Booking agent, Scandinavia
Jonas Lyckander
Out of clouds is a band from Gothenburg, Sweden, that makes indierock with a focus on melodies. With equal parts British pop tradition and Swedish harmonies, personal pop songs in different moods are created. Since life holds both melancholy and euphoria, it all has to be reflected in the music. The band just released their second ep into your lovely summer on their own self titled label. The best way to experience out of clouds is seeing them live.What have people said about us?
"don't mistake the gentle piano chords, easy beat, and tender harmonies as purely an exercise in retro-ness; to my ears, "Like a Lily" has a vital and appealing heart. Singer Joel Göranson's voice isn't just sweet--listen closely and you'll hear a subtle edge; it's Brian Wilson with Thom Yorke mixed in. The chorus nails this all down for me with its unfolding melody and continually interesting series of chords.""Out of Clouds is a six-piece ensemble from Gothenburg and this, their second EP, is a charming little thing. What you get here is four tracks of sweet, summery rock distinguished by strong melodies and the high, plaintive vocals of Joel Goranson""Sharp licks, sweet hooks, and vibrant harmonies usher in their second EP Into Your Lovely Summer""Vackert som en lilja" 4 out of 5 Demo of the month (into your lovely summer)7 out of 10 (into your lovely summer)Intelligente pop met koortjes van een club knappe Zweedse mannen. Veilig te classificeren onder de rubriek ‘Zweedse pop’, en liefhebbers van dit genre snappen dan wel wat ze in huis halen. Niet te verwarren met de kwaliteit die we gewend zijn van Ikea producten, overigens. Als Nederlandse media dit oppikken zou het best nog eens mooi kunnen lopen in dit land met Out of Clouds4 out of 5 (into your lovely summer)