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Mass Rock

About Me

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Kinnar is now: B.A., Eric, Spanky, Pear, Ger-Man, and Andrew.

“Kinnar is the scrappiest of the bunch. This Billerica band of brothers, explodes with powderkeg energy” - The Lowell Sun

“Successfully skirting the fringes of rock, metal, and punk, Kinnar has a sound and style that is completely their own.” – Metronome Magazine

“The beauty of Kinnar is that everyone can enjoy them, from the person walking by the bar they are playing in, to the rabid fan that attends every show they play. There is something to be said for a band with such well crafted and well performed songs”- Performer Magazine

“With the richly blended influences of '80/'90s alternative mainstays, Kinnar is on the threshold of forging a unique sound.” – The Noise

Some facts about Kinnar : a work in regress

If you think you are champ material at any 8-bit Nintendo game, just know that between the 4 of us we have them all covered and could kick the ass out of you and send you back to the minors. Spanky has always had a spot on his hand that repels dirt and oil, and resembles Abraham Lincoln's profile. No matter what kind of filth he puts those mitts in, Abe comes peeking out.
Selling music is bad. That's not so much a Kinnar fact, as it is a fact of life.

Eric was star baseball player in his youth, until he witnessed his brother get beaned in the head during a game, spurring him to leave the sport behind him.

We are recording a double album, which you can hear at our virb site.
We don't "network" or promote or any of that shit.
When Spanky and I were in 2nd and 4th grade respectively, we were walking through the woods and came face-to-face (if you could call it a face), with what we agree was an alien. We have never told anybody about this incident until I just typed it now.
Our reviews, whether good or bad, have always made me want to choke the shit out of the reviewer.
Eric, Spanky and I once had a harsh canoe crash into a fallen tree, in which Spanky lost a sneaker in the Saco river. I had previously written "Suckin' Dicks" on the bottom of said sneaker as he dangled it out the car window while sleeping. In a bizarre and inexplicable coincidence, we happened to be traveling to Maine and we found the sneaker at an intersection many miles from the river 2 weeks later, in the middle of nowhere, with the "Suckin' Dicks" still intact.
Aside from our duties in Kinnar, Pear plays drums for a band called Ichabod, and I play drums in Audrey Can't Die. There is another project some of us are involved in, but it's a secret and I heard from someone that you can't keep a secret. You gossipy bitch-ass bitch.
All 6 of us still have both our real eyeballs. With all the shenanigans we've been up to all these years, you'd figure someone would have lost at least one by now.
Ger-man, Eric, Andrew and I used to play in i.Valdeva (though not all at once). If anyone has the EP we recorded I'd like to hear that shit.
3 out of the 4 of us have OCD.
There are also some serious anxiety and alcohol problems thrown in the mix too.
Spanky and I have watched the movie UHF well over 1,000 times. No exaggeration...3 times a week for over ten the math.

When we were in high school, the police were called to my house at 11:00PM because Eric, the Ger-Man and I were keeping the neighbors up with our weekly practices, and instead of making us stop, the responding officer jumped behind the drum set and played with us for a half-hour.

You know that thing where you're not supposed to be able to eat 2 slices of white bread in under a minute without water? Eric can eat almost the whole loaf.

Spanky's bass head used to belong to L.A. Guns or some shit.

Pear and I can destroy you at Hold 'Em.

At the tender age of 13, Eric once got carried away and checked Pear into some bushes during an intense pick-up hockey game. Pear has never fully forgiven him, and brings it up to this day with the phrase "Could've broken some bones", only to be ridiculed by the rest of us.
One of the first memories I have of the Ger-Man is him tapping me the shoulder at age 13 or 14 in homeroom, to show off his Terminator X trading card. (Yes...Public Enemy's Terminator X....I have no idea why)
Speaking of hockey....We have had an inner-band argument for years about the proper lineup to use in NES Ice Hockey. I prefer to go with 1-skinny, 2- medium, 3-fat, 4-another fat. That way you have the skinny speed up front, with some moderate strength from the medium to back him up, and the ripping slapshots at the point from the fat asses. What's your lineup?
Eric once gave Andrew the ever elusive "Double Sailboat"
Pear and I once witnessed a drive by.
Spanky's father was a dancer on American Bandstand for a while.
Eric and I have run from the police multiple times where the police turned out to be imaginary. Except for the few times they weren't, and in those cases all that previous running really came in handy.
Eric and I were also once involved in a car chase that covered 3 towns and multiple lawns and sidewalks, and jumping a ditch Dukes of Hazzard-style. It was the stuff that dreams are made of.
We broke up for over a half a year once. I won't point fingers, but it was Eric's fault.
Our mothers say we're going to be handsome.

Mike Kent painted us a sweet drum head. Look for it in our pics.

Eric hates to be wet. I.E. After showering, swimming, or sweating large amounts, he must have lotion, and must remain standing for an hour so his skin doesn't touch any furniture or anything.
In recent years, I have developed an anxiety disorder where I randomly become unable to breathe and my limbs become numb. The only quick cure I have discovered, is to sit at a piano, pick up a guitar, or pass out.
Now that the Ger-Man has re-entered the fold, our videography and photo collection should be substantially better. (This is especially true since we have no videos at all right now.)
We are hoping to enter into a blindfolded drivers demolition derby with my vile piece-of-shit truck, which we will film and use for a video.
Send us your own facts if you have any you would like to submit. They must be true...this isn't some lame-ass Chuck Norris shit so don't even try it buddy.


My Interests


Member Since: 9/29/2004
Band Members: All post-2008 sounds by B.A., Eric, Spanky, Pear, the Ger-man, and Andrew.
Influences: Jack Kerouac, Graham Greene, Hunter S. Thompson, Henry Miller, J.D. Salinger, Charles Bukowski, Lester Bangs, Henry David Thoreau, Ernest Hemingway, F Scott Fitzgerald, Herman Melville, Jonathan Safran Foer, Howard Zinn, Wes Anderson, Albert Einstein
Sounds Like: Kinnar
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Exhibits T through Z

I swiped some pics from Danielle, Ger-Man, Spanky, and Pear.  The Donkey incident, The Toilet Incident, The Moustache incident, and the Deutsch-Bag Wet Suit are all well respresented. Thank You....
Posted by Kinnar on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 11:21:00 PST

studio update 8/9

Hey there Nits,   We hit a snag in the studio on Saturday.  Pear, Eric and I recorded all the drums and guitars for "Tonight", but I blew my voice out by the end of the first chorus.  ...
Posted by Kinnar on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 09:19:00 PST

I stumbled upon this by accident and thought it was utterly retarded. It turned out I was utterly retarded for not seeing how amazingly awesome it is when taken as a whole. Check it out.  http://...
Posted by Kinnar on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 10:19:00 PST


Eric, Pear, Spanky, and I are headed into our studio Sunday morning to record another song for the "Here Comes the Smasher" album. We will most likely be joined by our new 5th member the Ger...
Posted by Kinnar on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 01:24:00 PST

Yet another new song on our Virb site

It's called "Strike While the Iron is Cold" Pear was still in Vegas for our recording session at our studio last Friday.  We didn't want to do any pre-written stuff without him, so Eric and I whi...
Posted by Kinnar on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 04:51:00 PST

another new song, and the Kinnar blueprint

Hey weiners, Another new song (from a different album) is up on our Virb page.  It's so new Pear hasn't even heard it yet.  It's called "The Wave-Vibration Structure of External Forms". ...
Posted by Kinnar on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 12:40:00 PST

Mass confusion is evident

So a few people are confused about how to hear/download the new songs. In order to make it easier, I loaded the album when the page loads scroll down a tiny bit and our 3 album co...
Posted by Kinnar on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 10:18:00 PST

3 new songs up...

On our virb page. 4 way vocals, more glockenspiels, synths, thundersheets, rainsticks...there's no coming back this time...Myspace keeps saying the files are too large, so I'll work on that shit later...
Posted by Kinnar on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 11:27:00 PST

Banged UP!!!

The four of us met up in a semi-planned fashion tonight, and even though we were all banged up before we even got together, we recorded Square Wheels from start to finish from 6 until midnight.  ...
Posted by Kinnar on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 10:18:00 PST


Who's up for some pillow talk?  You?  Alright&just cool your jets, and take off your sweats, and we'll get started&Once again Life has managed to get in the way of the rock, and we were forc...
Posted by Kinnar on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 01:39:00 PST