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I am here for Friends

About Me

"dissent does not equal disloyalty"

My Interests

peace. anarchism.punk parents like angel-baby of a daughter. my intact and perfect baby son. my junglistic punk rock hessian italian stallion of a husband.intactivism. babywearing. natural childbirth, homebirth, midwifery. attachment parenting. tandem nursing and child led weaning. holistic medicine. stream of consciousness poetry. activism. health food. homeopathy. rock and roll.

I'd like to meet:

....all these weird creatures who lock up their spirits....drill holes in themselves...and live for their secrets....... ..


the Cure, Radiohead, Fugazi, Tori Amos, the Prayer Chain, David Bowie, Dead Kennedys, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Portishead, Morellas Forrest, Jeff Buckley, Tori Amos (yes, I said Tori twice, but with Tori, is once ever enough?), the Beatles, Danzig, the Sex Pistols, Prince, Atari Teenage Riot, Sunny Day Real Estate...I draw a blank when trying to list everything i love. There's no way to encompass it in one list.


"Truth goes through three stages: first it is ridiculed; then violently opposed; finally, it’s accepted as being self-evident." -Schopenhauer


law & order junkie, in all manifestations. i should be ashamed of myself. i AM ashamed of myself. i would Kill my Television if i could get its antennaes off me.


anne rice. arthur rimbaud. anais nin. lewis carroll. li-young lee. bram stoker. leo tolstoy. stephen king. guy de maupassant.



My Blog

yoga an amazing feeling.   Indescribable.  I'm looking at different studios in town.  If you've tried any, and have an preferences, input, feedback to offer, it would be greatly ...
Posted by sarah on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 10:38:00 PST

love love love

and last but DEFINITELY not least:  ...
Posted by sarah on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 07:56:00 PST

In a burst of creativity...

or manic episode, as my mother might say, I made:   A David Bowie bag, reconstructed out of a t-shirt and some vintage paisley canvas. A leopard print halter dress for Angie A pair of skull print...
Posted by sarah on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 03:34:00 PST

no hospitals for me, thanks

Why?  Get asked that a lot. In a nutshell: Misogynistic obstetricians who feel the need to save women from their flawed bodies and (ever heard about how 'small' you are built down there with your...
Posted by sarah on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 06:19:00 PST


If Gardasil is the great benevolent vaccine they are claiming it is, then why wouldn't it's benefits be available to males as well as females?  Males can carry and pass the same strains of H...
Posted by sarah on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 11:51:00 PST

Look what I made!

I made longies for baby T....out of a beautiful variegated 100% wool NORO yarn, which is from Japan.  He's adorable if I do say so, myself. ...
Posted by sarah on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 12:07:00 PST

pageants are evil

Pageants are evil.  They undermine young girls' confidence in themselves as intelligent beings, and relegate them to viewing themselves as decorative objects only, and I am vehemently o...
Posted by sarah on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 12:01:00 PST


it's good to be me.  i like it. my baby is learning to walk.  he curls my hair around his fingers and snuggles against me to sleep, while i play footsies with my sleeping husband.  it'...
Posted by sarah on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 11:54:00 PST

foreskins are NOT a birth defect

"Truth goes through three stages: first it is ridiculed; then violently opposed; finally, its accepted as being self-evident." -Schopenhauer ..
Posted by sarah on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 03:30:00 PST

the prophet

On ChildrenAnd a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, "Speak to us of Children." And he said:Your children are not your children.They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itse...
Posted by sarah on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 10:30:00 PST