I'd like to meet the other part of me. A man that I can share life with. He is someone that believes in prayer, and loves to have conversation with our Heavenly Father. This person does not expect that life will always fall into place, as he knows of the world,,, but he is nurtured and fulfilled by truth, because it is his constant companion. He can talk to God and Jesus anytime, out loud or speaking deeply from the depths of his soul. He is the sacred part that completes and 'seals' my heart and his,,, a knowing that we belong together! Someone who can always feel me and my thoughts, knows of my goods, bads, sads, who helps me to grow, and so, we are able to balance each other. He may not be Jesus, but he definately has his 'tone', empathy, compassion and love.
Sometimes, to find the time on the weather channel. Actually, If These Walls Could Talk, History and comedy
Anything that is teachable
Jesus, Martin Luther King, Lassie, Santa Claus, Samson, those that give Solely with their Hearts and not with their Pride to look good. Many have given their lives in good pursuits. A sober heart that can hear, feel, and speak truth. Well many are hero's and many are not...