of fame in your now completely dead and irrelevant group, Snakes 'N' Barrels. You are Dethklok's drive, and your nasty rhythms add a depth to brutality unreachable by any other instrument. Oh, and you carry a sexy smirk about 50% of the time. What the heck, what about the other 50%?
Television-Movies Quizzes

My Interests

drumming, drinking, drugs, parties, thinking about what it would be like to give up my fame so I can go to the store or the park and look at swans. I tried buying a cinnamon bun franchise, but I don't know what happened with it.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone wants to meet me but they probably won't so...yeah.


Dethklok, Emile Autumn, Nevermore, Arch Enemy, Finntroll, Cannibal Corpse, Metallica, Pantera, Burzum, Gorgoroth, Marduk, Dimmu Borgir, Carpathian Forest, Behemoth, Amon Amarth, Asesino, Brujeria, Slayer, Venom, Danzig, Misfits, Samhain, Opeth, Manowar, Megadeath, Fishtank, Blackwall, Chewghost, ArmoredApple, Tarman, Masters of War, Sour Culture, Insaniac, BeamTreddle, Lofty Pinnacles w/Friendly Bannister, Teabot, Venttrixter,Shutterfiend, Maggotfeast, Skeeter, Saguom, Mushugga, Siebenburgen, Agathocrylyxdaimonesgaar, 1349, a gruesome find, abigail, aborym, absu, ajattara, akrival, anaal nathrakh, ancient, and oceans, anorexia norvosa, antaeus, anubi, aquilus, arckanum, ashen light, asmegin, astriaal, auzhia, bathory, beatrik, beherit, behexen, belphagor, bestial warlust, black altar, black funeral, blood red throne, bloodshed divine, bloodthorn, blut aus nord, borknagar, catamenia, celeano, celtic frost, children of maani, christ agony, crimson moon, dark funeral, darkthrone, dawn, deathspell omega, deathsquadron, demogorgon, demon sword, diabloical masquerade, dissection, domini inferi, dragonlord, drudkh,eternal majesty, emperor, enthroned,exhumed, exhorder, epheles, flammentod, forgotten tomb, frost, frozen shadows, fullmoon rise, funeral winds, furia, gestapo 666, gestapo SS, goatriech 666, goatwhore, grand belials key, graveland, graveworm, grom, haatstrijd, hades, hate forest, heretic, holocaustia, horna, immortal, impaled nazarene, impaled northern moonforest, impiety, infernal war, isenguard, ishtar, judas iscariot, king diamond, klage, krieg, kriegsmaschine, kristalnaucht, kult ov azazel, laex kneexar, leviathan, limbonic art, ljaa, loits, lord wind, lurker of chalice, lux oculta,mayhem,mercyful fate, mezzerschmit, moon, moonblood, moon tower, morgoth, morrigan, mutiilation, naglfar, nargaroth, nattefrost, nazgul, necromantia, negura bunget, nokturnal mortum, old wainds, ohtar, odium, old mans child, pagan winter, pagan fire, permafrost, ragnarok, rethaf ruo, rotting christ, rutthna, sacramentum, sameal, satanic warmaster, satans almighty penis, satyuricon, setherial, silent forest, spear of longinus, stiny plamenu, suidakra, summoning, svafnir, szron, taakeheimen, tha-nor, the black plague, the elysian fields, the kristet untseende, the lord diabolus, thunderbolt, trollskogen, twilight, urfaust, ungod, ulver, uruk hai, varathron, venom, vermeth, vesania, vidsyn, vlad tepes, von, vpaahsalbrox, waffen ss, war 88, warcry, watain, wehrmacht, weltmacht, wolfen society, wolfnacht, wolfsshanze, wolven howl, woods of belial, woods of ypres, xasthur, zyklon, zkklon-b, zephyrous. Apocalyptica, Enochian Crescent,Ved Buens Ende, Carpathian Forest, Nargaroth,Immortal, Amon Amarth, My Dying Bride, Nattefrost, El John, The Woodsmen, Depot Rot, The Needknows, Grand Dreyers, C.S.S., White People, Flak Krisp, Brad Brooksley, Chill Chamber, Joint X, Clearflection Council, and a bunch of other bands i can't remember right now


I may have starred in Blood Ocean, but that thing was a piece of shit. I don't know why we signed up for it. Maybe we were really drunk. Ofdensen knows we get really, really excited about really bad ideas when we drink, and that it's his job to talk us out of it. Wait, he's saying that he did, and we threatened to kill him. So what? Big deal, that threat's not new!

My Blog

List of songs

Alright douchebags, I'm new to this blog crap, so just deal with it. We got a bunch of unreleased songs, ones that didn't make on The Dethalbum. Here's a list of em. pick out which ones you think shou...
Posted by Pickles the Drummer on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 06:14:00 PST