Algorithms, Chrono Trigger, cooking, cream soda, crosswords, drawing, Gene Wolfe, ideas, immortality, Japan, palindromes, photography, piano, procrastination, reading, sarcasm, UCLA, C++, writing, urban spelunking, miso soup, content, wordplay, womanizing, drugs, rock and roll, badass vegas halls, late night booty calls, shiny disco balls.
I'd like to meet:
Someone who likes bread endpieces but not necessarily pizza crusts.
(Remember: There's more than one way to beat a dead horse.)
There is no wrong eat a Rhesus. (Mmmonkey!)
Videogame music, electronica, rock, snap, crackle, pop, chants of the benedictine monks of Santa Domingo De Silla (no other monks or chanting will do), alternatives to alternative, jumbo shrimp, elevated subways, new age; the artist formerly known as The Artist, formerly known as 'the artist formerly known as Prince'".
The 5th Element (it mu5t be found!), Spirited Away, Dark City, The Fountain
Television is an important tool which imparts social mores and can in a limited way show us the bigger world beyond our mundane daily routines and which I rarely watch.
Neuromancer, Cryptonomicon, Snow Crash, Diaspora, Permutation City, Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates