Nads profile picture


Car thickie or music, both, actually.

About Me

If I had my life to live again, I woulda been a member of Ravi Shankar's Doo Dah Band, or maybe the lead singer of The Backstreet Boys To Men Without Hats Off To Larry The Cable Guy Lombardo's Big Band of Brothers Johnson, yeah I know I shoulda stopped at the word Hats, because after that it makes zero sense.I used to play stand up bass in a great band called The Delusionaires and still do in one ass kicking outfit called Big Jef Special, we've been together for 10 years plus.I have two children and one wife, one of the kids is a boy, he's six years old and screams like banshee for no good reason, the girl's now eighteen and an adult and she's about the sweetest thing ever. My wife's hot. Right now some shit's hit the wall, so that's why I changed my profile to rid it of some of its mean content. I'm not saying I've turned a new leaf and become sweet and kind all of a damn sudden, I'm just giving that impression, but I do have to send good karma to our drummist and friend Brian, because he really needs us.

My Interests

Looking at scantilly clad European tourists (womens only) to and from my way to work.

I'd like to meet:

A helicopter pilot who can really, in real life, actually chop the tops off of zombie's heads.


Chumbawamba and the Not Sensibles and I'm being serious.


24 frames per second, any less, and it's every chase scene in The Benny Hill Show and any more, it's boring as fuck.


1959 Philco Predicta Tandem


what Glenn Danzig sits on in the front seat of his Jag so he can see over the steering wheel.


Not much into Greek food

My Blog

Oh yeah I forgot

I also have a back scratcher with Plorida on it and a jewelry box that says Friemdship Forever as the heartfelt sentiment emblazoned atop.
Posted by Nads on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 12:58:00 PST

Its hard to boar like an eabla when you work with turkreys

It's on a hat pin I got, it's supposed to say "It's hard to soar like an eagle when you work with turkeys" but because it was made in deep, dark China something went wrong in the translation. I also h...
Posted by Nads on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 12:55:00 PST

Im sorry

about my behavior last night, if it's any consolation I've been told that midget balls heal rather quickly.
Posted by Nads on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 10:51:00 PST

About Nine Story Louie

I knew Louie only in passing, whenever I took Miles for a walk, pre Gomez days, we would pass Louie's house. Invariably he would be meowing very loudly and running up to meet us, I'm sure he did that ...
Posted by Nads on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 06:16:00 PST

Cats and condominiums

On Saturday night before riding out to see one of my favoritist bands evah, Nervous Turkey, we went up on the balcony of my friend Bill's new condo, well he's been there five years but I'm slow. What ...
Posted by Nads on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 09:36:00 PST

Bo Diddley

Anna texted me this morning, I'm still in shock, he was sick, he was old, it was gonna happen but sometimes you think badassness can transcend death.I never saw him play, I'm a fucking fat loser.His m...
Posted by Nads on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 01:53:00 PST

Miles the deceptive one.

Anna picked up Miles from school yesterday, when they got to the door Miles asked his mom for his crayons. After that he brought his notebook to show her and said "The teacher gave me a red and a gree...
Posted by Nads on Fri, 30 May 2008 07:41:00 PST

Goodbye dear Iris

Life is made of milestones. Last Saturday Sophia graduated and on the very same day our rabbit, Iris, went hoppity hop into the great unknown. Now our chihuahua, Gomez, has one less thing left to hump...
Posted by Nads on Tue, 27 May 2008 10:05:00 PST

My baby’s graduating on Saturday

and I can't see straight through my tears. It seemed like it was yesterday when we brought her less than 4 lbs little self home in the back of our Chevy, now she's gonna be gone in a few weeks, not go...
Posted by Nads on Tue, 20 May 2008 05:12:00 PST

We went to see Radiohead with 40,000 other people,

intimate Hardly. It reminded me of an old issue of Viz (look it up) on its cover was the proclamation, "Free Poster of The Boss Inside." The poster was a picture of a stage taken from about thirty row...
Posted by Nads on Wed, 07 May 2008 10:55:00 PST