Bugout Society profile picture

Bugout Society

YO! BABY 'SUP! 1986-1998

About Me

If you had trouble scrubbing the White Castle residue out of your hair, t-shirt, carpet, drapes, floorboards, microphone, speaker cabinet front grill cloth, rice & beans plate, shoelaces, mixing board, leather jacket, lighting fixture or middle ear, we sincerely apologize.
That doesn't include the guy who booked us at the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge. I hope the window screens took a long time to clean!
Bill, feel free to edit this all out! --Gamp

My Interests


Member Since: 12/8/2005
Band Members: M.C. Charlie Boswell sang/shouted/taunted and danced with audience members, sometimes all four at the same time. He also ate all the cupcakes, but that's another story. And if you got hit with a flying White Castle somewhere along the way, Charlie was the band member who always had at least one hand free, if you get my drift.The Gamp complained constantly (still does), tried to get "Get A Life" back on the air and played bass until Al left, then guitar. His greatest all-time complaint was after the only BOS appearance in The Carolinas, we decided to make a stop at the Mason Museum in Fredricksburg VA, Gamp complained that we had ruined his perfect evening of 1st run Fox Sunday Sitcoms by showing interest in secret societies. He lost a crappy Charvel guitar in Providence and blew up a crappy Peavey amp in Albany in the early 90s. Best decisions he never made, musically speaking.Dude Doo Doo a.k.a. Mighty Mighty Pelletman a.k.a. Chris played the drums with style and aplomb. When playing out-of-town shows he would occasionally sleep until 2 in the afternoon and then head to a diner and order both pancakes and a turkey club sandwich in the same sitting. He is not, however, "down" with Johnny Swing.Bill Florio got his car locked in a garage in Bethlehem, PA while a bunch of junior KKK members' girlfriends tried to entice us to take them to a motel room. Bill raised the band's profile significantly with constant plugs in his zines Smashin Through and Greedy Bastard. When Al left, nobody on the short list of possible replacements (Dee Dee Ramone, Donnie Wahlberg) was available, so Bill asked if he could play bass and we said "O.K." On the one hand, he played bass way better than Gamp, but on the other he made the band drive 50 miles out of its way to go to Cracker Barrel. You make the pick.Anarchy Al played guitar in the beginning until leaving the band (after some to-do about painting his apartment). Just after his departure, he accompanied the band to the "A Night At The Apollo" talent show at Pace University in Westchester. A few hundred flying Swedish meatballs later, a bouncer got innocent bystander Al in a choke hold and forcibly ejected him from the building. Al likes comic books, moonlight strolls on the beach and shouting obscenities, and hates peas.Though he has probably claimed to be both at one time or another, James Henry Hass III is, as far as we can tell, neither an oil magnate nor a serial killer. However, since Chris was unavailable to play the July 2006 reunion shows, Jim stepped up to the plate. That makes him okay in our book, even if he refuses to do rolls.Bill, feel free to edit this too. --Gamp
Influences: Depends who you ask but most likely The Ramones, Beastie Boys and Adrenalin O.D.
Sounds Like: Depends who you ask but most likely neither The Ramones, Beastie Boys nor Adrenalin O.D.
Record Label: Drunken Shaolin
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

SKILL CRANE it is a Chill Crane

Posted by Bugout Society on Tue, 23 May 2006 12:03:00 PST

Worship The DOG GOD

Posted by Bugout Society on Tue, 23 May 2006 12:02:00 PST


Posted by Bugout Society on Tue, 23 May 2006 10:36:00 PST

Castle Carnage Video

.. width="425" height="350">..>...
Posted by Bugout Society on Tue, 16 May 2006 10:05:00 PST

Worship The DOG GOD!

The new Weird NY book has  a page dedicated to Albany's DOG GOD as was first made famous in the MC Charlie Boswell motion picture DOG GOD. Check it out....
Posted by Bugout Society on Fri, 23 Dec 2005 05:31:00 PST