Myspace Layouts at / MAL
Myspace Layouts at / MAL
Daniel Amos, 77s, The Choir, Adam Again, Lost Dogs, Acres, Paper Sun, Michael Knott, 16 Horsepower, Woven Hand, Adam Again, Survivor, This Train, Beki Hemingway, Queen, Ticklepenny Corner, Jennifer Daniels, Vigilantes of Love, Luxury, Randy Stonehill, Over The Rhine, David Ryan Harris, Aunt Bettys, LSU, Violet Burning, Ashley Cleveland, Swirling Eddies, Modern Hero, Brand New Immortals, Peter Case, Jacob's Trouble, Cush, Mute Math, The Myriad, Hundred Year Storm, Bernard.
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Star Trek II: Wrath of Kahn (baby!), Evil Dead, Shaun of the Dead, Original Star Wars trilogy, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Princess Bride, Blues Brothers, Jaws, Strange Brew (eh!)
Spaced:Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: ..The Office (UK) ..
Bible - New American Standard Version, Fredrick Beuchner (I'm just getting around to reading him) . . . I probably could stand to read alot more than I do.
My dad . . . he's really one cool cat, er Hawkeye! Danny Wuerffel - one of the best examples of what a human being should be like. Terry Scott Taylor - he's inspired me countless times through the years with his expressing truths creatively in song with his bands - Daniel Amos, the Swirling Eddies, the Lost Dogs - and also in his solo music. It's a huge blessing to be able to experience this.