Boy profile picture


....Remember, Don't Concentrate On The Finger!

About Me

Acording to Bunny I'm everything she ever wanted in a Boy. So If you need additional info.... check with her.That being said.... here are a few of the things about me that make Boy be Boy.1. To best discribe me... and it may sound silly but I am child like and not at all childish! 2. Love to laugh. It's what it's all about. Having a good laugh... having fun!! Because we only get one chance at this thing called life and we might as well enjoy it while it lasts. I'm almost never serious! I like to play ALL THE TIME. 3. As soon as I was hung by my ankles and slapped on the ass I became a die-hard New York Yankee fan, New York Giants, New York Jets (gotta love'em even though they're THAT bad), New York Knicks (they are THAT BAD as well) and for my college team..... HOOK'EM HORNS! Yeah, I'm a Texas Longhorns fan too.4. I am also a fan of anything Psychotronic, Classic Horror, Sci/Fi, B-Movies God, I love B-Movies! I can't get enough of Low-Budget B Movies!! I could probably spend my whole day here typing about Low-Budget B MOVIES!5. I collect almost anything that has to do with Monsters, Sci/Fi, Fantasy and Lara Croft. 6. I can draw.... when I get in the mood.7. I spend way too much money. Don't we all?8. I love my job. I work nights... but I don't wear a cape.9. Bunny says I think I know everything. How could I when she does?10. Basically I'm just a fun loving Boy... all I wanna do is have fun and laugh. Bunny and I were made for each other!..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: brown with hints of green
Hair Color:: brown
Height:: 6 feet
Favorite Color:: bluegrey
Screen Name:: Boy
Favorite Band:: U2
Favorite Movie:: The Exorcist
Favorite Show:: Star Trek: The Original Series
Your Car::'s called feet.
Your Hometown:: Queens, New York
Your Present Town:: Astoria, Queens
Your Crushes First Name:: Marilyn Monroe
Your Grade:: grade A large.
Your Style:: My Style? You Can Call It The Art Of Fighting Without Fighting!
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: Usually On The 4th of July
Kissed someone in the rain?: Bunny
Danced in a public place?: when I went Clubbin'
Smiled for no reason?: all the time
Laughed so hard you cried?: hell yeah
Peed your pants after age 8?: all the time
Written a song?: nope
Sang to someone for no reason?: yeah
Performed on a stage?: ha... nah
Talked to someone you don't know?: I Love Fuck'n With People.
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: I Guess.
Made out in a theatre?: are you kidding me?
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: uh huh
Been in love?: AM I EVER!!!
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Bunny When She Got Up This Morning.
Tell you, I love you?: That be Bunny again.
Kiss you?: That's Bunny.
Hug you?: Bunny
Tell you BYE?: Bunny.
Write you a note?: Bunny... to tell Amanda what to do
Take your photo?: The Guy In The Photo Shop For My Pasport
Call your cell phone?: Bunny
Buy you something?: Me
Go with you to the movies?: Bunny.
Sing to you?: Bongo. He wanted me to pet his ass.
Write a poem about you?: Nobody
Text message you?: Bunny
Touch you?: Bunny.
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: Just a minute ago to these dumb questions
Time you cried?: Just a minute ago to these dumb questions
Movie you watched?: Bride Of The Monster
Joke you told?: I don't tell jokes..... well.
Song you've sang?: I sing all the time.
Time you've looked at the clock?: Just now.
Drink you've had?: Coke
Number you've dialed?: Bunny's
Book you've read?: Scary Monsters Magazine
Food you've eaten?: All the food I've eaten today?
Flavor of gum chewed?: Trident's whatever flavor
Shoes you've worn?: sneakers "converse"
Store you've been in?: Best Buy
Thing you've said?: Bunny, Tickle My Butt.
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: kinda
Whistle?: oh hell yeah! with my toes too!!
Blow a bubble?: ...even from my nose.
Roll your tounge in a circle?: ...wanna see?
Cross your eyes?: ...that's easy.
Touch your tounge to your nose?: question
Dance?: ...they don't cal me clumsy for nothing.
Gleek?: ..HUH? That monkey with the Wonder Twins?
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: this guy for real, mang?
Speak a different language?: ...does swearing count?
Impersonate someone?: ...I'm fuckin' good!
Prank call people?: ...yeah.
Make a card pyramid?: ...boring
Cook anything?: ...Bunny.
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: ...athlete... I'd do it for the $$$,$$$,$$$.$$
I wish ...: ...I grew up with Bunny. I feel cheated outta something.
So many people don't know that ...: many people don't know.
I am ...: ...what I am and that's all what I am.
My heart is ...: ...buring. I have indegestion.
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A "Getting to Know You" Survey
The Basics
Name:: Boy
Birthdate:: April 12
Birthplace:: Queens, New York
Current Location:: Queens, New York
Eye Color:: Brown (with hints of green)
Hair Color:: Brown
Height:: 6 feet
Your webpage::
Are you taken?: Yeah, Bunny took me.
Are you a virgin?: Yeah.
How many & what kind of pets do you have?: ~ pass!~
What's your job?: To be there when Bunny needs me.
What's your Dream Job?: on Monster Island.
Who is your best friend?: Bunny.
What instruments do you play?: I play with my organ.
What are your hobbies?: All the things that a Boy like me wants.
What are your goals?: To get through the day... everyday.
Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?: Mommy didn't raise an asshole.
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?: Monster and Science Fiction stuff.
How would do describe yourself?: All the things that a Boy like me wants.
What is a topic you wish you knew more about?: Ummmm.... (sigh). I dunno.
What do you daydream about?: Being Gojira.
What are your religious/spiritual beliefs?: I believe but I don't get nuts about it like some people do.
List 3 Things You Would Change About Yourself:
One:: I would be over 250 feet tall.
Two:: I would have rough, bumpy charcoal grey scales, a long powerful tail, and bone colored dorsal plates shaped like maple leaves.
Three:: My weapon would be my atomic breath. My dorsal fins would glow, and then I'd let loose a concentrated blast of radiation from my mouth.
Either / Or
Shy or Outgoing?: I'm somewhat shy until I get to know you... then LOOK OUT! I'm Such A BIG Kid.
Spender or Saver?: Spender!! Big Time!
Truth or Dare?: Truth!
Books or Movies?: Both... as long as they have what I want.
Romantic Comedy or Action Adventure?: Doesn't matter.
Cats or Dogs?: ~ neither~
Mountain or Beach?: BEACH!
Sweet or Salty?: Doesn't matter.
Do You...
Smoke?: A BIG FUCK'N YUCK!!! Disgusting.
Drink?: Yeah... Jack and Coke.
Get annoyed easily?: No way.
Like to travel?: ...sure. Am Bunny coming too?
Like to drive fast?: ...if I had a car... sure. Bunny drives real fast!!
Sing well?: Bunny likes it.
Want kids?: I'd like 2 more.
-----What would you name a boy?: Anthony.
-----What would you name a girl?: Naomi Fay
Have You Ever...
Performed on stage? In what?: Uh Uh
Been in a car accident?: I caused it.'s one of the reasons I don't drive.
Been out of the country? Where?: Germany, a few countries in South America, Mexico, Saudi Arabia.
What Is...
The last CD you bought?: Legend-The Best Of Bob Marley
The last movie you saw in the theater?: RAMBO! Sly Is Hardcore!
The last movie you rented?: I don't rent. I buy.
Your greatest fear?: Being without Bunny. I dream that crazy shit all the time.
Your greatest strength?: My love for continuous FUN! I'm a big kid at heart!
Your greatest weakness?: I gots spending fever.
Your happiest memory?: The day Bunny said "I Do!"
Your Favorite...
Movie:: The Exorcist. The Scariest Movie Ever!!
TV Show:: I have a few of them.
Actor:: Clint Eastwood and Gojira (Godzilla)
Actress:: Marilyn Monroe. I Love You Marilyn!!
Food:: Pizza
Drink:: Bunny's Coffee and Blue Drink
Color:: Greys and Midnight Blue.
Scent:: What Bunny's wearing that day.
Season & WHY:: Fall/Winter. The days are shorter and darker.
Day of the week & WHY:: That's easy. Wednesday and Thursady.
Store:: Best Buy, F.Y.E., Barns and Nobels and Borders.
Quote:: "I'm the Captain of our house, Bunny. Not you."
What Do You Think About...
Abortion:: ~sigh~ I believe in choice.
Homosexuality:: I don't give a shit. I'm not gay so respect that like I respect your choice of being gay.
God:: I believe in the Big Bawana!
Jesus:: Some things don't click... but I still believe.
Satan:: I like his red suit with that cute little pitchfork.
Heaven:: It'll be a miracle if I make it.... that's for sure.
Hell:: "When there's no more room in HELL... the dead will walk the earth." Cool. I can't wait.
Miracles:: Yeah... if I make it to heaven.
Astrology:: I like the stars and all but I don't think they have anything to do with my life.
War:: "Good God, Yall! What is it good for? Absolutely Nothing... say it again."
Ghosts:: The youtube stuff is pretty good.
Reincarnation:: ...nah.
Karma:: ...I guess.
Luck:: ...why not.
Aliens:: OH HELL YEAH!
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My Interests

Anything Psychotronic!!!

I'd like to meet:

DUH!!! The guy who invented all my interests. I just wanna shake their hands for a job well done.


Whatever I feel like listening to. Lemme see... U2 ~ The Police ~ Hall and Oats ~ Paul McCartney and Wings ~ Duran Duran (something about 80's music) ~ Fleetwood Mac ~ Elton John ~ Barry White ~ The Stylistics ~ Chicago ~ Bee Gees ~ The Beatles ~ The Doors ~ Natalie Imbruglia ~ Alanis Morissett ~ Billy Joel ~ Seal ~ Vanessa Carlton ~ There's others out there that I listen to but if I tried to sit here and list them all..... fugetaboutit!


Are you kidding me? Wanna see my DVD collection? Here are my top few in no kinda order: The Exorcist ~ The Godfathers 1 and 2 ~ Clerks ~ Mallrats ~ Chasing Amy ~ Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back ~ Clerks The Animated Series (Funny stuff!! Must own DVD!!) Clint Eastwood films of any kind! ~ The Wizard of Oz ~ Frankenstein (1931) ~ Creature from the Black Lagoon ~ Dawn of the Dead (1978) ~ Halloween ~ Ed Wood ~ Dead End ~ Public Enemy ~ Key Largo ~ The Searchers ~ Goodfellas ~ Platoon ~ The Deer Hunter ~ Night of the Living Dead ~ Dawn of the Dead ~ Day of the Dead ~ Land of the Dead ~ King Kong (1933 & Peter Jackson's remake) ~ Gojira (1954) as a matter of fact, I love all them Kaiju movies!! War of the Gargantuas (1966), King Kong Escapes (1967) "Get the ship, Kong!" or "Run away, Kong. Run away!" or "Please put me down, Kong. I don't wanna go with you." Good stuff people. I said, just a few.


Right where I like it... in the livingroom in front of the couch and in the bedroom, high above on top of the closet right in front of the bed. TV is good if it's playing some Low_Budget Psychotronic Movie! King of Queens ~ Star Trek (all 5 of the series) ~ Adventures of Superman ~ I Dream of Jeannie ~ The Simpsons ~ South Park ~ Black Scorpion ~ Batman TV-Series 1966-1968 ~ Batman the Animated Series ~ Clerks the Animated Series ~ Kung Fu ~ Buffy the Vampire Slayer ~ Charlie's Angels ~ The Sopranos ~ Miami Vice ~ The Twilight Zone ~ The Outer Limits ~ The Munsters ~ Law And Order ~ Veronica Mars


I love books. They get me through my night job. All 24 Tarzan novels by Edgar Rice Burroughs ~ The Exorcist ~ Ed Wood - Nightmare In Ecstacy ~ The Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film ~ The Marylin Encyclopedia ~ The Marylin Handbook ~ any book by Midnight Marquee ~ The Psychotronic Video Guide ~ The Star Trek Encyclopedia ~ The Star Trek Choronolgy ~ The Official Three Stooges Encyclopedia ~ The Complete Series of The Monster Times Newspaper, I got lots a books and magazines.


See section "I'd like to meet" for a full briefing.
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My Blog

I Work In Outer Space Now.... Almost By Myself.

Ever since I started this new Star Trek: Deep Space Nine page...  WOW! I gotta admit the page kicks ass. And I'm not done with it yet either. I should of worked in outer space a long ago.   ...
Posted by Boy on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 03:38:00 PST

Dare I Say It....

...but Bunny is right. The fact that I was soooo caught up in Star Trek this and Star Trek that, I failed to remember one thing. And, as Bunny has pointed out to me, it's a BIGGIE!   Ready?  ...
Posted by Boy on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 05:42:00 PST

Deep Space Nine

My new myspace page... Deep Space Nine is up and running...  although it is undergoing a major refit. And as you can guess Bunny has "friend requested" me after I told her that I was really only ...
Posted by Boy on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 06:12:00 PST

Hey Boy... Do Ya Have A Moment?

Todays episode: "Hey Boy....  Do You Have A Moment?" Starring - Boy and a cast of exciting young actors. So....  strange things have been happening to me lately. In fact...  it's always...
Posted by Boy on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 11:30:00 PST

Another Sucky Blog!

I went to work last night and I sat at the door and looked out at people walking by I also did some crossword puzzles and I read my Filmfax magazine it's an old issue I'm reading all my magazines...
Posted by Boy on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 04:56:00 PST

And Yet.... It Has Come To This.

Sorry friends, but the ultimate challenge between Bunny and I...  was called off. There will be no "24 Hour Silence Contest" Bunny and I sat down yesterday, and after hammering out all the "...
Posted by Boy on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 04:57:00 PST

It Has Come To This.

Bunny....  in her never ending quest to defeat me in everything possible has offered up a challenge to me that I, your humble and dearest friend, could not pass up. Bunny...  in her never en...
Posted by Boy on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 08:40:00 PST

I Like BOY!

And if you opened this blog...  then you must like Boy too! Don't try to quick get out and hope that nobody saw you...  YOU KNOW YOU OPENED THIS BLOG...  so don't lie to yourself. It's ...
Posted by Boy on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 05:35:00 PST

*84? You Gotta Be Frikkn Kiddin Me!

84 blog views? In one day? Who's Bull Jivin' who here? This is something even Ripley wouldn't believe! ~sigh~ Whatever! Hey Tom! The blog numbers are messing up again! I think you might need to stop b...
Posted by Boy on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 05:36:00 PST

Todays Blog.

So....  Bunny made it. Wasn't exactly the blogs I was looking for. But....  Bunny made it. I can't sleep. I'm running on almost 3 hours sleep and I've got work tonight again. I think all the...
Posted by Boy on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 11:13:00 PST