musashi profile picture


all these moments are lost in time, like tears in the rain

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorI started working at a very young age. I got an opportunity to work on a TV show on FOX and fell in love with the whole process. And although I’ve been very busy running my company - I also became a partner in a cigar company – I know, a little off base, but that is my life, I still try and work on projects all the time to keep my skills up. My partner in the cigar company is an amazing person and it’s an everyday adventure trying to keep up with his creative process. Since the time I helped him form the company, we have expanded to selling many of my partner’s other creations – leather bags , sk8boards , furniture , clothing , chocolate and well, you’ll have to checkout to really get the picture. Also, I’m in a band, and I am in a rap group, Musashi69, and as you might guess, I don’t get much sleep.
I like guys with their shirts off, Kiefer Sutherland (my 3rd ex husband – although he doesn’t know it and I haven’t met my first or second ex-husband yet – it’s only details). I love playing guitar and bass and I also like to fool around with the drums (and drummers, for that matter). I love smoking cigars and even though I try to stay up on current events, I tend to be a pop culture junkie at times. I’ve never been with a girl (without a guy there) but I would totally have sex with Angelina Jolie – even if Brad wasn’t there.

My Interests

working, smoking cigars , music , guitar , bass , drums , producing, movies, making movies, filming, editing, writing, reading, exercising, learning, biking, eating, chocolate , traveling


aerosmith, def leppard, hole, nirvana, the beatles, madonna, molotov, control machete, beastie boys, 3 doors down, fuel


meet joe black, southpark, bourne supremacy, good advice, any given sunday, the saint, pleasantville, the sixth sence, arlington road, the game, mission impossilbe 2, starship troopers, pitch black, the patriot, the matrix, the contender, the last castle, spy game, resident evil, memento


24, the shield, southpark, sex and the city, friends, will and grace, rw/rr challenge, pimp my ride, da ali g show, real time with bill maher, married with children, anderson cooper, the daily show, and of course I don't get into it till after it's off the air - that 70's show


harry potter, the time traveler's wife, da vinci code, angels and demons, deception point, digital fortress


my best friend and forever my inspiration, Shirley Tetens. you will live forever in my heart.