ROCKABILLY, doowop, swing, 50's rock n'roll, blues, jazz, twang, outlaw country, swing and jive dancing, black and white films, playing pool, having fun with my friends, sewing, cooking, vintage anything and everything, pin up art, classic cars and hot rods, TATTOOS! .... there's more I'm sure but you get the main idea.
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ROCKABILLY, swing, blues, jazz, doowop, 50's rock n'roll, twang, outlaw country, some punk and psychobilly
Your Inner Retro Girl Is
1950s Pinup
What Retro Girl Are You?
Your 1950s Name is:
Holly Darlene
What's your 1950s Name?
You are the Girl Next Door. You're the sweet one.
The quiet one. The one that he doesn't realize
he's got until you're gone.
What Type Of Retro Gal Are You?
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The Postman always rings twice, (Lana turner is one of my favorite actresses of all time) swingers, ziegfield girl, the boondock saints, goodfellas, cry baby, the book of love, slightly dangerous, arsenic and old lace, the notebook, Casablanca, all the bud Abbott and Lou Costello movies, all the Andy Hardy movies, full metal jacket, orgazmo, the jerk, Chicago, stand by me, the sandlot, million dollar mermaid, napoleon dynamite, swing kids, Pleasantville, o' brother where art thou?, Billy Madison, American graffiti, all tarintino movies, rebel without a cause, east of Eden, giant, it happened one night..
CSI, The History Channel, TCM, The Discovery Channel, Court TV, Family guy, Prison Break, The Military Channel, Reno 911! South Park..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5
meoww, you're the sex kitten. One pose and you're
on fire! No wonder you have all the men
drooling over you ;)
What Pin Up girl are you?
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i LOVE to read all kinds of books right now i'm reading ... THE RESCUE by nicholas sparks.
The brave men and women who gave their life for this great country, and the men and women in uniform today.