Maldoror the Great profile picture

Maldoror the Great

I am making you suffer for my own pleasure.

About Me

The story is told that I was born in the arms of deafness! In the first years of my childhood, I could not hear what was said to me. When, with the greatest difficulty, they had taught me to speak, it was not until after I had read on a sheet of paper what someone had written that I could in turn communicate the thread of my ideas.
One day, woeful day, I had grown in beauty and innocence. Everyone admired the intelligence and goodness of the divine youth. Many a conscience blushed inwardly when it contemplated those clear features in which his soul was enshrined. No one approached him without veneration, for they had noticed in his eyes the look of an angel. But no, I knew only too well that the happy roses of youth would not flower perpetually, wreathed in capricious garlands, on his modest and noble brow, which all mothers used to kiss with frenzied devotion.
It was beginning to seem to me that the universe, with its starry vault of impassable and tormentingly mysterious globes, was not perhaps the most imposing thing I had dreamt of. And so, one day, tired of trudging along the steep path on this earthly journey, trudging along like a drunkard through the dark catacombs of life, I slowly raised my splenetic eyes, ringed with bluish circles, towards the concavity of the firmament and I, who was so young, dared to penetrate the mysteries of heaven!
Not finding what I was seeking, I lifted my eyes higher, and higher still, until I saw a throne made of human excrement and gold, on which was sitting - with idiotic pride, his body draped in a shroud of unwashed hospital linen - he who calls himself the Creator!

My Interests

The avalanche of snow falling from the high mountain; the lioness in the barren desert lamenting the disappearance of its cubs; the tempest accomplishing its destined purpose; the condemned man groaning in prison on the eve of his execution; and the savage octopus telling the waves of the sea of his victory over swimmers and the shipwrecked ...

I'd like to meet:

Oh you, whoever you may be, when you are beside me, do not let any sound escape your vocal cords; do not with your larynx strive to outdo the nightingale; and, for yourself, do not on any account attempt to make your soul known to me by means of language. Maintain a religious silence, uninterrupted by the least sound. Cross your hands humbly on your breast, and lower your eyelids.


I could not answer him; for the tortures inflicted on man's weakness in that hideous red sea passed with their burning wings against my singed hair.


I remembered what I had seen one day above the visible spheres, and the translation of my stifled feelings into a violent yell, the tone of which was identical to that of my fellow-beings!


A fifth sense had developed in me! But what pleasure could I have derived from such a realization? Since then, no human sound has reached my ears without bringing with it the feeling of grief which pity for great injustice arouses.


"The Lemegenomicon"; "Claviculae de Solomonis Regis"; My own book, "Les Chants de Maldoror". Other infernal tomes may be included at a later date.


Later, when I knew mankind better, this feeling of pity was coupled with intense rage against this tiger-like stepmother whose hardened children know only how to curse and do evil. The brazen lie! They say that evil is the exception among them! That was long ago; since then I have not spoken a word to anyone.

My Blog

Happy Unbirthday To Me

Happy Unbirthday to Me. April 4th, 1869.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted by Maldoror the Great on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 11:43:00 PST

Curse the Vast!

Curse the VastI curse the Vast!That which propelled me that day from one placeto anotherout of Itselfto an emptinesscalled VoidWhat was I unto you?A sore to be obliterated?A seed to cast upon barren g...
Posted by Maldoror the Great on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 11:17:00 PST

The Mountains of Madness

The Mountains of Madness(An Automatic Writing)Isidore Lucien Ducasse 2006He comesfrom belowwith a terrible rowBeneath ancient snow(the slow-breaking floe)of the Ancient OneBelowHe does not sleep, begi...
Posted by Maldoror the Great on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 05:52:00 PST

The Qabalah of Fashion

:198: Greetings, In response to an interesting question regarding Thelemic fashion trends (yes, I am aware it is, in essence, an oxymoronic idea ;) I was stirred to meditate on the usually-consi...
Posted by Maldoror the Great on Sat, 11 Feb 2006 08:38:00 PST

The Number 81 - Sacred to Luna and Her Haunted Path

Today's number is 81 ... the number of visits to my site up to today's date. I enjoy the way the Qabalah inspires me ... tonight, a new poem will birth in honor of the lovely Moon. Until then, feast y...
Posted by Maldoror the Great on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 09:06:00 PST

In Honor of the 77th Viewer Profile - Liber Oz!

Z Liber LXXVII (77) "The law of the strong: this is our law and the joy of the world." -- AL. II. 2 "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." -- AL. I. 40 "Thou hast no rig...
Posted by Maldoror the Great on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 06:10:00 PST

Dreams of Vassago

~An Automatic Writing~ Comte de Lautreamont © 2006 You come to me in dreams dressed as Agares but, I know you old friend Astride your reptilian steed Crocodile, or alligator exiled from the...
Posted by Maldoror the Great on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 12:09:00 PST

Ashtaroth and the Golden Angels

~An Automatic Writing~ Le Comte de Lautreamont © 2006 Hail! The newfound jagged crown of gold Lace curls froth about the cherubic head of a young boy Words of a future gospel writer His childli...
Posted by Maldoror the Great on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 10:38:00 PST

Wishing You An Infernally Joyous 2006!

May all your fondest nightmares come true! Wishing you all the Very Beast, Maldoror ~Le Comte de Lautreamont~
Posted by Maldoror the Great on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 01:25:00 PST

Rubeus The Accursed - An Automatic, Geomantic Poem

~Automatic Writing~ Dies Veneris, Luna in Capricornus, Sol in Capricornus Witness after witness The Mother, the Nephew the Judge All from the shaking die Twisted prophecy of the Eye I shall...
Posted by Maldoror the Great on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 09:41:00 PST