Nov 26th is the big day. 33 days to go!!!!! profile picture

Nov 26th is the big day. 33 days to go!!!!!

Mommy to a beautiful angel, Wife to a wonderful man, and a bun baking away in the oven!!!!!! img src

About Me

I am the wife of an amazing man who is also a soldier in the United States Army. I stay home and take care of our little zoo we have around here. We have 2 dogs (Fenrir & Hercules), 3 rabbits, a tree frog, a mali uromastyx, a 55 gallon fish tank along with other much smaller tank with my husbands beta, and 2 hampsters. I love spending time with my husband when the Army doesn't steal him away for whatever new matter he is needed for... lol... For those of you who knew me in my 'past' life, I am still the same person I once was, however I have gone through some major changes... Life is not the same as it was and though I am the same person you may find it hard to recognize the person I am becoming... Life sucks, but I still live, and I have finally found what I believe to be my new normal, after all I got to hold my little girl in my arms, if only for a little while, we are expecting our second child who is due December 10th (also the date of my God daughters birth... how cool is that! and the date that a very special man in my life was born as well. He passed away 4 years ago and he and his fiance (both parental figures in my life) are forever missed)) and I have the love of the most wonderful man I know... What more could a person ask for in life, than the love for ones children, the love of the man of your life? Love you always sexy man... I couldn't have gotten this far without you. I am also the mother to a beautiful little angel named Evalynn Jane-Marie. The past couple of years have been littered with a lot of loss and heart break for us and so many people we love and care about, but we are soo thankful for the people who have stood by our side through everything and continue to guide us and help us when we need it. I have met some amazing women throughout this journey who have helped me through and without them I don't know where I would be. Though I would never wish this hurt on even my worst enemy, I am so greatful that I have met all of you wonderful women who are also the mothers of so many beautiful Angels.Eva's Site: http://angelgirleva.virtual-memorials.comFeel Free to stop by and visit Eva's Website and if you feel moved even leave her a little message. She may have only been in our arms for a short while, but she is always and forever in our hearts! I also have a myspace dedicated to her now as well. She is at the top of my friends list. Feel free to send an add request and I will be sure to add you. For all the other angel mommies on my list there are some wonderful poems and other writings that have really touched me and helped me in my journey and I invite you to read the blog on Eva's page as I put it there in hipes that it may bring you some of the same peace that it has brought me. I will continue to put more things up as the time goes on and am in desperate need of updating her site, but I will be working towards that in the very near future. Layout By: href=" 9tL2NsYXNzaWNsb3Zlc3Rvcmllcw=="classic love stories?

My Interests

My husband! Outdoors, family, camping, painting and a multitude of other crafts... partyin from time to time with my husband and our friends. hangin out with and chattin with my friends from home though sometimes it seems that life is to busy. I miss you guys!..

I'd like to meet:

Old and New friends alike. I would like to catch up with old friends I have lost touch with along the way, keep in touch with my Army family I have made since coming here to Campbell with my husband, as well as meet some new friends who have been there done that and can understand who I am without looking down on me for still grieving and hurting.People need to learn to understand that life goes on yes, but the pain that is in our hearts will never go away nor do we want it to, because for the pain to go away we must forget and Forgetting our beautiful angel existed is the greatest crime of all!!!!!!And of course the person I wish to meet the most in this world or in the life after is my little girl and to hold her in my arms once more. Though I know that is not possible to have happen in life, I know that she is with me in my dreams and look forward to the day that I am called home so that I may be able to hold her in my arms once more if only for a moment...Miss you Angel Girl... Mommy loves you always and my heart will never be healed until I hold you in my arms once more.


I like a little bit of everything, but more often than not you'll see me rockin out to some country music, or some celtic and other ethnic varieties, and if you catch me relaxing... Which for those of you that know me know is a very seldom thing... I'll be sitting back listening to some good old classical music! What can I say? I was a band geek going through school and instrumental music will always have a very special place in my heart!


I'm not a huge movie fan, but I like any movie that allows me to curl up on the couch with my husband and if the movie doesn't catch my attention I'll grab a book and stay curled up in his arms. Those movies are the best... LOL


Heroes, Smallville, Friday Night Lights, Daytime Discovery Health, Gilmore Girls, 7th Heaven, Supernatural, well, you get the point... lol


I read pretty much anything that draws my attention. Phillip Pullman and Dan Brown are phenominal authors as well as so many more that I can't name. I am into Biographies, Autobiographies, Mythology, Fiction and Non-Fiction... Pretty much throw it at me and sooner or later I will read it!


My best friend, my lover, the love of my life... my husband... my soldier... Without you I would lose my way and with you I the happiest I have ever been. You are where I find my strength and my courage and I will love you until the end of time. You mean more to me than words can say just know that no matter where you are I will always be right here waiting for you... And if I go before you do know that I'll be at Heaven's gates with our sweet Eva in my arms always waiting for you!My sweet angel Eva! She had the strength to say good bye and go to that great big place in the sky where she watches over us all now keeping us safe and warm. I love you my angel. Mommy misses you always!My mom... She has and always will be by my side whenever and whyever i need her. She's one of my best friends and I wouldn't change it for the world. There was a time when things were differant and we weren't nearly as close as we are now, but I am proud to have found my Mommy again! You mean the world to me and I love you so very much.Jim... My Daddy!!! You loved us when you didn't have to. You cared for me when I straight up told you to go fuck yourself and broke your heart. In you I find the strength I wish to have in myself, and I also see the parent I wish to be one day... the parent I already am. I love you DADDY!!!!My father... though misguided to say the least these days, he was once a man that I could be proud of, and it is that memory of him that I hold onto. May God give you the strength to grow beyond the man you have become and to become the father I know you can be.

My Blog

Brings a tear to my eye... thank you for sharing! you know who you are :)

A different child, people notice There's a special glow around you. You grow surrounded by love Never doubting you are wanted; Only look at the pride and joy In your mother and father's eyes. And if s...
Posted by Nov 26th is the big day. 33 days to go!!!!! on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 02:38:00 PST

Yet another baby update... lol

So, if you have missed it I had my ultrasound done today.  Everything looks GREAT!  We have disconvered that my husbands dream has come true and we have a little boy on the way who will be n...
Posted by Nov 26th is the big day. 33 days to go!!!!! on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 05:18:00 PST

For All the Angel Daddies out there....

A Man in Grief It must be very difficult To be a man in grief, Since "men don't cry" and "men are strong" No tears can bring relief. It must be very difficult To stand up to the test And field the ca...
Posted by Nov 26th is the big day. 33 days to go!!!!! on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 10:34:00 PST

A Difficult Day

When life is up as high as you dream it can be something always knocks on your door to bring you back to reality.  No, Donn has not been cut from 160th and will still be staying stateside.  ...
Posted by Nov 26th is the big day. 33 days to go!!!!! on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 09:14:00 PST

The Most Fantabulous News Ever

Ok, so today has been beyond awesome!  First of all everything is going great with the baby.  I saw the doctor on Friday and everything is going great!  My blood pressure is 100% normal...
Posted by Nov 26th is the big day. 33 days to go!!!!! on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 06:33:00 PST

Back from the doctor

Ok, so I'm home and exhausted.  lol  Everything is going well.  My doctor is thrilled with my blood pressure.  It's down again to 112/71!!!!!!!!!!!  At least the medicine is w...
Posted by Nov 26th is the big day. 33 days to go!!!!! on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 08:59:00 PST

Remember Them!

Remember them always. Pull your tissue's out and be ready to cry because I've been cryin and every tear has been worth it just knowing how lucky I am! I hope these videos work!Remember Me ...
Posted by Nov 26th is the big day. 33 days to go!!!!! on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 12:09:00 PST

Back from the doctor

Ok, so I had my check up on my bp and it's doing awesome!  Last appointment my bp was 143/97 and I was put on blood pressure medication as well as baby asprin, calcium supplement, and claritin (t...
Posted by Nov 26th is the big day. 33 days to go!!!!! on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 10:33:00 PST

I got this from one of my groups... She has some great points & it's about time someone said it

I know that the women in my list are good people and better than this, but I think it's really important that this message get out to everyone who does follow the idea of the overall rant in their liv...
Posted by Nov 26th is the big day. 33 days to go!!!!! on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 09:18:00 PST

All About Baby!!!

Ok, so here's the dealio!  lol... Went to my appointment this morning and everything is looking pretty good right now.  I'm measuring a little behind which isn't anything new, Eva did the sa...
Posted by Nov 26th is the big day. 33 days to go!!!!! on Wed, 23 May 2007 10:16:00 PST