“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change!†~Dr Wayne Dyer
HEALTH…FITNESS: It’s an art, it’s a science, and it’s a way of life…both mentally and physically. You have to know your body and your mind on a deeper level, and know how to apply proper weight training, nutrition, cardio, and even spirituality in order to manipulate and mold your body to acheve your goals!
Education is key, so NO excuses…Temporary Pain, Permanent Success ;)
Love life…everything about it :) It can get a bit crazy and overwhelming at times…but if that was not the case it would be so boring don’t you think?! Lol
I’m a passionate person with an appreciation for people who take care of themselves…physically & mentally. I find myself craving to be around enlightened & positive people. Truly believe everything happens for a reason and everyone that comes into your life is there for a purpose….though we may not understand why right away! I believe you create your life based on your intent and once you set it and believe it with your mind, body & soul…you will achieve it!
I’m grateful for all the wonderful blessings in my life such as my family, my lovely man, my true friends--Friends do come and go but true friends…very few & you guys know who you are :)--and everything else around me!!!
...check out the behind the scenes action now at www.myfittribe.com