Poetry, Music and Spoken Word Poetry, Fashion, etc....I love Poetry -I have a very blessed Open Mic Venue in Springfield, IL along with my Partner Dwayne Bess...it is called Expressions in the Dark and we have been blessed to have had our stage Blessed with some of the Midwest and Nations most talented Poets and Spokenword Artist From Chill The Player, Impakt, Butterfly, Triple Blak, Ms. Interpretation, Mr. Talley and from the Musical World "Tracy Mitchell" and many many more...
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Who I'd Like To Meet:...Poetic people! Who love to do their thing....Sexy people you know the ones that just have that "It" about them, that we just don't know what it is about them that makes them sooo damn sexy.Not saying FINE, CUTE.....I mean SEXY.....Sexiness whew weee..that's where it's at!
Gospel Music -Kirk, Daryl Coley, Fred, Er Body... Jazz - Way to many to name....WAYYYY Neo - Soul- Musiq, India, Floetry, Jill, Tracy, Will, again way to many....Maya, the other Jill R & B - Okay you know this is way to many to name..
Lord of the Rings I II & IIIHarry Potter allBrown Sugar Love Jones Two Can Play that Game Deliver Us From Eva The Brotha's As you can see I love Black Love! :-)
Charmed Project Runway Girlfriends Just the two of Us Okay all the UPN MONDAY NIGHT SHOWS........All The CSI's....Okay all of this is when I have time to watch TV which usually isn't until 12:00 am HA!
Mostly Poetry Books...However I love books that Help the Soul, nuture the mind, calm the spirit , and show how to line your pockets while still being a beacon of light for your community.I.E.T.D. Jakes Tavis Smiley Eric Jerome Dickey Maya Angelou
My Daddy, & My Mommy....Joel P.E. KingMary PriceTina Miller, Sonya Williams, Valerie Wiggins - Very Strong Beautiful Women who have faced some unbelieveable tragedy's and still stand like Poetic Statues of Grace and Strength...They keep it real with me and keep me grounded .....I love them with my whole heart