Cindy, The Creator of Trippy Hippie Threads profile picture

Cindy, The Creator of Trippy Hippie Threads

Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised" ~Prov. 31

About Me

Jesus loves me and he does too!

Check out my Stand True Page

Who am I?
I'm a Mom. I'm launching 8 little arrows into the future. I've positioned them to change the world. The world will be a better place because they lived. "They" are Noah, Rachel, Abbey, Bekah, Jesse, Ethan, Judah, and Eli.
I'm an artist. I've grown from conventional art and am now also creating with fabric and fibers. Traditionally considered the realm of women and thus unimportant, my heart's desire is to peel back the layers of stereotypes and ignorance to reveal the inherent beauty in the traditional and useful creations of women using fabric, fibers, natural dyes...
I am not a conformist. No offense intended but I don't want to be like you. I'm unique, one of a kind, an original - fearfully & wonderfully made in the image of God. There never has been nor will there ever be anyone just like me. That rawks.

My Interests

..In a band, go to music festivals, played at one? Was I there? Your photo is probably on iTickets for all to see then. Check it out:

Jesus the Christ, launching 8 arrows into the future, designing unique clothing, dancing, sewing for my children, Cornerstone Festival, authentic feminist activism, music, reading non-fiction, praising God, pen & ink illustration, pro-life activism, politics (I'm all over the map so don't even try to nail me down), creating beautiful things that make people say, "WOW!", making friends, Communal living (Acts 2 style), WAR on the FLOOR, worship,fabric art, beading, renaissance clothing, attachment parenting, advocating for breastfeeding, being the music industry minimum daily love requirement as needed, hanging out at Gathering Grounds interests to be continued

I'd like to meet:

Jesus , on that glorious day when the dead in Christ shall be pulled from their graves to meet with Him in the air and after them the believers who still live.
OK, New Rule: I am a little, kinda, sorta (okay, maybe obnoxiously) "in your face" about what I stand for and Who I live for. I follow a simple guideline: WWJA - Who Would Jesus Add? Please don't ask me to add you if your page would embarrass me if my 8 year old checked out my friends.
On the other hand, unless you are mean, I'd still love to meet you. I'd like to get to know you and where you're at in your life. If you are a musician I'd like to hear your music, understand what motivates you to play, learn about your personal faith walk, regardless of whether it parallels or even remotely resembles mine. I'll pray for you if you would like. I'll pray for your sick grandma, your troubled relationship, or your suicidal friend. We can message and get to know each other and that would so rock. I just really don't want my 7 year old greeting his bus driver by flippin' her the bird 'cause "it must be cool if Mommy's friends get their picture taken doing it." I mean, sheesh, they go to Christian school. I don't even want to explain that one to the principal.



Rez, DJ Mag, Staple, Spoken, Casting Crowns, needtobreath, Beloved, Zao, Mike Knott, 77s, Our Fallen Empire, Matthew West, Beneath the Sky, Showbread, Cush, Nodes of Ranvier, GS Megaphone, Demon Hunter, Reliant K, MxPx, Rez, Switchfoot, POD, Mark Heard, Celestial Static, Rock 'N' Roll Worship Circus, Caedmon's Call, MercyMe, Blessed By A Broken Heart, Jacob's Trouble, The Devil Wears Prada, The Choir, Blindside, Third Day, Natalie Grant, The Beautiful Mistake, Clash of Symbols, The Waiting, Phat Chance, Stereo Motion, He Is Legend, Sea Turns Red, Savatage, Dakona, Victoria Williams, be continued...

Cornerstone 2006. Staple, after their final C'stone performance: Darin, Israel, Trippy Hippie, Brian, and Grant's amazing drumming replacement, Josh McNeal.

Cornerstone 2004. Staple, with Eli, their smallest fan. Darin, Israel, Brian (holding Eli-He had baby fever already!), and Grant.


Have you ever taken 8 kids to a theater? How 'bout 8 kids in a mini van at the drive-in? How 'bout finding a good babysitter who can handle 8 kids and charges less than a plumber?
If it's on the Hallmark Movie Channel and I get everyone to bed on time I might get to watch a movie. Can't remember the last one I saw all the way through though. I fall asleep. You would too.


TVU - Where music is going

CSI New York (CSI Miami is kinda hokey), Without a Trace, Law & Order, Boston Legal (So, William Shatner really can act!). I like Dr. Phil too but I only get to watch him when I'm riding my exercise bike so I usually only catch the first half or the last half. It's frustrating...either I see his guests describe their hopeless situation to Dr. Phil and am left wondering if there was a solution or I get on the a little late and hear how Dr. Phil solves a dilemma, the details of which I know nothing. I wish he could learn how to get his message across in 60 seconds like advertisers do.


My owner's manual,
the B-I-B-L-E.
I read a lot. Among my favorite authors are: C.S. Lewis (Read the Screwtape letters and you'll never look at spiritual warfare the same again), John MacQuarrie (not my Uncle Johnny but I'd read anything he wrote too), Francis Schaeffer (mostly senior...junior has gotten a bit flakey), Frank Peretti, St. Augustine (one of the early church fathers and absolutely brilliant), Dr. James Dobson (he raised my kids, I swear), Kevin Lehman (he helped Dr. Dobson) be continued


Jesus the Christ, Bob & Ruthan Miller, Fred Rogers (I kid you not!), Julian of Norwich, Ronald Reagan, be continued

My Blog

Palins in! Now I can get excited

Up until a few days ago I was holding my nose and voting against Obama. Since McCain's choice of Alaska's Gov. Palin as running mate I now have something to get excited about. The woman has much of w...
Posted by Cindy, The Creator of Trippy Hippie Threads on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 10:58:00 PST

The Trippy Hippie Hotel (Neocracy Slept Here)

I once booked all the bands for Gathering Grounds and now get by with just promoting like there's no tomorrow (actually, if Jesus returns tonight, there won't be a tomorrow as we know it but that...
Posted by Cindy, The Creator of Trippy Hippie Threads on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 06:02:00 PST

The Truth Will Get You DELETED

My daughter, after doing research for a report, was certain that anyone who knew the truth about abortion, would be horrified. She posted a folder of photos on her MySpace and labeled it:  Aborti...
Posted by Cindy, The Creator of Trippy Hippie Threads on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 03:25:00 PST

This Post Was Legally Mandated.

Or so my brother claimed when he tagged me. Anyway, I have to list ten random facts about myself.Number one would be that I check my MySpace from my phone, in the car on my way home from work. OH...
Posted by Cindy, The Creator of Trippy Hippie Threads on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 02:05:00 PST

Moving on (AKA Poverty Stinks)

  I hoped this day would never have to come. I have resigned my position as full-time (with overtime as needed) volunteer for Gathering Grounds. The final show that I am booking/promoting is Musi...
Posted by Cindy, The Creator of Trippy Hippie Threads on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 10:18:00 PST

I'm joining the Federal Volunteer Protection Program

Don't look for me.
Posted by Cindy, The Creator of Trippy Hippie Threads on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 11:19:00 PST

No car. No money. Anybody know when it stops sucking?

I drive junk. My current van is held together with band stickers, duct tape and zip-ties. I've had 9 or 10 junky Dodge or Plymouth mini-vans since I gave my last Toyota van away. I bet the old Toyota ...
Posted by Cindy, The Creator of Trippy Hippie Threads on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 07:19:00 PST

My Niece is a brilliant artist

My niece, Bethany, is a student at a prestigious college of art and design located smack in the middle of the Bible belt. I shall not name the college for reasons which will soon become clear. She was...
Posted by Cindy, The Creator of Trippy Hippie Threads on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 04:18:00 PST

It's STILL a Boy!

Noah Christopher Osborne (left) was born yesterday a bit after noon. He was 6 pounds, 10 ounces and 22 inches long. 5 toes, 4 fingers, 2 thumbs. I guess all the other pieces and parts are there...I di...
Posted by Cindy, The Creator of Trippy Hippie Threads on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 12:13:00 PST

It's a BOY!

Erin, my sweet daughter-in-love had an ultra-sound the other day and I was right! My second grandson is due around January 5th. Here's his picture. Isn't he cute! ...
Posted by Cindy, The Creator of Trippy Hippie Threads on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 02:23:00 PST