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Humid City

Humid City on MySpace

About Me

Loki from Humid City here, welcome to our MySpace outpost on the interenet!
It is my hope to follow in the footsteps of the Silver Machine (my prior platform and production company) and begin spotlighting important art, music and creations here in the Crescent City as welll as the usual array of Post K issues from a native perspective.

ATTENTION: A Few Quick Rules About Comments.

    I encourage the posting of band news, events, shows, etc in the comments here. The only bands I will allow as friends (i.e. with the ability to post comments) are those either from New Orleans, featuring New Orleans musicians, or with some other strong link to the city. If anyone posts large pictures, animations or other html goodies that throw off the page layout they will get deleted. Posts not pertaining to New Orleans in some fashion will be denied. All comments related to New Orleans are welcome. Flaming or unneccesary vitriol will be summarily deleted. Please be nice to each other, we have been through enough already.
Currently I am hunting down friends, bands and music to add to the friends list while I explore the capabilities of MySpace. This is all for New Orleanians (at home and amongst the diaspora) and those who share our love of the Crescent City. Stay informed, get involved, visit often!
If you have any suggestions please leave them as comments or email me directly at humidcity (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks for stopping by! Tell your friends! New Orleans WILL Rise Again!

My Interests

Sharing resources and information in post apocalyptic New Orleans. From punk shows and bluegrass to community activism and news that gets kept quiet we are trying to create and solidify our community and to safeguard and nurture its creative culture (from funk to punk, jazz to metal, bluegrass to hip-hop).(In other words share resources, unify the scene, stay informed.)

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with an interest in or love for New Orleans!

Anyone willing to assist in making Humid City better and more useful.


Liquidrone, The Bingo Show, The Normals, Morning 40 Federation, George Porter, Johnny Sketch and the Dirty Notes, Hazard County Girls, Coco Robicheaux, Mike West, Zydepunks, Gimp, Antactica vs. The World, Consortium of Genius, Dr. John, Rotary Downs, Sidney Bechet and much much more....


Zombie vs. Mardi Gras


    WYES Cox 10C.O.G TV Morgus The Magnificent Timecode: NOLA The Dewdrop Inn


1 Dead In Attic by Chris Rose


Everyone who is back (except the idiots shooting people!)

Everyone who helped.

Everyone who refuses to allow us to go quietly into the night.

Big Chief Tootie Montana ..

My Blog

Dice Jockies Episode One Brilliant work by a variety of local talents you should already know!...
Posted by Humid City on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 08:24:00 PST

Ashley Morris Fund - Please Help

A major voice in the New Orleans blogosphere has gone silent, widowing a Rollergirl and orphaning three tiny children. As various local groups prepare a benefit we see major obstacles looming for the ...
Posted by Humid City on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 01:05:00 PST


I’ll be frank, I cannot stand MySpace. It has a very useful place in the internet ecosystem, but I find it irritating nonetheless. With that in mind I would like to aim you at the location of th...
Posted by Humid City on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 05:12:00 PST

Wizards of "OZ

Hey out there in interweb land, Loki here, reporting the latest from the musical free for all that is the WWOZ Pledge Drive! Brian Stoltz was here earlier knocking out some really sweet tunes solo o...
Posted by Humid City on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 03:07:00 PST


There are SO many things going on in the city right now: numerous news articles in the local and national media about NOLA residents arming themselves agaisnt crime, Bush crony companies (MWI) providi...
Posted by Humid City on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 11:29:00 PST

The Sickest Show on Earth

Hurry, hurry, hurry! Step right up for the Sickest Show on Earth! For the low price of your peace of mind you may see sights unknown to the First World!In Blue Tarp Tent Number One you can watch the D...
Posted by Humid City on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 08:43:00 PST


If you are looking for the Humid City Blog it can be found at Humid City If you are looking for the Humid City Commmunity on LiveJournal it can be found here. We occupy three places on the web in o...
Posted by Humid City on Thu, 18 May 2006 03:13:00 PST