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All I can be is me!

About Me

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The Omerta Codes for The Family: Omerta: The Code of Silence, Honor and LoyaltyOne of the most important rules of being part of the greater Family is Omerta; the code of silence, honor and loyalty each honorable made man takes when he enters a the Family. It essentially means that a made man is never to discuss any Family business or activities with any outsider, vows to respect the organization's rules, hierarchy, rules of conduct, and punishments for breaking any code. Loyalty is proven by living by the code and be active showing that you work hard for the Family to prosper. “You become a rat by breaking the code, and you'll pay with your life (it's not only the Mounties who always get their man).”In return, the Family protects and supports you (and in case of Final Death, supports your Ghouls and mortal family). You trust and rely on your Family in bad times, just like in good. That support is always there if you are loyal, productive or an influential member of the Family. Above all, the honor code implies that no Kindred, Ghoul or mortal mook is above his Family, and that no bloodsucker should put anything or anybody ahead of his Family and Clan.Loyalty, obedience, honor... you see a pattern emerging here? We are men above all -- honorable, educated, business-savvy men. Don't you dare forget that!

My Interests

My daughter. She is the reason I smile, hustle, love, kick ass, live life, and play "My little pony's"

I'd like to meet:

Are you really reading this?


rap, progressive trance, old school hip hop


Scarface, godfather I and II, ah hell III too. BLOW, GO, trafic, American Gangster and more


Law and Order(all of them), The Sopranos, and car shows on Sunday morning


I read anything to my daughter, and now she is reading to me!!!!


my mom, step-dad, brother and anyone that gets up every morning to hustle.

My Blog

Life NOW

So the company that I took a pay cut to help, the company that I worked 46hrs a week for less than 10 bucks a hour for, the company that I poured my heart and soul in, got divorced over, told everyon...
Posted by Daddy on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 09:56:00 PST