tom benny profile picture

tom benny

special benny is my new best friend.

About Me

i'm a studio monkey that is occasionally let out to play. guitar, tiddlywinks, piano, flugelhorn. in that order.
i grew up on a desert island in the english channel. i managed to save up all my milk teeth one by one as they fell out, eventually having enough to build a basic saw. i knew from the island library that most deserted island dwellers built rafts to escape. booooring. i built a ford gt, entirely out of palm trees and coconut husks. and it wasn't one of the new versions either - this was a classic 1966 ford gt.
after driving round and round in really fast circles, i flagged down a passing ferry and arrived in the uk.
theres a grey area between the ages of 15 and 21 that no amount of psychoanalysis has been able to unravel, and so, i find myself aged 25, living and working in london.
since joining myspace, i have systematically eradicated all my non-internet/myspace-using friends, until the list you see below is actually a genuine list of my friends in its entirety.
since then, i've gone one step further. any indvidual on my friends list who doesn't log on for over 30 days gets a call from me and a hammer in the early hours of the morning....
in my spare time i enjoy building patios.

My Interests

googlism for: tom corbett

tom corbett is called upon to halt sabotage of a cargo firing tube tom corbett is finally stepping out from his comfortable role as sideman tom corbett is a reliable investment the people of toni mendez inc tom corbett is set in the 24th century tom corbett is its realism tom corbett is one of those players who just stands there making it look easy tom corbett is a well tom corbett is the chairman of the firm?s estate planning and administration department tom corbett is the chairman of the firm's private client services group tom corbett is an alumnus of this illustrious group from the new west and combines intelligence with wit in his writing and playing tom corbett is confident of the priorities that lay ahead tom corbett is a client tom corbett is co tom corbett is dead boxing he was “the jim o’leary of the pacific coast” 1 tom corbett is more pessimistic tom corbett is a vice president of creditek tom corbett is vice president of creditek llc

I'd like to meet:

.. the guy who stuffs all the olives, the guy who takes all the pips out of the grapes, jimi hendrix' family gp, shaft, and this little lamb..


EURGGH i hate music. its what people who don't go to church and take drugs and have sex listen to.i prefer sinewave tones, as kindly supplied by the english broadcasting union.having said that, i am rather partial to the music of special benny, who let me hold guitars on stage with them and denounce all the infidels. i think owing to the loudness of their concerts the crowd think i am enjoying the experience, when in fact i am shouting YOU WILL ALL BURN IN FLAMES!!!


my crazy family. xxx

My Blog

special benny recording in esher

Posted by tom benny on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 01:22:00 PST

halloween party

Posted by tom benny on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 06:16:00 PST

spweshal bwenny @ the fox

all photo's by casey purkiss (except the ones that aren't) ...
Posted by tom benny on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 05:38:00 PST

late late party photos from bazooka's birthday

Posted by tom benny on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 05:56:00 PST

when ben and steve start laughing....

... no-one can stop them....
Posted by tom benny on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 01:44:00 PST

south africa

Posted by tom benny on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 01:24:00 PST

what a weekend

what a weekend, i'm knackered. i think i should write about all the stuff we dealt with on here rather than on the special benny blog, as you guys are my friends, and will sympathise, rather than just...
Posted by tom benny on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 05:00:00 PST

new years eve with 4/6 of special benny...

"i've found the perfect costume - i'm going as jackie onassis" so ben turns up in a fake chanel suit looking more camilla parker bowles than jackie o.   grace decides that maybe some make-up...
Posted by tom benny on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 06:33:00 PST


i went to see mono at the camden underworld last night, they were rather good. however, due to drunken hunger i bought dodgy kebab meat on the way home, and today my breath has killed people, and t...
Posted by tom benny on Mon, 05 Dec 2005 04:38:00 PST