Natural High profile picture

Natural High

Pink n' Green Stoner Punk Rock

About Me

Pure, natural energy - three words that can define our style. History of the band isn't that broad although we met a long time ago. During the spring 2005, Saddam, Tomko and Banan decided to create a music band. Every one of them played in different projects, together or separately, with various effects and results but finally, they decided to make something new jointly. Soon, a solid drummer Zeebeez joined them and pushed the whole band forwards, like a well-oiled locomotive. After summer holidays, the team became completed as a fellow vocalist Wieszak joined the band. Then the team seriously proceeded to playing music. Inspired by an exploding mixture of many various styles and currents, we tried to give birth to our own genre of music, we called it PinknGreen Stoner Punk Rock and we will always see it as a new, genuine and interesting proposal. We pursue our goals slowly and with determination: we finish recording a demo, we try to give concerts as often as we can and mildly promote ourselves without forgetting about self-improvement, in other words, hard work during rehearsals etc. As far as future plans are concerned, we all agree to a plan of a total domination of stages all over the world and winning millions of fans. Bearing the "Practice makes perfect" saying in mind, one couldn't unambiguously say that we won't succeed. We immodestly think that "Natural High" is a band that needs attention. During gigs, the energy isn't only emitted from the loudspeakers but also directly from us. The truth is that it is our own performance that makes us "high", especially when there's a certain cooperation with the audience. That's why our every concert is like an eruption of a volcano: it's spectacular, loud, dynamic and becomes embedded in memories of fans. Our concerts are worth seeing, checking if it's all true what I wrote, becoming "naturally high" and finding out that Rock'n'Roll is alive and kicking.
Jestesmy z podziemi i gramy brudna muzyke dla szatana. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jestem taka glupia Czysta, naturalna energia, tak w trzech slowach mozna zdefiniowac, nasz styl. Historia zespolu nie siega bardzo daleko, choc znamy sie od dawna. Wiosna 2005r Saddam, Tomko i Banan postanowili zalozyc kapele. Kazdy z nich gral wczesniej w rznych projektach, razem lub osobno, z rznym skutkiem i efektem, az wreszcie stworzyli cos nowego, wsplnego. Niebawem dolaczyl do nich, solidny bebniarz, Zeebeez, ruszajac zespl z miejsca i rozpedzajac go, niczym dobrze naoliwiony parowz. Po wakacjach sklad dopelnil, znajomy wokalista, Wieszak i granie rozpoczelo sie na dobre. Inspirowani, wybuchowa, mieszanka rznych stylw i nurtw, staralismy sie stworzyc swoja wlasna muzyke, nazwalismy ja PinknGreen Stoner Punk Rock, i bedziemy twardo bronic tezy, ze to nowa, wyjatkowa i interesujaca propozycja. Powoli, ambitnie, realizujemy swoje cele: konczymy nagrywanie dema, staramy sie koncertowac jak najwiecej i delikatnie sie promowac, nie zapominajac o ciaglym samodoskonaleniu, czyli ciezkiej pracy, na prbach i nie tylko. Jesli chodzi o najblizsze plany to jestesmy calkowicie zgodni, planujemy calkowita dominacje scen estradowych wszystkich kontynentw i zdobycie milionowej rzeszy wiernych fanw. Idac tropem maksymy Trening czyni mistrza, nie mozna stwierdzic jednoznacznie, ze nigdy nam sie nie uda. Nieskromnie uwazamy, ze Natural High, to zespl zaslugujacy na uwage. Na koncertach energia nie emanuje tylko z glosnikw, ale i z nas bezposrednio. Poprostu bardzo rusza nas wlasna tworczosc, a zwlaszcza w konfrontacji z publicznoscia i dlatego kazdy nasz wystep jest, podobno, jak erupcja wulkanu, widowiskowy, glosny, dynamiczny i zapada w pamiec. Warto sie na ktorys wybrac, by sprawdzic osobiscie czy to prawda, by zlapac Naturalnego Haja i przekonac sie ze RocknRoll zyje, i do tego ma sie swietnie.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/11/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Tomko - gitgit1
Saddam - gitgit2
Banan - gitbas
Zeebeez - drums
Wieszak - voc
Influences: eeeeeeeeee sand and eeeeeeee fire and eeeeeeeee moon
Sounds Like: sounds
Type of Label: None