David profile picture


R rated at least! Adults only.

About Me

I'm a 32 year old male and I live in the pacific northwest. Oh, you want more information than just that, eh? Well, I'm 6 feet tall. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. Damn it, I hate writing this crap....
Um, yeah, I like sports, all sports. Football, Hockey, Lacrosse, Tennis, I have begun biking again. I used to do a ton of that shit, but that was 10 years ago. This year I started back up. It's good although right now it is damn hot out.
Seeing as it is winter I am in full out snowboarding mode. I'm not great but I love it. I go all the time. I love my Burton p1 bindings. Switch to capstrap if you haven't already. So comfortable. If I'm not on here I am on the mountain or on my bike :)
What else do I like? Movies, some books, animals, cars, music. You know the basics. I think most of us like the same things. I'm into politics but then that just pisses me off so I sort of avoid it these days. I wish the world was a better place. I get so tired of the news. It's just depressing these days and yet I'm still drawn to it. Must be that car wreck mentality.
Well, hopefully we can learn more about each other through this wonderful cyber place. Drop me a line, I'll write back.

My Interests

Here is a bit about me:
I love footballMore specifically I love the Seattle Seahawks...

So what, I drink Canadian beer

I think I'm buying this car I test drove it and love it...I love Sin City.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone I suppose. I guess I should add an adendum to that. I would like to meet anyone, does that mean I want to become best friends? No, I would like to meet people like you do in life. Some friends, some that you just know and say hi to each other in passing. I am a social person, this is a social site. Sounds like a good fit. Don't becaome my friend if your like 14 and you want to talk sex. I'm an adult. If your an adult and you want to talk sex, that's another matter ;)
Anyway add me, talk with me. Let's create a nice little community.

Wanna help me meet your friends? Click here and show me to them!

Look it's all one world!

You have been marked on my profile map!


I like a bit of everything. Country, Rock, R&B, Classical, Jazz. Truly I have learned that you can listen to any type and enjoy it. Metal, Techno and Rap. I really just like to have a melody or beat to listen to. I guess my life needs a soundtrack.
Here's a few songs, by no means is this a great representation of all my tastes. Enjoy.....


I abso-fucking-lutely love movies. I own hundreds. I love all genres; action, drama, comedy, adult, you name it.Favorites are too tough to name. I'll post a list in a few days, how would that be? I'll even try and break it down by genre.


JAG, NCIS, Deadwood, Buffy, NFL oh and of course this little show...


Mathew Pearl is my vogue author right now. Wait am I a guy? I just wrote that I have a fucking "vogue author", somebody shoot me.


Me, why because when a quiz says you have a 157 sexual IQ you have to like yourself. You have a sexual IQ of 157

When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends.

Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.comIn seriousness, I'm not sure I could say who my heros are. My heros are people who stay true to themselves, have fun, and make the world a better place. It is a large and varied group but I respect them. Oh also anyone who can play an instrument. I tried and I suck. I do other things well though!

My Blog

Vanessa Lane

Join the Vanessa Lane fan group:click her pic or copy this in your browser:http://groups.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=group s.groupProfile&groupid=101657389&redirect=1&Mytoken=A2552F86 -9E2F-4597-A0...
Posted by David on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 06:19:00 PST

July baby

So, I got asked if that was a 69 in my contact table. Now I'm into the 69 action and all but sadly it has a much less sexual representation. It is the symbol for Cancer, my birth sign. I get that ques...
Posted by David on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 10:48:00 PST


Did anyone watch the games this weekend? I mean jeez that Seahawks game was a classic. Watching the coach from the Rams yelling that the game was over and then seeing Brown drill the 54 yarder, classi...
Posted by David on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 10:29:00 PST

Life thus far

Well, Operation Bike to Death is working fantasically. I have moved from 12 miles a day to 16 miles a day. I have added wieghts, crunches, pull ups, Push ups and Yoga to get a total fitness. We'll see...
Posted by David on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 08:32:00 PST

New Friends!

Well, thanks to the train I have a few new friends. I notice though that I have not gotten to write to them yet so I am going to make it my goal to change that. Ever friend on my friend list will hear...
Posted by David on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 02:31:00 PST

Merry Christmas

Hey all!  I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to all of you out there. I hope you get all you want and that you have a wonderful new year!
Posted by David on Sun, 25 Dec 2005 01:39:00 PST