i'm a studio monkey that is occasionally let out to play. guitar, tiddlywinks, piano, flugelhorn. in that order.
i grew up on a desert island in the english channel. i managed to save up all my milk teeth one by one as they fell out, eventually having enough to build a basic saw. i knew from the island library that most deserted island dwellers built rafts to escape. booooring. i built a ford gt, entirely out of palm trees and coconut husks. and it wasn't one of the new versions either - this was a classic 1966 ford gt.
after driving round and round in really fast circles, i flagged down a passing ferry and arrived in the uk.
theres a grey area between the ages of 15 and 21 that no amount of psychoanalysis has been able to unravel, and so, i find myself aged 25, living and working in london.
since joining myspace, i have systematically eradicated all my non-internet/myspace-using friends, until the list you see below is actually a genuine list of my friends in its entirety.
since then, i've gone one step further. any indvidual on my friends list who doesn't log on for over 30 days gets a call from me and a hammer in the early hours of the morning....
in my spare time i enjoy building patios.