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We the people of Christophe Graffitti, in order to form a more perfect apparel, establish concepts, ensure design quality, manufacture for the common masses, promote the brand name and secure the market of fashion to ourselves and our target, do ordain and establish this clothesline for Christophe Graffitti Designer Paraphernalia (CGDP).Manifesto
Christophe Graffitti Designer Paraphernalia (CGDP) is a new line of sportswear clothing faceted for the versatile All-American young male ages 15-35 years of age. "We are a brand of clothing apparel with strong visual expression and design quality; ideas conscious to the streets where image is everything". Our main objective is "to create a line of sportswear clothing that's comfortable for anyone, casually known to everyone". So who are we? "Christophe Graffitti . . . the only graffiti allowed".As a result of a "less work and more play" attitude of young America, the behavior of society has shifted its economy's supply and demand to market apparel associated with their lifestyle. Christophe Graffitti clothesline consist of all original graphic apparel, hats, and etc. Our quality full cut tees are 100% preshrunk cotton, ranging in colors and sizes up to Big & Tall; these degrees of freedom are just a few of the advantages that CGDP gives to our customers, creating the ultimate shopping experience."Advantages that give both CGDP and our As our market share increases, our product line will expand, carrying a wide range of denim, tops, bottoms, headgear and accessories. So what brand are we? "Christophe Graffitti . . . the only graffiti allowed".Christophe Graffitti was established in January of 2002 by William C. Harris (CEO) and wife Jocelyn L. Harris (COO). With our corporate office out The STL(St. Louis, MO) our "Midwest Flavor" is centered to travel coast to coast. Being conscious to the streets, Christophe Graffitti has been in the minds of individuals in coast to coast to retailers in every city and state nationwide. Whenver you're ready for the ultimate shopping experience, holla!Thanks for visiting us here at www.christophegraffitti.com. We are ready to launch full speed ahead. Ride the freight train and jump the bandwagon. All aboard?
Again, thanks for visiting us here. Remember, "Christophe Graffitti... the only graffitti allowed".