What ever i can get my hands on...besides that trying to unite all culture's, just remember their is a bigger picture envovled. On the earthly side of things building my own company, new york city entrepeneurs (get nyce).
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GOD, and everyone on the planet earth.
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http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o163/bornnyce/fireisland3 036.jpgTechno save my life...positive hip hop, jazz, reggie, r&b and a long list of others.
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Reading is fundamental. Food for thought:The debt scam. BY controlling the creation of credit,the bankers can cause booms and busts,nationally and internationally,whanever they wish to futher their ambitions.AN economic depression is not caused by a collapse in the demand for goods and services.People do not decide that thay no longer want jobs done or articles produced.AN economic depression is caused when there are not enough pieces of paper and electronic "money" in circulation to pay for those goods and services.And who controls the amount of money-credit in circulation? the banks. For more pick up the book titled ...and the truth will set you free. David Icke.
My .1 hero is my mother.And people that are willing to help when not asked.