It is my hope to follow in the footsteps of the Silver Machine (my prior platform and production company) and begin spotlighting important art, music and creations here in the Crescent City as welll as the usual array of Post K issues from a native perspective.
ATTENTION: A Few Quick Rules About Comments.
I encourage the posting of band news, events, shows, etc in the comments here. The only bands I will allow as friends (i.e. with the ability to post comments) are those either from New Orleans, featuring New Orleans musicians, or with some other strong link to the city.
If anyone posts large pictures, animations or other html goodies that throw off the page layout they will get deleted.
Posts not pertaining to New Orleans in some fashion will be denied.
All comments related to New Orleans are welcome. Flaming or unneccesary vitriol will be summarily deleted. Please be nice to each other, we have been through enough already.
If you have any suggestions please leave them as comments or email me directly at humidcity (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks for stopping by! Tell your friends! New Orleans WILL Rise Again!